Ps2 spill. Massevis av titler. En del sjeldne og noen sealed!
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Plattform: Playstation
Listen er oppdatert 23.01.25, bilder er eldre, så gå etter listen.
50kr rabatt ved kjøp av 3 spill. 200kr rabatt ved kjøp av 10 spill
De fleste spill er komplette med manual og har enten engelsk eller skandinaviske språk på cover. Noen unntak. Men såvidt jeg vet så er det engelsk tekst ingame på unntakene.
Hvis språk på cover m.m. er viktig, ta kontakt og spør om spillene du er interessert av.
007 everything or nothing 100kr
Action girlz racing 75kr
Action man atom 75kr
Agent hugo hula holiday 250kr
Agent hugo roborumble 150kr
Alone in the dark 150kr
Alpine ski racing 2007, 150kr
Alvin and the chipmunks 100kr
Animal soccer world 150kr
Ape escape 3, SOLGT
Aqua teen hunger force 150kr
Aqua teen hunger force sealed 300kr
Arc twilight of the spirits 200kr
Area 51, 75kr
Art of fighting anthology 600kr
Athens 2004, 75kr
Babe 75kr
Bakugan battle brawlers 100kr
Baldurs gate dark alliance 200kr
Baldurs gate dark alliance 2, 300kr
Bards tale SOLGT
Barnyard SOLGT
Battlefield 2 modern combat 75kr
Bee movie 100kr
Ben 10 alien force 75kr
Ben 10 protector of earth 75kr
Beyond good and evil 150kr
Biker mice from mars 200kr
Biler disney pixar SOLGT
Black 75kr
Black & bruised 100kr
Bloodrayne 150kr
Bob the builder 100kr
Bombastic 150kr
Boog & elliot 75kr
Boogie 50kr
Bratz forever diamondz 150kr
Bratz girlz really rock 300kr
Bratz rock angelz 150kr
Breath of fire 5 dragon quarter 200kr
Broken sword, 100kr
Brothers in arms road to hill 30, 75kr
Buffy chaos bleeds 200kr
Burnout dominator 100kr
Burnout 3 takedown
Bust a bloc 75kr
Buzz spill se separat annonse
BYW Backyard wrestling 100kr
Call of duty finest hour 75kr
Canis canem edit (the bully) 150kr
Cartoon network racing 150kr
Casper and the ghostly trio 75kr
Caspers scare school 100kr
Castlevania lament of innosense 600kr
Catwoman 100kr
Championship manager 5, 50kr
Chaos legion 100kr
Charlie and the chocolate factory 75kr
Charlottes web 75kr
Codename kids next door 100kr
Colin mcrae rally 3, 100kr
Combat ace 100kr
Commandos 2, 75kr
Conan 75kr
Conflict desert storm 75kr
Conflict desert storm 2, 75kr
Conflict global storm SOLGT
Conspiracy weapons of mass destruction 200kr
Constantine 100kr
Cool shot 75kr
Coraline SOLGT
Crash action pack (tag team racing, twinsanity og nitro kart i samme pakke) 400KR
Crash mind over mutant 200kr
Crash nitro kart SOLGT
Crash of the titans SOLGT
Crash the wrath of cortex 150kr
Crazy taxi 100kr
CSI 75kr
Dance fest 50kr
Dance uk 75kr
Dancing stage fever 100kr
Dancing stage max 150kr
Dancing stage megamix 100kr
Dancing stage supernova 150kr
Dancing stage supernova 2, 150kr
Dark cloud 2 NTSC 300kr
Death by degrees 450kr
Deus ex 100kr
Devil may cry ntsc 75kr
Devil may cry 3 NTSC 150kr
Devil summoner meget sjelden og strøken stand 2000kr
Digimon world 4, 300kr
Dinosaur adventure 75kr
Dirge of cerberus FF7, SOLGT
Dirt track devils 75kr
Disney pixar Biler / Cars 150kr
Disney pixar Biler / Cars mater-national 200kr
Disney pixar cars race o rama 250kr
Disneys chicken little ace in action 100kr
