CNC-fres for "ALLE"! Lett å lære. Passer i garasjen eller boden!
Til salgs91 990 kr
Verdens første CNC-fres i indudstriell kvalitet som både tar fulle plater (maks 1,25 x 2,5m) og kan monteres på 3 minutter. Demontering er like enkelt, gjøres av en person og fresen kan til nøds fraktes i en stasjonsvogn.
Mange fornøyde brukere innenfor felt som produksjon, stereo, plast, prototyper, innredning, varebil, møbler, skilt, utstilling, display, hyller, landskap etc.
Primærbruken til en Yeti Smart Bench vil være å frese i mdf-plater, men den tar også aluminium, finer, plast, corian, polykarbonat, akryl, komposittflater og selvfølgelig hard- og myktre.
Med fresing i opptil 3 akser på en gang så er mulighetene her mange for de som tidligere aldri har kunnet skaffe seg en stor, stasjonær fres. Har hele 150mm arbeidshøyde!
Kobler du til støvsugeren og freser en plate så blir det tilnærmet støvfritt i rommet når du er ferdig. Går fresestålet langt ned så klarer ikke støvsugeren å suge det opp.
Hvem kan bruke den?
Selve fresen er kjempeenkel i bruk og det lærer du på ikke mange minuttene. Programvare er og blir det som har brattest læringskurve, men er du villig til å sitte et par kvelder på Youtube så har du mestret basicen i f.eks Fusion 360 eller vCarve og er klar til å frese. Vi bruker mest vCarve selv og har kjøpt Pro-pakken.
Her er et lite knippe mer detaljerte spesifikasjoner.
The Precision Pro, our flag ship large format CNC Router is the one for anyone who requires a higher degree of performance and accuracy from a CNC.
With all the excellent features of the SmartBench Precision, the Precision Pro comes with real time spindle load display giving you access to all the cutting information you need whilst running a job, an additional Lead screw to improve rigidity in the Z Axis, and a laser X/Y datum which makes setting a job start point quick and incredibly accurate.
Combined with ShapeCutter our new console based cutting app, you have an intuitive and powerful tool at your fingertips allowing you to start creating like never before.
For those new to CNC, ShapeCutter has a walk-through job wizard making getting started a simple process.
SmartBench PrecisionPro – Model Specific Features
ZHead V2
230V 1000W Spindle
Digital speed control
Auto Tool Stop if spindle is in constant overload
Real time spindle load display
Precision ER16 collet – max 10mm shank
Dual Z Axis Lead Screws for additional ridgidity
Laser X/Y Datum set point system
Can accommodate up to a 10 amp extraction system
Easy to use step by step set-up wizard walks you through your cut.
Navigation tabs allow you to navigate through the set up tasks.
10 different geometry types to choose from.
Save your tool/job profile for a quick job turn around.
Prompts and hints on process.
Compatible with both inches and millimeters.
Ease of use
Intuitive touch screen control.
Wi-Fi (2.4GHz Network only)/USB connectivity for simple file transfer.
Z Probe for fast, easy and accurate setting.
Extraction system for clean operation.
Pack up and store away in 3 minutes.
Easy and quick calibration app ensures your SmartBench is always in tip top condition.
Improve efficiency
Autonomous cutting – Working with you. SmartBench gets the job done whilst allowing you to get on with other tasks.
Fast setup – plan your job on the touch screen, set your materials and press go.
Astonishing job time – SmartBench can perform multiple cutting operations, dramatically improving your job time.
SmartBench fits into a SWB van.
Sections have been made to be handled by one person.
Nothing more required to start producing standard shapes than SmartBench and a router bit.
Set up on site within 3 minutes.
Height adjustable feet makes light work of setting up on un-even surfaces.
Big capabilities
Process up to 2500mm (98.43 ) x 1250mm (49.2 ) sheets edge to edge.
Use SmartBench in feed-through mode and process any length of work surface.
Multi materials
Softwood and hardwood timber sections up to 150mm thick.
Timber based composite boards
Composite worksurfaces
Polycarbonate, Acrylic and other forms of plastic
Quality and accuracy assured
Accuracy of +/-0.5mm or better
CE certified
Remote software upgrades means you get the benefit of our ever increasing library of cutting apps
Safety in mind
E Stop
Interupt bars along the x axis
Cutter door open cut out switch
X axis travel 1265mm (49.8 )
X max speed 6 meters per minute (236 per minute)
Y axis travel 2515mm (99.0 )
Y max speed 6 meters per minute (236 per minute)
Z axis travel 152mm (6.0 )
Z max speed 2 meters per minute (78 per minute)
Max sheet cut size 2500 x 1250mm (97.24 x 48.7 )
Max depth of material 152mm (6.0 )
X & Y Axis Rack and pinion
Z Axis Lead screw
Processing your model
Software Any CAM software with a GRBL post processor
File Types .nc or .gcode
Speed 5,000 – 25,000 rpm (model dependant)
Collet Max shank 10mm (0.394 )
Finished Part
Accuracy: +/-0.5mm (0.019 )or better over 2.5m (98.43 )
Power requirements
Voltage: 230v or 110v
Power: 1400 watts
Physical dimensions
Horizontal working
Length: 2740mm (107.9 )
Width: 1650mm (65.0 )
Height: 1350mm (53.2 )
Shipping dimensions
Length: 2740mm (112.2 )
Width: 600mm (23.6 )
Height: 400mm (15.8 )
Weight: 105kg (236lbs)
søkeord: basskasse, mdfkasse, utskjæring, logo, 3d, 2,5d, finerplate,
Mange fornøyde brukere innenfor felt som produksjon, stereo, plast, prototyper, innredning, varebil, møbler, skilt, utstilling, display, hyller, landskap etc.
