Masse metal/hard rock/rock på vinyl, cd og kassett (oppdatert 25. februar)
Beskrivelse av varen
Selger en mengde LPer, EPer og singler på vinyl, samt noe CDer og kassetter. Metal, stoner rock, hard rock, etc. Mye som er utgitt i små kvanta.
Jobber med å få tatt bilder av flere, send gjerne på en melding hvis du lurer på noe. Titler fjernes ettersom de blir solgt. Nye titler kan også legges til med ujevne mellomrom.
12" vinyl sendes helst som sporbar Norgespakke (135,- inntil 10kg), mens mindre formater kan sendes som brev avhengig av vekt.
Liten Norgespakke (også sporbar) koster 73,- og passer bra til flere 7" vinyl, CDer, kassetter. Rabatt er mulig ved kjøp av flere titler.
Henting er mulig i Hamar sentrum eller i Moelv.
Tilstandsbeskrivelse er plate/cover.
Adversarial - Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation (LP, DDR010LP, Svart, 300x, NM/NM) 175,-
Agusa - Högtid (LP, KOMMUN2-24, Gatefold, Svart,, 400x, NM/NM) 400,-
Agusa - Katarsis (LP, KOMMUN2-39, Splatter, Nummerert #68/100x, NM/NM) 850,-
Agusa - Två (LP, KOMMUN2-33, Gatefold, Splatter, Nummerert #62/100, NM/NM) 850,-
Albino Python - The Doomed and the Damned (LP, EZRDR-010, Testpress med ekstra denim-cover, Nummerert #30/30, NM/NM) 550,-
Albino Python - The Doomed and the Damned (LP, EZRDR-010, Die hard, Klar, 35x, NM/NM) 450,-
Alexander Pettersen - Don't Remember/Can't Forget (LP+CD, ALEX2CGR108, Gatefold, Klar, 500x, NM/NM) 250,-
Ancient Warlocks - Ancient Warlocks (LP, STB-007, Hvit/svart miks med innslag av gull, 100x, NM/NM) 350,-
Ancient Warlocks - II (LP, STB-17, Blå/hvit/brun stripet, 250x, NM/NM) 350,-
Animal Collective - Centipede Hz (2xLP + DVD, DNO335, Gatefold, US press, 5000x, NM/NM) 200,-
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion (2xLP, WIGLP216, Deluxe Edition, Gatefold, NM/NM) 250,-
Arctic Monkeys - AM (LP+7", WIGLP317, Deluxe Edition gatefold m/7" og booklet, NM/NM) 1150,-
Beastmaker - Lusus Naturae (LP+7", RISELP203, Die hard edition, Svart, 150x, NM/NM) 600,-
Birnam Wood - Wicked Worlds (LP, ARTIFACT 74, Gatefold, Lilla/blå/hvit marmor, 100x, NM/NM) 250,-
Bison Machine - Hoarfrost (LP, Bilocation 34LP, Gatefold, Hvit/svart/klar marmor, 111x, NM/NM) 300,-
Los Bitchos - Let the Festivities Begin! (LP, Slang50385LP, Blå, Dinked Edition m/party bag, 500x, NM/NM) 350,-
The Black Keys - Brothers (2xLP, VVR737199, EU førstepress m/poster, NM/NM) 500,-
Black Tusk - Set the Dial (LP, RR 7174, Gul marmor, 825x, NM/NM) 220,-
Blues Pills - Blues Pills (LP, NB 3191-1, Gatefold, Rosa, 200x, NM/NM) 500,-
Blues Pills - Lady in Gold (LP, NB 3475-1, Gatefold, Gull, NM/NM) 250,-
The Body - Christs, Redeemers (2xLP, THRILL 350, Gatefold, NM/NM) 250,-
Brimstone Coven - Brimstone Coven (LP, Lilla m/screenprintet cover, Nummerert #12/75, NM/NM) 700,-
Broken Bells - Broken Bells (LP, 88697558651,, NM/VG++) 350,-
Brutus - Behind the Mountains (LP, SVR213, Gatefold, Svart, 600x, NM/NM) 400,-
Brutus - Brutus (LP, SVR048, Gatefold, Re. 2013, Smoky Grey, 500x, NM/NM) 275,-
Brutus - Wandering Blind (LP, SVART013, Rød/hvit splatter, 150x, NM/NM) 450,-
Burmese - Men (MLP, Load 064, NM/NM) 150,-
Burn Ritual - The Void (LP, ARTIFACT 116, gatefold, transp. rød, 300x, NM/NM) 200,-