Disneys dinosaur 100kr
Disneys donald duck quack attack SOLGT
Disneys g force 100kr
Disneys kim possible 150kr
Disney move 100kr
Disneys tarzan freeride 100kr
Disney pixar ratatoille 100kr
Disneys sjørøverplaneten 100kr
Disneys stitch 150kr
Disneys Wall-e 150kr
Disneys Winnie the Pooh Rumbly Tumbly Adventure 150kr
Doa2 hardcore NTSC 150kr
Dogs life SOLGT
Dogz 150kr
Dora the explorer, journey to the purple planet 100kr
Dragon ball z budokai 2, 150kr
Dragon ball z budokai 3, 200kr
Dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3, 600kr
Dragon ball z infinite world sealed 1200kr
Dragon rage 100kr
Dragon sisters 1000kr
Dr. Dolittle 100kr
Driven to destruction 200kr
Driving emotion type s 75kr
Driver 3, 75kr
Dynasty warriors 5 empires sealed 500kr
Enter the matrix 100kr
Enthusia 300kr
Eragon 75kr
ESPN winter X-games snowboarding 75kr
European tennis pro 50kr
Everquest online adventures 100kr
Everybodys golf 75kr
Everybodys tennis 50kr
Eyetoy groove 50kr
Eyetoy kinetic 50kr
Eyetoy monkey mania SOLGT
Eyetoy play 2, 50kr
Eyetoy play 3, 50kr
Eyetoy play astro zoo 50kr
Eyeroy play hero 100kr
Eyetoy play sports 50kr
F1 Championship Season 2000, 75kr
F1 2002, 50kr
F1 career challenge 100kr
Ferrari 355 challenge SOLGT
Fifa 2003, 50kr
Fifa 2004, 50kr
Fifa 2005, 50kr
Fifa 07 50kr
Fifa 09 75kr
Fifa 10, 75kr
Fifa 11 100kr
Fifa fotballs-VM 2006, 75kr
Fighting fury 75kr
Final fantasy VII dirge of cerberus 200kr
Final fantasy X, 100kr
Final fantasy X NTSC 150kr
Final fantasy X platinum 75kr
Final fantasy X-2, 100kr
Final fantasy X-2 NTSC 100kr
Final fantasy X-2 platinum 75kr
Final fantasy XII 100kr
Final fantasy XII NTSC 100kr
Final fantasy XII sealed SOLGT
Finding nemo 100kr
Flow urban dance uprising 50kr
Football mania LEGO 100kr
Ford racing 3, 75kr
Ford street racing 75kr
Formula one 05, 75kr
Franklin, a birthday surprise 150kr
Freedom fighters 100kr
From Russia with love 100kr
Ghost in the shell stand alone complex 300kr
Ghost recon jungle storm 75kr
Girl zone 100kr
Gitaroo man 600kr
Go diego go safari rescue ZOO SOLGT
Go kart rally 150kr
God of war 150kr
God of war 2 special edition 500kr
Godzilla save the earth NTSC 600kr
Goldeneye rogue agent 75kr
Grandia SOLGT
Grand prix challenge 100kr
Grand theft auto 3, 100kr
Grand theft auto liberty city stories 150kr
Grand theft auto san andreas 150kr
Gran turismo 3 platinum 75kr
Gran Turismo 4, 75kr
Gran turismo concept 2002, 100kr
Growlanser heritage of war 1000kr
G surfers 75kr
Gt racers 75kr
Gudfaren 75kr
Guitar hero spill, se egen annonse
Gun 75kr
Gungriffon Blaze 75kr
Gustaf 2, 75kr
Hannah Montana Spotlight World Tour 75kr
Happy feet 100kr
Harry potter and the philosophers stone ( og de vises stein ) 700kr
Harry potter og fangen fra azkaban SOLGT
Harry potter og føniksordenen SOLGT
Harry potter og halvblodsprinsen 250kr
Harry potter og ildbegeret 100kr
Hasbro family game night 150kr
Headhunter redemption 75kr
Herdy gerdy 100kr
Heroes of might & magic 150kr
Heroes of the pacific 75kr
High school musical 3 senior year dance 100kr
Hitman contracts 75kr
Hitman 2, 75kr
Hitta nemo 100kr
Homerun 50kr
Horsez 100kr
Hugo bukkazoom 100kr
