NY Gilson Martins, Sølv, Slangemønstra, Brasil Veske, 33x37 cm
Beskrivelse av varen
Merke Gilson Martins
Rio-bags / Brazilian brand
- Brasilianske motiv og leiken kunst,
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Lett vekt
Markerte kantar i svart
Kristus - statuen
Cristo Redentor/ Kristus frelsaren
svarte med sølvfarga spenner
Glidelås, gullfarga utvendig og innvendig
Sidelomme med raud kant
Kvalitet og miljøfokus,
materiale og lokale arbeidsplassar
- Ca mål:
lengde 33 cm
høgde 20 cm, med handtak; 37 cm
- Innvendig lomme:
høgde 10 cm
breidde 16,5 cm
Sjå fleire annonsar 🌼
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Gilson Martins
Fjelltoppen Corcovado
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Gilson Martins er vaksen opp i Rio de Janeiro og har kunstutdanning derifrå.
Merket er "Brazilian brand", med kundar som IOC, Coca-Cola og L'Oréa.
Utstilt ved:
The Louvre, Lafayette, MoMa shop - New York's Museum Of Modern Art, Cannes Filmfestival og designveka i Milano
Butikkar i Brasil
lista som Top reisemål hjå Michelin, Lonely Planet og The New York Times
" The carioca designer Gilson Martins was born in the Port Zone in the Center of Rio de Janeiro and had his childhood punctuated by the most representative images of the Carioca landscape.
Graduated in Scenography at the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, he presented the use of non-conventional materials in the creation of bags, proposing a new concept and look at recycling and a new aesthetic for fashion and design.
He was the first designer to use the Brazilian flag in fashion, promoting a moment of self-esteem and pride in Brazilian society. This work was supported by the Federal Government, which recognized in its work the "Brazil brand", promoting it in the international scenario. The Brazil brand were exhibited in several cities that hosted the World Cup, such as Paris, Berlin, New York and Tokyo.
The designer also develops a work of sustainability, using leftovers from the manufacture of the bags through upcycling, creating new products and generating income for his former seamstresses, who form small groups of artisans in the communities near his factory.
His work had a strong impact during the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. The designer created products for the International Olympic Committee, Coca-Cola, L'Oréal, for the Japanese Olympic Committee and other multinational companies.
His three shops in Ipanema and Copacabana receive customers from all over the world, and are references of Brazilian design with humor and quality. French, Italian, Germans, Japanese and American people are among those who are great lovers of Gilson Martins products"
# nydeleg nydelig kul tøff penveske festveske selskapsveske animalprint animal dyreprint dyreprintet slange slangeskinn slangeskinnmønstret black sort metallisk metallic flerfarget blank sølvaktige innerstoffterracotta rust terrakotta jordfarger jordfarge leire animal print embelished lappeteknikk cut out cut-outs rød detalj beige sølv grå gullfarget glans shimmer glitter vår sommer sommar veske beautiful depop oversized retro silkeaktig innerstoff bryllup bryllaup svigermor forlover brudens mor skinn flerfarget sort lang høyt ball formelt formell uformell fest presentasjon tilbehør print printet printed ensfarget L M S glidlås skinn imitert imiterte blank nydeleg nydelig selskapsveske festveske selskap fest ønskes brudepike ny merkebutikk kul naturlig naturleg unik ball skoleball skuleball prom dress prinsesse julebord nyttårsfest juleselskap konfirmasjon 17. mai avgangsfest avgang avgong dåp avslutningsfest occasion prom birthday sweet 16 beautiful prinsesse It girl style skater it jente dame ungdom teens teen tween tweens bestseller newlook alternative alt tiktok insta instagram facebook google popular influencer 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 00 90 90s 1990 2000 2023 2024 24 2025 25 tallet talls talet tals inspo pinterest tumblr egirl edgy trend trendy fashion design moteuka moteveka modell runway corpcore jobbantrekk kontorantrekk arbeidsantrekk miljøvennlig miljøvenleg birthday julepresang presang gave gåve bursdag fødselsdag valentines day rocka dans presentasjon folder wave i botn bunnen løst hengende street style dans swing lett luftig utsiktspunkt preppy streetwear street dance sateng aktig innerlommer for statement slow fashion basis basic kapsel bærekraftig lokalt less waste less effort #
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