Pardini vekselssett i 22lr SP/SPRF og 32 s&w long wc
Til salgs15 350 kr
Bækkevolds våpenservice AS
Norsk importør av Pardini pistoler, rifler og deler til Norge
Pardini vekselssett i 22lr SP/SPRF og 32 s&w long wc.
Pris SP 22lr vekselsett; 14650,-
Pris SP/RF 22lr vekselsett; 18200,-
Pris HP 32 S&W long wc vekselsett; 15350,-
Since 2016 The Sp-HO project uses an universal frame. The new frame is compatible with all newly manufactured models in both calibers .22 LR and .32 S&W. In caliber .22 LR: Rapid Fire, Sport and - in the USA - Bullseye; in Center Fire: .32 S&W and for the USA market .32 ACP caliber. This transforms the trio of international prizewinning pistols into one true, convertible weapon system. Conversion kits are available and the latest generation pistols can be used in all ISSF 25-meter target shooting disciplines. The new frame can be used for Rapid Fire Pistol, 25 m Women Pistol, Junior Sport Pistol, Standard Pistol, Center fire Pistol and Bullseye Pistol events. The advantages of the new SP-HP system are numerous: same grip, same trigger settings, interchangeability of the parts, versatility of the events that can be shot, compact carry size, lower cost. Some of the older generation barrels and bolts are also compatible and can be used on the new frame.
The conversion kits are sold individually in a special case and include a bolt, barrel-counterweight assembly, recoil spring with guiding rod, and 2 magazines for the caliber of choice. The conversion is a very simple operation that requires only one screw to be released. It can be done by the athlete at the firing line for less than 60 seconds. The following kits are available: SP Rimfire (for Standard and Sport Pistol), SP Rapid Fire (Men Rapid Fire Pistol), HP Center Fire (available in .32 S&W). SP Bullseye - Caliber .22LR, HP Bullseye - Caliber .32 (.32 ACP only in US market)
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Bækkevolds våpenservice AS
Enggutua 12. 2380 Brumunddal
Norsk Importør av Pardini våpen og deler.
Importør av Steyr luftvåpen
Erik 90736023
Norsk importør av Pardini pistoler, rifler og deler til Norge
Pardini vekselssett i 22lr SP/SPRF og 32 s&w long wc.
Pris SP 22lr vekselsett; 14650,-
Pris SP/RF 22lr vekselsett; 18200,-
Pris HP 32 S&W long wc vekselsett; 15350,-
Since 2016 The Sp-HO project uses an universal frame. The new frame is compatible with all newly manufactured models in both calibers .22 LR and .32 S&W. In caliber .22 LR: Rapid Fire, Sport and - in the USA - Bullseye; in Center Fire: .32 S&W and for the USA market .32 ACP caliber. This transforms the trio of international prizewinning pistols into one true, convertible weapon system. Conversion kits are available and the latest generation pistols can be used in all ISSF 25-meter target shooting disciplines. The new frame can be used for Rapid Fire Pistol, 25 m Women Pistol, Junior Sport Pistol, Standard Pistol, Center fire Pistol and Bullseye Pistol events. The advantages of the new SP-HP system are numerous: same grip, same trigger settings, interchangeability of the parts, versatility of the events that can be shot, compact carry size, lower cost. Some of the older generation barrels and bolts are also compatible and can be used on the new frame.
The conversion kits are sold individually in a special case and include a bolt, barrel-counterweight assembly, recoil spring with guiding rod, and 2 magazines for the caliber of choice. The conversion is a very simple operation that requires only one screw to be released. It can be done by the athlete at the firing line for less than 60 seconds. The following kits are available: SP Rimfire (for Standard and Sport Pistol), SP Rapid Fire (Men Rapid Fire Pistol), HP Center Fire (available in .32 S&W). SP Bullseye - Caliber .22LR, HP Bullseye - Caliber .32 (.32 ACP only in US market)
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Bækkevolds våpenservice AS
Enggutua 12. 2380 Brumunddal
Norsk Importør av Pardini våpen og deler.
Importør av Steyr luftvåpen
Erik 90736023
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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FINN-kode | 314522228 |
Sist endret | 10.8.2023 kl. 11:40 |