Montarbo MB-R12FX (8mono/2stereo)
Til salgs11 664 kr
MB-R12FX er en mikser med gjennomgående høykvalitets komponenter, man vanligvis ikke får i miksere i denne prisklassen.
8 mono og 2 stereo innganger gir deg hele 12 inputs som rekker i veldig mange tilfeller. Stereo kanelene er også utstyrt med mik. preamp og man har da totalt 10 balanserte xlr mik. inganger.
Løsningen med 4 aux utganger gjør den også veldig allsidig. Disse kan brukes med de 2 innebygde effektprosessorene eller som 4 separate kurser. Aux 1 og 2 har også 3-bånds EQ og egen volumkontroll, dette gir deg store friheter på effekter samt monitorkurser.
Selvrensende ALPS potmeter som Montarbo har brukt i alle år gir deg ekstrem lang levetid og et produkt som leverer til enhver tid.
Modellen kan også leveres med rack monteringskit.
Info fra produsent:
The main features of MB-R16FX and MB-R12FX stand out for the very compact size, that allows for mounting in a standard 19 rack, using the optional adapters, the complete endowment of signal sends and returns and the practical configuration of the controls, that result in a simple and immediate utilization. They are equipped with a dual Montarbo stereo effects processor, based on a powerful, latest generation, 56 bit DSP, that provide 2 x 205 high quality programs, with an uncompromised sound quality (thanks to the dual 24 bit conversion) mated with unusual ease of use. The great flexibility of these mixing consoles allows them to be used both in live applications (thanks to the internal effect and to the two monitor sends, both with a 3-band eq.) and in recording or broadcasting studios (thanks to the channel s direct outs, the four effect sends, the control-room out and the stereo return).
MB-R12FX: 12 inputs / 10 channels (8 mono, 2 stereo)
The mono channels are fitted with both balanced microphone (XLR, with phantom power) and line (jack) inputs, with adjustable gain, insert, channel direct out, high-pass filter, 3-band equalizer with a semi-parametric MF control, 4 aux sends (two of which may be switched pre-post fade), pan, mute and pfl switches, peak level indicator and 60mm volume fader.
The stereo channels are fitted with one balanced microphone (XLR) and two line (jack) inputs, with adjustable gain, 3-band equalizer, 4 aux sends (two of which may be switched pre-post fade), balance, mute and pfl switches, peak level indicator and 60mm volume fader.
The dual stereo multieffects processor (based on a 56-bit internal DSP and 24-bit Delta-Sigma conversion) provides high performance digital audio processing combined with extremely easy operation. Each one of the two effects processors offers 205 high quality programs all carefully tailored to today s music requirements: Early, Stereo Gen, Ping Pong, Halo, Delay, Detune, Flanger, Chorus, Ambience, Chamber, Room, Hall, Cathedral, Plate, Plate Dly, Big Space, EcoRev, Concert, Live, Gate Inside a Box , Living Room, Ptc Rev, Pitch, Distance, a group of effects for specific instruments Vox - Flute - Trumpet - Sax - Brass - Keybrd - Piano - Gtr - Drum - Toms - Cymb - Hihat - Kick - Snare Tom and the classic Montarbo effects Echo, Echo+Reverb, Voice Reverb, Halo+Reverb).
The L/R master outputs are fitted with level indicators.
The AUX outputs are fitted with a 3-band equalizer, the EFFECT send may be used as monitor sends or for external effects.
The effect returns may be routed independently to the master and monitor outputs.
A really useful feature will be the possibility of plugging-in an analog recorder or of using the practical USB connection to connect a personal computer, used as a digital recorder/player, and of monitoring the master output or the PFL via the headphone output with adjustable volume.