Buzzard - Sonic Renaissance (LP, Bilocation 19, Gatefold, Blå/svart/hvit marmor, Nummer 49/111x, NM/NM) 200,-
Cannibal Corpse - A Skeletal Domain (LP, 3984-25015-1, Gatefold, grønn/rød/gul, Nummerert #136/200, NM/NM) 1200,-
Cannibal Corpse - Red Before Black (LP, 3984-15530-1, Rød marmor, Nummerert #003/200, NM/NM) 700,-
Chaos Echoes - Transient (2xLP, ANTI-GOTH 271, m/poster, NM/NM) 250,-
Child - Blueside (LP, Artifact 27, Gatefold, Blå/hvit marmor, 166x, NM/NM) 650,-
Child - Child (LP, ARTIFACT 17, "white hazed orange", nummerert #35/111x, NM/NM) 900,-
Church of Void - Dead Rising (LP, SVR224, Gatefold, Hvit, 150x, NM/NM) 200,-
Conan - Blood Eagle (LP, NPR 527 LP, Gatefold, Gull, 100x, NM/NM) 500,-
Conan - Revengeance (LP, NPR636, Gatefold, Sølv, 200x, NM/NM) 450,-
Crowbar - Odd Fellows Rest (2xLP, BOBV430LP, Gatefold, Hvit, 500x, NM/NM) 950,-
Crowbar - Sever the Wicked Hand (2xLP, EOM-LP-2354, Gatefold, NM/NM) 650,-
Crowbar - Sonic Excess In Its Purest Form (LP, BOBV431LP, Re. 2015, Gatefold, Blå gj.siktig, 500x, NM/NM) 800,-
Curse the Son - Psychache (LP, STB-06, Gatefold, Hvit splatter, med to cover (EU+US), 100x, NM/NM) 400,-
Death Hawks - Psychic Harmony (LP, SVART197, Beinhvit, 500x, NM/NM) 200,-
The Deathtrip - Demon Solar Totem (LP, SVART217, Blå, 444x, NM/NM) 250,-
Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest (LP, CAD 3X38, Hvit, NM/NM) 200,-
Demon Head - Hellfire Ocean Void (LP, slipcase, "Fiery marble", 200x, NM/NM) 350,-
Devil Electric - Devil Electric (LP, ARTIFACT 29, Gatefold, Rød/svart marmor, nummer #105, NM/NM) 500,-
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Dissociation (LP, PSI005LP, Gatefold, Transparent blå med etching på side D, 1000x, NM/NM) 450,-
Dopethrone - Hochelaga (LP, TOTEM 011, Klar m/gul røykeffekt, 250x, NM/NM) 700,-
Dopethrone - III (LP, TOTEM 003, Klar, 100x, Nummerert #9/500, Re. 2014, NM/NM) 600,-
Druglord - Enter Venus (LP, STB05, Grønn splatter + sticker, 103x, NM/NM) 350,-
Druglord - Motherfucker Rising (LP, LAR-018, Hvit, 100x, NM/NM) 300,-
Dwaal - Darben (MLP, selvutgitt, NM/NM) 300,-
Electric Citizen - Sateen (LP, EZRDR-029, Grå marmor, 100x, NM/NM) 400,-
ELO - Time (LP, FZ 37371, US pressing VG+/VG+) 75,-
Fu Manchu - Gigantoid (LP, ATD008, gj.siktig lilla, 1500x, NM/NM) 350,-
Fu Manchu - Go For It...Live! (2xLP, R20-19341 2LP, NM/NM) 800,-
Fu Manchu - Signs of Infinite Power (LP, ATD003, Gatefold, gj.siktig grønn, NM/NM) 400,-
Fu Manchu - We Must Obey (LP+CD, 77635-1, NM/NM) 400,-
John Garcia - The Coyote Who Spoke in Tongues (LP, NPR 673, Lilla, 200x, NM/NM) 500,-
Ghost - Infestissumam (LP, 060253734016, Gatefold, Klar, 4000x, NM/NM) 700,-
Ghost - Prequelle (LP, 060256762722, Oransje, nummer #261/888, NM/NM) 800,-
Glowsun - Beyond the Wall of Time (LP, NPR 594 LP, Gull, 100x, NM/NM) 450,-
Glutton - Outliers (LP, ARP010LP, NM/NM) 150,-
Goatess - Blood and Wine (2xLP, SVART205, Gatefold, NM/NM) 250,-
The Golden Grass - The Golden Grass (LP, SVR271, Ølfarget, m/patch og stickers, 100x, NM/NM) 350,-
Gone Cosmic - Sideways in Time (LP, ARTIFACT 67, gatefold, klar/rød marmor, 200x NM/NM) 200,-