Hugo cannoncruise 150kr
Hugo magi i trollskogen 250kr
Hunter the reckoning wayward 100kr
Hunter the Reckoning: Wayward NTSC 150kr
Ice age 2, 150kr
Ice age 3, 200kr
Indiana jones and the staff of kings 300kr
International superstar soccer 75kr
Iridium runners 150kr
Iron man 75kr
Island xtreme stunts 200kr
Jade cocoon 2, 250kr
Jak 1, 100kr
Jak 3 (komplett med demo disc) 250kr
Jak and daxter the lost frontier sealed 700kr
James bond 007 everything or nothingl 75kr
Jet ion GP 75kr
Jimmy neutron 100kr
Jordbær matilde 75kr
Judge dredd vs death 100kr
Juiced 75kr
Juiced 2, 75kr
Jumanji 100kr
Just cause 75kr
Kart racer 200kr
Kessen I 100kr
Kiddies party pack 100kr
Killer 7 NTSC 250kr
Killswitch 100kr
Killzone NTSC 150kr
Kim possible whats the switch 150kr
Kingdom hearts first print 200kr
Kingdom hearts 150kr
Kingdom hearts platinum 100kr
Kingdom hearts 2 first print 200kr
Kingdom heart 2 ntsc greatest hits 100kr
King of fighters maximum impact collectors edition 250kr
King of fighters 98 ultimate match sealed super rare og UK utgave 4000kr
Knockout kings 2002, 50kr
Kung fu panda 100kr
Lego batman 100kr
Lego indiana jones 100kr
LEGO star wars 100kr
LEGO star wars 2 the original trilogy 100kr
Lemmings 75kr
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events 75kr
Lille kylling SOLGT
Looney toons back in action 150kr
Madagascar 100kr
Madagascar 2, 150kr
Madden 2002, 50kr
Madden 2003, 50kr
Major league baseball 2k6 ntsc 50kr
Marc eckos getting up collectors edition 500kr
Marvel nemesis rise of the imperfects 100kr
Marvel Super Hero Squad 100kr
Master Chess 50kr
Maximo vs army of zin 200kr
Medal of Honor Frontline 75kr
Medal of honor, rising sun 75kr
Meet the robinsons 100kr
Mega man X8 sealed 600kr
Megarace 3 nanotech disaster 150kr
Mercenaries 2, 100kr
Mercury Meltdown Remix 75kr
Metal gear solid 2, 150kr
Metal gear solid 2 substance SOLGT
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater 150kr
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater NTSC 150kr
Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence NTSC 400kr
Micro Machines 100kr
Midnight club 2, 100kr
Midnight club 3 dub edition 100kr
Midnight club 3 dub edition remix 250kr
Midway arcade treasures 100kr
Mission impossible operation surma 75kr
Monopoly 75kr
Monsters inc disney pixar 100kr
Monsters vs aliens 100kr
Mortal kombat armageddon 250kr
Mortal kombat deadly alliance 150kr
Mortal kombat deception 200kr
Motorsiege 75kr
Motostorm arctic edge 350kr
Moto X maniac 200kr
Mountain bike adrenaline 150kr
Musashi samurai legend 400kr
MX rider 75kr
MX vs. ATV Unleashed 75kr
Myth Makers: Super Kart GP 75kr
My horse and me 2, 250kr
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja 4 SEALED 500kr
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja 5, 500kr
NBA 08, 75kr
NBA Live 2003, 75kr
NBA live 2004 75kr
NBA street 75kr
Need for speed carbon 75kr
Need for speed carbon limited med slipcover 250kr
Need for speed hot pursuit 2, 200kr
Need for Speed Most Wanted 75kr
Need for Speed Most Wanted black edition 500kr
Need for speed prostreet 75kr
Need for speed undercover 100kr
Need for speed underground 2, 200kr