Inputs (total)
MB-R16FX: 16 / MB-R12FX: 12
Mono-Inputs (Mic/Line) with Inserts
MB-R16FX: 12 / MB-R12FX: 8
Stereo-Line/Mono-Mic-Input Channels
MB-R16FX: 2 / MB-R12FX: 2
Stereo-Returns (Line)
Stereo-Tape-Return (Line)
USB interface
Aux Pre/Post-Fader (Monitor)
Aux Post-Fader (Effects/Monitor)
Master L/R
Control Room
Input Gain - Canale Mic Mono
Continuously variable from +3dB to + 50dB
- Canale Line Mono
Continuously variable from - 7dB to + 40dB
- Canale Line Stereo
Continuously variable from - 11dB to + 20dB
- Canale Mic Stereo
Continuously variable from +9 to + 40dB
- All other line level inputs
Max +6dB
CMRR at 100Hz
- Mic (gain + 40dB)
Typ. 75dB
CMRR at 1kHz
- Mic (gain + 40dB)
> 85dB
- Line
> 45dB
Noise (20 to 20kHz)
- Mic EIN ref. 150ohm
129dBu (gain + 50dB)
System Noise (20 to 20kHz)
- Summing Noise
- 86dBu (all channels routed with faders down)
- Line to Mix Noise
- 82dBu (all channels routed at 0dB, pan centre)
Equaliser Mono Channel
- High Pass Slope
12dB / Oct
- High Pass Frequency
- Treble Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Treble Frequency
- Mid Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Mid Frequency
Continuously variable from 160Hz to 4k5Hz
- Lo Mid Bandwith
1 Oct. (Q = 1.4)
- Bass Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Bass Shelving Frequency
Equaliser Stereo Channel
- Treble Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Treble Frequency
- Mid Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Mid Frequency
- Mid Bandwidth
1.4 Oct. (Q = 1)
- Bass Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Bass Shelving Frequency
96dB stereo CODEC
Stereo Effects Processor
- internal DSP
56 bit
- bandwidth
40Hz — 15kHz
Power Consumption
25 W
Mains Voltage
230V, 50-60Hz
Size (mm)
MB-R16FX: L 444 x D 400 x H 120
MB-R12FX: L 340 x D 400 x H 120
8 mono og 2 stereo innganger gir deg hele 12 inputs som rekker i veldig mange tilfeller. Stereo kanelene er også utstyrt med mik. preamp og man har da totalt 10 balanserte xlr mik. inganger.
Løsningen med 4 aux utganger gjør den også veldig allsidig. Disse kan brukes med de 2 innebygde effektprosessorene eller som 4 separate kurser. Aux 1 og 2 har også 3-bånds EQ og egen volumkontroll, dette gir deg store friheter på effekter samt monitorkurser.
Selvrensende ALPS potmeter som Montarbo har brukt i alle år gir deg ekstrem lang levetid og et produkt som leverer til enhver tid.
Modellen kan også leveres med rack monteringskit.
Info fra produsent:
The main features of MB-R16FX and MB-R12FX stand out for the very compact size, that allows for mounting in a standard 19 rack, using the optional adapters, the complete endowment of signal sends and returns and the practical configuration of the controls, that result in a simple and immediate utilization. They are equipped with a dual Montarbo stereo effects processor, based on a powerful, latest generation, 56 bit DSP, that provide 2 x 205 high quality programs, with an uncompromised sound quality (thanks to the dual 24 bit conversion) mated with unusual ease of use. The great flexibility of these mixing consoles allows them to be used both in live applications (thanks to the internal effect and to the two monitor sends, both with a 3-band eq.) and in recording or broadcasting studios (thanks to the channel s direct outs, the four effect sends, the control-room out and the stereo return).
MB-R12FX: 12 inputs / 10 channels (8 mono, 2 stereo)
The mono channels are fitted with both balanced microphone (XLR, with phantom power) and line (jack) inputs, with adjustable gain, insert, channel direct out, high-pass filter, 3-band equalizer with a semi-parametric MF control, 4 aux sends (two of which may be switched pre-post fade), pan, mute and pfl switches, peak level indicator and 60mm volume fader.