Graveyard - Innocence & Decadence (LP, 060254743586 / EKO 166, Gatefold, Royal blue, m/print og pins, #048/522, NM/NM) 350,-
Haust - Powers of Horror (LP, FY022, NM/NM) 200,-
Heat - Labyrinth (LP, TCM 040, Klar, 600x, NM/NM) 200,-
Heat - Old Sparky (LP, EMLP02, NM/NM) 200,-
Heathens - II (LP, Last Anthem Records, Hvit, NM/NM) 100,-
Hermano - …Into the Exam Room (2xLP, BURBLP 050, 1st press, NM/NM) 900,-
Hermano - Live at W2 (LP, CHAPTER 28, Gul, 900x, NM/NM) 750,-
High Fighter - Scars & Crosses (LP, SVART033, Svart vinyl, 400x, NM/NM) 250,-
High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis (LP, 9981051, Gatefold, Svart EU, NM/NM) 400,-
Horseback - Half Blood (LP, RR7178,, 500x, NM/NM) 250,-
Infant Death - Total Hell (LP, APOCALYPSE 043LP, NM/NM) 200,-
Infant Death - Violent Rites (LP, APOCALYPSE 047LP, Rød/svart/hvit, 100x, NM/NM) 350,-
Infant Death - War (LP, APOCALYPSE034LP, NM/NM) 200,-
Insane - Evil (LP, DUPLO71LP, turkis, m/patch, 100x) 350,-
Inter Arma - Sky Burial (2xLP, RR7206, Beinhvit førstepress, 300x, NM/NM) 300,-
Ironbird - Black Mountain (LP, TRANSV26, NM/NM) 200,-
Jodis - Black Curtain (LP, HH666-212, Svart, NM/NM) 200,-
Jointhugger - I Am No One (ISR015, Gatefold, Clear w/black blob, m/poster og klistremerke, NM/NM) 450,-
Kadavar - Abra Kadavar (LP, NB 3064-1, Gatefold, NM/NM) 300,-
Kadavar - Live in Antwerp (2xLP, NB 3354-1, Gatefold, Gull, 100x, NM/NM) 750,-
Kadavar & Aqua Nebula Oscillator - White Ring (2xLP, TCM015, Gatefold, Svart, 2000x, NM/NM) 300,-
Katla - Embryo (LP, SVR378, Gatefold, Hvit, 200x, NM/NM) 220,-
King Crimson - USA (LP, KCLP12, Re. 2015, NM/NM) 250,-
Liars - Sisterworld (2xLP+2CD, STUMM315, Deluxe, NM/NM) 180,-
Lilacs & Champagne - Lilacs & Champagne (LP, MEX 106, NM/NM) 200,-
Lo-Pan - Colossus (LP, S-152LP, magenta/lilla, 500x, NM/NM) 350,-
Lo-Pan - Salvador (LP, SS-116LP, klar med rødt og blått, 250x, NM/NM) 750,-
Lo-Pan - Sasquanaut (LP, SS-110LP, Svart, 100x, NM/NM) 350,-
Lonely Kamel - Blues for the Dead (LP, Reissue på Little Bird Records 2016, NM/NM) 250,-
Lonely Kamel - Dust Devil (LP, NPR 395 LP, Re. 2014, Gatefold, Gull, 100x, NM/NM) 500,-
Lonely Kamel - Shit City (LP, NPR558LP, Blå, 100x, NM/NM) 500,-
Lord Fowl - Glorious Babylon (LP, Transparent rosa, 300x, NM/NM) 200,-
Madmess - Madmess (LP, DRR034, Kremfarget, 100x, NM/NM)
Madmess - Rebirth (LP, HOFF373DINK, Turkis marmor, Dinked Edition m/art print, #74/500, NM/NM) 400,-
Merlin - The Wizard (LP, THECO-007, Sølv, 125x, NM/NM) 750,-
Mogwai - Special Moves (2xLP, ROCKACT48LP, Gatefold, m/DVD "Burning", NM/NM/NM) 600,-
Monica Heldal - Boy from the North (LP+CD, 5053105-9275-1-7, Gatefold, NM/NM) 900,-
Monolord - Vænir (2xLP, EZRDR-044, Transparent gul, 200x, NM/NM) 400,-
Montée - Isle of Now (LP, BDSHOPLP008, Gatefold, NM/NM) 300,-
Mos Generator / Stubb - The Theory of Light & Matter (LP, HVSK-1207, Rød/svart marmor, 150x, NM/NM) 200,-
Motorpsycho - Yay! (LP, NFGS0123LP, Multifarget splatter, 1000x, Ny/Forseglet) 350,-
Nasum - Shift (LP, RR6643, Re. 2014, Gatefold, Gull/hvit splatter, 500x, NM/NM) 300,-
Nettlecarrier - Nettlecarrier (LP, INDIE083LP, NM/NM) 250,-
Neurosis - Fires Within Fires (LP, NR102-33, Klar/rød marmor, 610x, NM/NM) 400,-
