Psytrance CDer til salgs. Nye titler lagt til.
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Diverse psychedelic trance CD'er til salgs. Mye man ikke ser ofte nå mer.
Som regel er discene helt som nye og kun spilt av én gang og så plassert i plastkasse, med mindre det står noe annet. Rabatt gis ved større kjøp.
Ved kjøp over 100kr kan jeg sende med Postnord (69kr), ellers kan de hentes i Oppegård.
Agitato Records - HD Edition 01 - 40kr
Alchemy Records - Digital Tribe - 40kr
Alchemy Records - Doppler FX - 40kr
Alchemy Records - Virtual Memory - 50kr
Alchemy Records - Wild Life - 50kr
Alien Project - Activation Portal - 100kr
Ambivalent Records - Contra Polar Activity - 40kr
Ambivalent Records - Creeping Ambivalent Tendencies - 40kr
Ambivalent Records - Significant Elf Proclivity - 30
Ananda Shake - Emotion In Motion - 60kr
Andreilien - Ergot Curry (CDr) (Cover har fått en trøkk) - 20kr
Another Psyde Records - Another Psyde Of The Moon, Compiled By Ahavamour - 80kr
Astral Projection - Goa Classics Remixed - 100kr
Axis Mundi - One Foot In Fantasy - 40kr
Battle Of The Future Buddhas - Twin Sharkfins - 400kr
Battle Of The Future Buddhas & Ka-Sol - Masters Of Outhouse - 800kr
Beatkrush - Dissolver - 50kr
Bigwigs - The National Heroes Of Sonic Parallel - 100kr
Boom Records - Psychoactive Scandosounds - 200kr
Boom Records - Psychoactive Scandosounds 2 - 300kr
Boom Records - Psychoactive Scandosounds III - 400kr
Bubble - Sound Of Silence - 50kr
Captain Hook - Akashic Library (2CD) - 250kr
Captain Hook - Human Design - 60kr
Chronicle Of Mystery Records - The Pain Of The Forgotten Forest - 200kr
Concept In Dance - Digital Alchemy - 60kr
Cosmic Tone - In-Action, Remixes By Cosmic Tone (Sprekk i Jewel Case, enkelt å bytte ut) - 50kr
Creamcrop - Liquid Levels (Noen få overfladiske riper) - 40kr
Cronomi Records - Freshly Cut Tomato - 50kr
Cronomi Records - People Walk Funny - 80kr
Cubica - Cubica EP - 30kr
Cybered - Acid Box - 200kr
D-Fusion - Unlimited - 50kr
Destination Goa The Second Chapter (2CD) - 200kr
Destination Goa The Fifth Chapter (2CD) - 200kr
Destination Goa The Sixth Chapter (2CD) (Noen riper) - 80kr
Destination Goa The Eighth Chapter (2CD) - 200kr
Destination Goa The Tenth Chapter (2CD) - 200kr
Destination Goa 11 (2CD) - 150kr
Digital Psionics - Psionic Force - 50kr
Digital Psionics - Psionic Riot, Selected By Xatrik - 50kr
DNA - Infinity - 200kr
DNA - The Music (maxi-single) - 50kr
DNA Records - Perception Vol. 1 - 200kr
DNA Records - Perception Vol. 2 - 150kr
DNA Records - Perception Vol. 3 - 120kr
DNA Records - Perception Vol. 4 - 100kr
DNA Records - Perception Vol. 5 - 100kr
DNA Records - Perception Vol. 6 - 100kr
Dirty Diamonds - Diamonds R Forever (med Obi Strip) - 80kr
Distance To Goa 01 (noen scuffmarks) - 40kr
Distance Records - Distance To Trance (2CD) (Noen overfladiske riper på CD2) - 60kr
Domateck - Beat The Beast - 80kr
Dragon - In.Formation - 80kr
Dragonfly Records - Order Odonata 4 (Jewel Case har en liten sprekk og mangler noen tagger, kan enkelt byttes ut) - 60kr
Dynamic - Acid Beat (Jewel Case mangler noen tagger, enkelt å bytte ut) - 50kr
E.S.X.S - New Hymns For Goddess - 50kr
Echo Vortex Records - Freaks United - 300kr
Electrypnose - Le Tireur De Ficelles - 100kr
Encephalopaticys - Psychotermic Meditation - 300kr
Eraser VS Yöjalka - Round 1 - 250kr
Eskimo - Balloonatic Part One - 100kr
Faders - Feelings - 100kr
Fatali - Re-Construct - 50kr
Ferbi Boys - Twilight Zone - 40kr
Filteria - Daze Of Our Lives - 100kr
Flucturion 2.0 - Sensitized - 100kr
Freaked Frequency - FF Syndrome (Sprekk i Jewel Case, enkelt å bytte ut) - 60kr
Fullcolor - Utopia - 50kr
Fungus Of Light & Bonky - Fungus Of Light & Bonky (Én ripe) - 50kr
Funky Gong - Blow - 50kr