NFL street 2 ntsc 150kr
NHL 02, 50kr
NHL 08, 100kr
NHL 09, 200kr
Nicke nyfiken 75kr
Noddy 100kr
Offroad extreme 100kr
Onimusha warlords NTSC 150kr
Onimusha 2 NTSC 150kr
Onimusha 3 NTSC 250kr
Onimusha 3, 150kr
Open season 100kr
Orphen 100kr
Over the hedge 100kr
Party girls RARE 400kr
Persona 4 SEALED 1000kr
Peter jacksons king kong 75kr
Peter pan the legend of neverland 100kr
Phantasy star universe ambition of the illuminus 200kr
Pippa Funnell: Ranch Rescue 100kr
Pirates of the caribbean at worlds end 100kr
Pirates the legend of black kat 75kr
Pop idol 50kr
Powerdrome 100kr
Pride fighting championships 75kr
Primal SOLGT
Prince of persia the sands of time 100kr
Prince of persia the two throne SOLGT
Prince of persia warrior within 100kr
Pro biker 2, 500kr
Pro evolution soccer 2, 75kr
Pro evolution soccer 5, 75kr
Pro evolution soccer 6, 75kr
Pro evolution soccer 2008, 75kr
Project snowblind 75kr
Pro rally 2002, 50kr
Pro stroke golf sealed 100kr
Psychonauts 350kr
Psychonauts NTSC 350kr
Pusur 2, 75kr
Quake 3 revolution SOLGT
Ratchet & clank gladiator 100kr
Ratchet & clank PROMO 250kr
Ratchet & clank 150kr
Ratchet & clank 2, 200kr
Ratchet & clank 3, 150kr
Ratchet & clank size matters PROMO 350kr
Rayman M SOLGT
Rayman 3, 150kr
Rayman revolution 150kr
Rayman raving rabbids 100kr
Rayman raving rabbids NTSC 100kr
RC toy machines 100kr
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2, 75kr
Red dead revolver SOLGT
Red faction 2, 75kr
Reservoir dogs SOLGT
Resident evil 4, 200kr
Resident Evil Code Veronica X NTSC 150kr
Resident evil outbreak 300kr
Resident evil outbreak NTSC 250kr
Rhythmic star 75kr
Riding Star 150kr
Ringenes herre, to tårn, SOLGT
Road trip adventure 100kr
Robot Warlords 75kr
Robots 100kr
Rock & roll adventure 100kr
Rogue ops 75kr
Rpm tuning 75kr
R racing 150kr
RTL ski jumping 2003, 75kr
RTL ski jumping 2007 RARE 300kr
RTL winter games 150kr
Rugby 50kr
Rygar 250kr
Råttatouille SOLGT
Sagan om de två tornen ( to tårn) 100kr
Saint seiya the sanctuary 300kr
Scooby doo, night of 100 frights 100kr
Second Sight 75kr
Sega soccer slam 75kr
SEGA Superstars Tennis 75kr
Serious sam SOLGT
Seven samurai 200XX 150kr
Shadow hearts from the new world SOLGT
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures 100kr
Shark tale 75kr
Shellshock nam 67, 75kr
Shin megami tensei digital devil saga SEALED 750kr
Shrek den tredje 100kr
Shrek superslam 75kr
Silent hill collection (silent hill 2, 3 og 4 i en pakke) sjelden og strøken stand 2500kr
Silent scope 75kr
Silent scope 2 fatal judgement 75kr
Skateboard madness 150kr
Sky odyssey 75kr
Sly raccoon SOLGT
Sly 2 band of thieves SOLGT
Sly 3, 250kr
Sniper assault 100kr
Socom US navy seals 75kr
Socom big box med head set 500kr
Sonic gems collection 150kr
Sonic heroes 150kr
Sonic riders 150kr
Sonic unleashed 150kr
Soul calibur 2, 100kr
Soul nomad 600kr
Space Chimps 75kr
Spartan total warrior 100kr
Spider man 100kr
Spider man 2, 100kr
Spider man 3, 100kr
Spider man friend or foe SOLGT
Spider man web of shadows 250kr
Splashdown 75kr
Spongebob, revenge of the flying dutchman 100kr
Springdale 800kr
Spy hunter 2, 100kr
Spyro dawn of the dragon 250kr