The stereo channels are fitted with one balanced microphone (XLR) and two line (jack) inputs, with adjustable gain, 3-band equalizer, 4 aux sends (two of which may be switched pre-post fade), balance, mute and pfl switches, peak level indicator and 60mm volume fader.
The dual stereo multieffects processor (based on a 56-bit internal DSP and 24-bit Delta-Sigma conversion) provides high performance digital audio processing combined with extremely easy operation. Each one of the two effects processors offers 205 high quality programs all carefully tailored to today s music requirements: Early, Stereo Gen, Ping Pong, Halo, Delay, Detune, Flanger, Chorus, Ambience, Chamber, Room, Hall, Cathedral, Plate, Plate Dly, Big Space, EcoRev, Concert, Live, Gate Inside a Box , Living Room, Ptc Rev, Pitch, Distance, a group of effects for specific instruments Vox - Flute - Trumpet - Sax - Brass - Keybrd - Piano - Gtr - Drum - Toms - Cymb - Hihat - Kick - Snare Tom and the classic Montarbo effects Echo, Echo+Reverb, Voice Reverb, Halo+Reverb).
The L/R master outputs are fitted with level indicators.
The AUX outputs are fitted with a 3-band equalizer, the EFFECT send may be used as monitor sends or for external effects.
The effect returns may be routed independently to the master and monitor outputs.
A really useful feature will be the possibility of plugging-in an analog recorder or of using the practical USB connection to connect a personal computer, used as a digital recorder/player, and of monitoring the master output or the PFL via the headphone output with adjustable volume.
Inputs (total)
MB-R16FX: 16 / MB-R12FX: 12
Mono-Inputs (Mic/Line) with Inserts
MB-R16FX: 12 / MB-R12FX: 8
Stereo-Line/Mono-Mic-Input Channels
MB-R16FX: 2 / MB-R12FX: 2
Stereo-Returns (Line)
Stereo-Tape-Return (Line)
USB interface
Aux Pre/Post-Fader (Monitor)
Aux Post-Fader (Effects/Monitor)
Master L/R
Control Room
Input Gain - Canale Mic Mono
Continuously variable from +3dB to + 50dB
- Canale Line Mono
Continuously variable from - 7dB to + 40dB
- Canale Line Stereo
Continuously variable from - 11dB to + 20dB
- Canale Mic Stereo
Continuously variable from +9 to + 40dB
- All other line level inputs
Max +6dB
CMRR at 100Hz
- Mic (gain + 40dB)
Typ. 75dB
CMRR at 1kHz
- Mic (gain + 40dB)
> 85dB
- Line
> 45dB
Noise (20 to 20kHz)
- Mic EIN ref. 150ohm
129dBu (gain + 50dB)
System Noise (20 to 20kHz)
- Summing Noise
- 86dBu (all channels routed with faders down)
- Line to Mix Noise
- 82dBu (all channels routed at 0dB, pan centre)
Equaliser Mono Channel
- High Pass Slope
12dB / Oct
- High Pass Frequency
- Treble Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Treble Frequency
- Mid Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Mid Frequency
Continuously variable from 160Hz to 4k5Hz
- Lo Mid Bandwith
1 Oct. (Q = 1.4)
- Bass Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Bass Shelving Frequency
Equaliser Stereo Channel
- Treble Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Treble Frequency
- Mid Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Mid Frequency
- Mid Bandwidth
1.4 Oct. (Q = 1)
- Bass Gain
+ / - 15dB
- Bass Shelving Frequency
96dB stereo CODEC
Stereo Effects Processor
- internal DSP
56 bit
- bandwidth
40Hz — 15kHz
Power Consumption
25 W
Mains Voltage
230V, 50-60Hz
Size (mm)
MB-R16FX: L 444 x D 400 x H 120
MB-R12FX: L 340 x D 400 x H 120
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
- Tilstand
- Ny
Generell info
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ID Musikk AS
FINN-kode | 30443689 |
Sist endret | 2.9.2011 kl. 12:51 |