Future Prophecy - Body Shaker (Noen riper) - 50kr
Fuzzion - Black Magic (Jewel Case har en sprekk, men kan enkelt byttes ut) - 100kr
Genetic - We Are Genetic - 100kr
Goa 2007 Vol. 1 (2CD) - 60kr
Goa 2007 Vol. 2 Compiled By DJ Bim (2CD) - 60kr
Goa 2007 Vol. 3 Compiled By DJ Bim (2CD) - 60kr
Goa 2007 Vol. 4 Compiled By DJ Bim (2CD) - 60kr
Goa Girl (2CD) - 100kr
Goa-Head Volume 26 (2CD) - 200kr
Goa-Head Volume 28 (2CD) - 300kr
Goa Tribes Volume 2 (2CD) - 100kr
Goa X Volume 6 Winter Edition - 40kr
Goasia - Dancing With The Blue Spirit (Dimensional Records versjonen) - 100kr
Haltya - Book Of Nature - 140kr
Heyoka - Cosmic Boogie - 20kr
Heyoka - Gate Code - 20kr
Heyoka - Intergalactic Carnival - 30kr
Heyoka - Marklar - 30kr
Heyoka - Whomp Gland & Pineal Dub - 30kr
Highpersonic Whomen - Push The Limit (Digpack har fått en liten trøkk) - 80kr
Horns & Hoofs Entertainment - EleVenture, Compiled By Fuzzion - 50kr
Horns & Hoofs Entertainment - Fundamental - 60kr
Horns & Hoofs Entertainment - The Dissidents, Compiled By Neoris - 80kr
Hypnotica Records - For The Freaks - 100kr
Indoor - Progressive Trance - 120kr
Indra - Old Skool - 200kr
Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom - 200kr
Solgt.Infected Mushroom - Friends On Mushroom Deluxe Edition - 250kr
Infected Mushroom - I'm The Supervisor - 120kr
Infected Mushroom - Legend Of The Black Shawarma - 300kr
Infected Mushroom - Vicious Delicious - 400kr
Injection - Domino Effect - 120kr
Insomnia - Rollercoaster - 50kr
Insomnia - Taking Control - 100kr
Intelabeam - Looking For A Cure - 40kr
InterSys - Wild Animals - 80kr
Joujouka - Re-Model (Inlay har fått en mindre trøkk)- 50kr
Ka-Sol - Fairytale - 1200kr
KamaSutrance - World Of Magic - 60kr
KamaSutrance Radio Show - 120kr
KamaSutrance Radio Show Vol. 2 - 120kr
Kluster - Extended Oversized System - 50kr
Koxbox - Dragon Tales (2003 Reissue INBLUE003) - 250kr
Liquid Flow - Presence - 80kr
MDMA Tuning - Akasha Project (Noen overfladiske riper) - 200kr
Matsuri Productions - The Truth Of Communication (Har noen riper) - 60kr
Menog - Musically Speaking - 80kr
Metalogic - Magnetic Influence - 100kr
Midi Miliz - Passages - 200kr
Mind Control Records - Mind Controllers Part 1 - 50kr
Miraculix - The Arrival - 50kr
Miranda - Rerecorded - 160kr
Miranda - Asynja - 160kr
Muti Music - An-Ten-Nae Pres. Acid Crunk Vol. 2 - 20kr
Muti Music - An-Ten-Nae Pres. Acid Crunk Vol. 3 (CDr) - 20kr
Mystical Complex - One Step Closer - 80kr
Noga Records - Spaced Out - Compiled By Gataka - 100kr
Noosphere - Radiated (Overfladiske riper) - 120kr
Occulta Records - Occulta Vision - 100kr
Ocelot - You Live In A Zoo - 80kr
OOOD - A Live (Noen småriper, og Jewel Case har noen skrammer, kan enkelt byttes ut) - 150kr
Ozric Tentacles - Floating Seeds Remixed - 60kr
Ozric Tentacles - Live Underslunky & Spice Doubt (2CD) - 150kr
Ozric Tentacles - Spirals In Hyperspace - 250kr
Parvati Records - No Strings Attached - 250kr
Perplex - 10 (CD&DVD) - 150kr
Perplex - Trance Elegant (Har bruksmerker, spiller helt fint) - 40kr
Phobos Azazel - Organistic (Jewel Case mangler noen tagger, enkelt å bytte ut) - 80kr
Pixan Recordings - Three - 40kr
Pixel - Reality Strikes Back - 60kr
Planet Riders (Dimensional Records) - 80kr
Process - One Drop Or Two - 120kr
Prometheus - Robot.O.Chan - 60kr
Protoculture - Circadians - 80kr
Psilodump - The Nya Albumet - 200kr
Psychopod - Headlines EP (En del riper, mest overfladiske) - 100kr
Psychoslaphead - Psychoslaphead (Har noen riper) - 20kr
Psychoz - Psychoz - 30kr
Pulse Volume 8 The Next Millennium (2CD) - 150kr
Pulse Volume 9 Deeper Space (2CD) - 150kr
Pulse Volume 10 Ignition (2CD) - 120kr
Pure Planet 4 (Dimensional Records versjonen) - 80kr