Primærbruken til en Yeti Smart Bench vil være å frese i mdf-plater, men den tar også aluminium, finer, plast, corian, polykarbonat, akryl, komposittflater og selvfølgelig hard- og myktre.
Med fresing i opptil 3 akser på en gang så er mulighetene her mange for de som tidligere aldri har kunnet skaffe seg en stor, stasjonær fres. Har hele 150mm arbeidshøyde!
Kobler du til støvsugeren og freser en plate så blir det tilnærmet støvfritt i rommet når du er ferdig. Går fresestålet langt ned så klarer ikke støvsugeren å suge det opp.
Hvem kan bruke den?
Selve fresen er kjempeenkel i bruk og det lærer du på ikke mange minuttene. Programvare er og blir det som har brattest læringskurve, men er du villig til å sitte et par kvelder på Youtube så har du mestret basicen i f.eks Fusion 360 eller vCarve og er klar til å frese. Vi bruker mest vCarve selv og har kjøpt Pro-pakken.
Her er et lite knippe mer detaljerte spesifikasjoner.
The Precision Pro, our flag ship large format CNC Router is the one for anyone who requires a higher degree of performance and accuracy from a CNC.
With all the excellent features of the SmartBench Precision, the Precision Pro comes with real time spindle load display giving you access to all the cutting information you need whilst running a job, an additional Lead screw to improve rigidity in the Z Axis, and a laser X/Y datum which makes setting a job start point quick and incredibly accurate.
Combined with ShapeCutter our new console based cutting app, you have an intuitive and powerful tool at your fingertips allowing you to start creating like never before.
For those new to CNC, ShapeCutter has a walk-through job wizard making getting started a simple process.
SmartBench PrecisionPro – Model Specific Features
ZHead V2
230V 1000W Spindle
Digital speed control
Auto Tool Stop if spindle is in constant overload
Real time spindle load display
Precision ER16 collet – max 10mm shank
Dual Z Axis Lead Screws for additional ridgidity
Laser X/Y Datum set point system
Can accommodate up to a 10 amp extraction system
Easy to use step by step set-up wizard walks you through your cut.
Navigation tabs allow you to navigate through the set up tasks.
10 different geometry types to choose from.
Save your tool/job profile for a quick job turn around.
Prompts and hints on process.
Compatible with both inches and millimeters.
Ease of use
Intuitive touch screen control.
Wi-Fi (2.4GHz Network only)/USB connectivity for simple file transfer.
Z Probe for fast, easy and accurate setting.
Extraction system for clean operation.
Pack up and store away in 3 minutes.
Easy and quick calibration app ensures your SmartBench is always in tip top condition.
Improve efficiency
Autonomous cutting – Working with you. SmartBench gets the job done whilst allowing you to get on with other tasks.
Fast setup – plan your job on the touch screen, set your materials and press go.
Astonishing job time – SmartBench can perform multiple cutting operations, dramatically improving your job time.
SmartBench fits into a SWB van.
Sections have been made to be handled by one person.
Nothing more required to start producing standard shapes than SmartBench and a router bit.
Set up on site within 3 minutes.
Height adjustable feet makes light work of setting up on un-even surfaces.
Big capabilities
Process up to 2500mm (98.43 ) x 1250mm (49.2 ) sheets edge to edge.
Use SmartBench in feed-through mode and process any length of work surface.
Multi materials
Softwood and hardwood timber sections up to 150mm thick.
Timber based composite boards
Composite worksurfaces
Polycarbonate, Acrylic and other forms of plastic
Quality and accuracy assured
Accuracy of +/-0.5mm or better
CE certified
Remote software upgrades means you get the benefit of our ever increasing library of cutting apps
Safety in mind
E Stop
Interupt bars along the x axis
Cutter door open cut out switch
X axis travel 1265mm (49.8 )
X max speed 6 meters per minute (236 per minute)
Y axis travel 2515mm (99.0 )
Y max speed 6 meters per minute (236 per minute)
Z axis travel 152mm (6.0 )
Z max speed 2 meters per minute (78 per minute)
Max sheet cut size 2500 x 1250mm (97.24 x 48.7 )
Max depth of material 152mm (6.0 )
X & Y Axis Rack and pinion
Z Axis Lead screw
Processing your model
Software Any CAM software with a GRBL post processor
File Types .nc or .gcode
Speed 5,000 – 25,000 rpm (model dependant)
Collet Max shank 10mm (0.394 )
Finished Part
Accuracy: +/-0.5mm (0.019 )or better over 2.5m (98.43 )
Power requirements
Voltage: 230v or 110v
Power: 1400 watts
Physical dimensions
Horizontal working
Length: 2740mm (107.9 )
Width: 1650mm (65.0 )
Height: 1350mm (53.2 )
Shipping dimensions
Length: 2740mm (112.2 )
Width: 600mm (23.6 )
Height: 400mm (15.8 )
Weight: 105kg (236lbs)
søkeord: basskasse, mdfkasse, utskjæring, logo, 3d, 2,5d, finerplate,
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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Generell info
Importerer verktøy som vi liker. Skal så godt vi kan KUN ha varer som er av ypperste kvalitet og tar heller inn det som koster litt mer enn billigere varer som selger mer. Derav slagordet "Du griner bare en gang"
De fleste bestillinger før 12 blir sendt samme dag, mens de andre blir sendt dagen etterpå.
De fleste bestillinger før 12 blir sendt samme dag, mens de andre blir sendt dagen etterpå.
FINN-kode | 245598637 |
Sist endret | 19.4.2023 kl. 08:36 |