Spyro enter the dragonfly 150kr
SSX on tour 100kr
SSX 3, 100kr
Star Ocean Till the End of Time 200kr
Star Ocean Till the End of Time NTSC 200KR
Star trek conquest 100kr
Star wars battlefront 2, 150kr
Star Wars Clone Wars SOLGT
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith 150kr
Star Wars Starfighter 100kr
Star wars the force unleashed 100kr
Stella deus 700kr
Stolen 75kr
Street dance 50kr
Surfs up 100kr
Suikoden 5, 900kr
Suikoden 5 ntsc u/c 1500kr
Super bust a move 2, 100kr
Supercar street challenge 100kr
Superheltene disney 100kr
Superman returns 100kr
Super monkeyball deluxe 100kr
Sven göran erkssons world manager 100kr
SWAT Siege 75kr
Taito Legends 2, 100kr
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus 600kr
TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 150kr
Teen titans 400kr
Tekken 4, 150kr
Tekken 5, 150kr
Tekken tag tournament 150kr
Terminator 3 rise of the machines 100kr
Terminator dawn of fate 100kr
Theme park world 75kr
The adventures of jimmy neutron 100kr
The chronicles of narnia 75kr
The fast and the furious 150kr
The flintstones bedrock racing 100kr
The getaway 100kr
The getaway black monday 100kr
The golden compass 75kr
The great escape SOLGT
The hobbit 100kr
The incredibles 100kr
The italian job LA heist 75kr
The lord of the rings aragorns quest SOLGT
The simpsons hit & run 300kr
The sims, 75kr
The sims busting out, 75kr
The sims 2, 75kr
The sims 2 castaway SOLGT
The sims 2 pets 75kr
The Spiderwick Chronicles 75kr
The sword of etheria 1200kr
The terminator, dawn of fate 100kr
The urbz 100kr
The warriors 200kr
This is football 2003, 50kr
Thomas & Friends: A Day At The Races 75kr
Thunderhawk 50kr
Tiger woods pga 2002, 50kr
Tiger woods pga 2005 50kr
Tiger woods pga 2006, 50kr
Tomb raider, angel of darkness 100kr
Tom clancys rainbow six lockdown 75kr
Tom clancys ghost recon advanced warfighter 75kr
Tom clancys ghost recon 2, 75kr
Tom clancys splinter cell 75kr
Tom & jerry, war of the whiskers 100kr
Tony hawk 3, 150kr
Tony hawk American wasteland 100kr
Tony Hawk Project 8, 75kr
Tony hawk proving ground 150kr
Tony hawks underground 100kr
Top trumps dogs and dinosaurs 75kr
Top Trumps: Horror & Predators 75kr
Torino 2006, 75kr
Total Club Manager 2004, 50kr
Total overdose 75kr
Toy story 3, 250kr
TMNT teenage mutant ninja turtles 150kr
Transformers revenge of the fallen 100kr
Transformers the game 100kr
Transworld surf 150kr
Trapt 350kr
Trivial pursuit 75kr
Truck racer 200kr
True crime streets of LA 75kr
Turbo trucks 100kr
Ty the tasmanian tiger 100kr
Ty 2, 100kr
UEFA Champions League 50kr
Unlimited saga 250kr
Underworld: The Eternal War 75kr
Valkyrie profile 2, SOLGT
Victorious boxers 2 sealed SOLGT
Vietcong purple haze 75kr
Viewtiful joe 2, 300kr
Virtua fighter 4, 100kr
Virtua fighter 4 evolution 150kr
Virtua tennis 2, 75kr
V rally 3, 75kr
Warriors of might and magic 100kr
Wizardry SOLGT
World wrestling championship 150kr
WRC 75kr
WRC 2 xtreme 75kr
X-men legends 2, 150kr
X squad 75kr
Xtreme quads 50kr
Yakuza fury 500kr
Zathura 75kr
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Sist endret: 28.1.2025 kl. 23:04 ・ FINN-kode: 194758940