Pure Pressure VS Standard Clear - Ga Shin Shou Tan - 80kr
Quantum - Kiss The Sound - 50kr
Quirk - Quality Control (En del riper, fleste overfladiske) - 30kr
Quirk - Machina Electrica & Fornax Chemica - 100kr
Radical Distortion VS Mendark - Purple Energy - 50kr
Radioactive Cake - The New Kind - 50kr
Roeth & Grey - In Money We Trust - 60kr
S.U.N. Project - Paranormal - 100kr
Sabretooth - Sabretooth - 60kr
Sabretooth - Sabretooth 2 - 50kr
Sanaton Records - Audiogenic Forces (Limited to 400 copies) - 200kr
Sesto Sento - Come Together (Noen riper) - 50kr
Shakta - Out Of Sight (Noen riper) - 50kr
Shakta - Silicon Trip (Har noen riper, og Jewel Case har sprekker. ) - 100kr
Sienis - From A Nutter Perspective - 80kr
Sienis - Remixer - 100kr
Sienis - Seriously Unserious - 100kr
Sizzla - Born A King - 60kr
Solstice Music - Solstice - 60kr
Soma - Amanita Muscaria - 40kr
Sonic Elysium - Faster Higher Stronger - 100kr
Spaceships Of The Imagination Vol. 2 (2CD) - 150kr
Space Elves - Terrestrial Planet Finder - 150kr
Space Frog - Welcome All Species (Noen riper og rift i inlay) - 30kr
Spade - On The Fast Lane - 80kr
Sphere Records - Orbis - 50kr
Spliff Music - Tox, D Compilation - 50kr
Squaremeat - Jungle Boogie Party Line - 200kr
Squaremeat - Astronomical Coffee Break - 200kr
StoneAge Records - CTRL ALT DEL STONE - 120kr
StoneAge Records - Tales From The Dark Forest - 400kr
StoneAge Records - Örebro FreakFactory - 400kr
StoneAge Records - Örebro FreakFactory 2 - 400kr
StoneAge Records - Örebro FreakFactory 3 - 400kr
StoneAge Records - Örebro FreakFactory 4 - 400kr
Sunset Recordings - Solar Seeds - 50kr
Suntrip Records - Apsara (Noen få riper) - 60kr
Suntrip Records - Opus Iridium (2CD) - 100kr
Switch - Not So Minimal - 80kr
Switch - I Want More - 80kr
Synchro - Born In California - 50kr
System Nipel - Deep Into Matter - 100kr
Teknotribe Records - Teknotribe - 80kr
Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution - 100kr
Texas Faggott - Kininigin - 250kr
Texas Faggott - Texas Faggott - 400kr
The Infinity Project - Feeling Weird (Noen riper) - 150kr
Timonkey - Future Perfect (CDr) - 30kr
TIP Records - TIP Singles 3 (Mye Riper) - 10kr
Transient Records - Another Taste Of Transient (2CD) (CD2 har riper) - 80kr
Trashlords - Made In Goa - 120kr
Trashlords VS Psychotic Micro - Trashlords VS Psychotic Micro - 160kr
Trimada - Left Behind - 100kr
Troll Scientists - Sir Eel - 80kr
Tsuyoshi - Ecliptic, DJ Mix for Issey Miyake Men By Naoki Takizawa (Har Cut-out i barcode, et par overfladiske riper) - 50kr
Twisted Records - Unusual Suspects (Har noen riper) - 30kr
UltraVoice - The Star Alliance (Jewel Case har noen sprekker og mangler noen tagger, enkelt å bytte ut) - 150kr
UltraVoice - The Star Alliance 2 - 100kr
Utopia Records - K-Files - 60kr
Utopia Records - Pure Imagination 4, Compiled By DJ Ido - 50kr
Vibe Tribe - Destination Unknown - 400kr
Vishnudata - Vishnudata - 60kr
Visionary - Travelling 3 The Third Goa Travelogue (2CD) - 200kr
Wakyo Records - Domino Effect (Mixed By Domino) - 100kr
Wizack Twizack - Behind The Trees - 300kr
Wizzy Noise - Cybermancy - 200kr
Wizzy Noise - Stereo Electric - 50kr
Woorpz Records - Psycabolic Sounds, Compiled By Fido - 80kr
X Dream - Panic In Paradise (En del riper) - 100kr
X.Dream - We Created Our Own Happiness (Har bruksmerker, spiller fint) - 100kr
Yabai Records - Manga Vol. 3 Compiled By DJ Yuji - 100kr
Yahel - Around The World - 100kr
Yahel - Private Collection - 100kr
Yahel - Super Set - 100kr
Yahel - Super Set II (2CD) - 100kr
Younger Brother - Vaccine (Super jewel case har en skrape) - 300kr
Youth - Calibrate Your Intuition - 80kr
Youth - Suicide - 80kr
Zirrex - Lost In Time (3CD) - 150kr
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