Noctum - Final Sacrifice (LP, Metal Blade 3984-15235-1, Blå, m/poster, 500x, NM/NM) 200,-
Noctum - The Seance (LP, HRR 137, Lilla, 200x, NM/NM) 200,-
Ocean Chief - Universums härd (LP, IHR120, 500x, NM/NM) 250,-
Old Man's Will - Old Man's Will (LP, TRANSV20, Gatefold, Hvit) 250,-
Opium Warlords - Taste My Sword of Understanding (2xLP, SVR265, Gull, 350x, NM/NM) 200,-
The Order of Israfel - Wisdom (2xLP, NPR 549 LP, Gatefold, Gull, 100x, NM/NM) 300,-
The Osiris Club - Blazing World (LP, INDIE141LP, Gatefold, Klar, NM/NM) 250,-
The Picturebooks - Imaginary Horse (LP, EZRDR-035, Oransje, NM/NM) 300,-
Public Service Broadcasting - Inform, Educate, Entertain (TCRVA01, Gatefold, NM/NM) 275,-
Pymlico - Meeting Point (LP+CD, ARP003LP, NM/NM) 200,-
Radio Moscow - Radio Moscow (LP, ALIVE 0077-1, Starburst, 100x, NM/NM) 350,-
Red Mountains - Down With the Sun (LP, Nasoni 164, Lilla, 300x, NM/NM) 300,-
Reptile Master - In the Light of a Sinking Sun (Live at Driv Tromsø 2015) (Picture disc LP, 100x, NM/NM) 200,-
Royal Thunder - Crooked Doors (2xLP, RR7264, Gatefold, Sølv, 250x VG+/NM - scratch på spor A1) 300 kr.
Royal Thunder - CVI (2xLP, RR7175, Gatefold, Svart, 500x, NM/NM) 400 kr.
Ruby the Hatchet - Aurum (LP, ARTIFACT 18, Klar rød/svart marmor, #40/111x, NM/NM) 550,-
Ruby the Hatchet - Valley of the Snake (LP, TPE-171-1, Elfenben, NM/NM) 300,-
Saccades - Flowing Fades (LP, FC144V12, klar m/rosa "haze") 150,-
Sadus - Live in Chile (LP, NIGHT 253, Gatefold, #210/500, NM/NM) 400,-
Sasquatch - II (LP, SS-072, Re. 2015, Klar, 500x, NM/NM) 500,-
Scott Kelly (fra Neurosis) - Spirit Bound Flesh (LP, MPM012, Re. 2016, Svart, 400x, NM/NM) 500 kr.
Scott Kelly (fra Neurosis) - The Wake (LP, BWR018, Gatefold, Gull, NM/NM) 250,-
Second Sun - Hopp/Förtvivlan (LP, ASLT-18, NM/NM) 250,-
Shearwater - Animal Joy (LP, SP 957, US pressing, NM/NM) 180,-
Siena Root - Pioneers (LP+CD, GAP068, 300x, NM/NM) 300,-
Skånska Mord - Paths to Charon (LP, SS-131LP, Grå marmor, 175x, NM/NM) 300,-
Slift - Ummon (2LP, REVERB 157 LP, Klar m/svart splatter, 300x, Forseglet, M/M) 1110,-
Soft Ride - Burgundy (LP+CD, AP013LP, NM/NM) 200,-
Sons of Otis - Seismic (LP, SS-128LP, NM/NM) 350,-
Sons of Otis - Spacejumbofudge (LP, ARBW005LP, Gj.siktig lilla, 300x, NM/NM) 400,-
Sons of Otis - Temple Ball (2xLP, BILOCATION 8, Gatefold, Klar, Nummerert #124/200, NM/NM) 550,-
Space God Ritual - Eldritch Tales (LP, Bilocation 28, Lilla gj.siktig, #140/166x, NM/NM) 250,-
Spaceslug - Reign of the Orion + Mountains & Reminiscence (2xLP, ARTIFACT 91, Gatefold, LP1 er lilla med svart, LP2 er gull, 250x, NM/NM) 400,-
Spectral Haze - Spectral Haze (LP, Duplo 56, Svart, 200x, NM/NM) 350,-
Spell - For None and All (LP, OMEN014, Hvit, 80x, NM/NM) 400,-
Spell - Opulent Decay (LP, OMEN022, Gatefold, NM/NM) 250,-
Spidergawd - II (LP+CD, VODU5CGR045LT, Svart, 3rd press, 300x, Ny og forseglet) 450,-
There Will Be Blood - Horns (LP, BFTRS 007, Brun, NM/NM) 300,-
Trap Them - Blissfucker (LP, PROS101721, Gatefold, Grå, 300x, NM/NM) 250,-
The Tronosonic Experience - II The Big Blow (LP, ARP020LP, Blå, 250x, NM/NM) 300,-
Troubled Horse - Step Inside (LP, RISELP148, Gatefold, Transp. grønn, NM/NM) 250,-
Truckfighters - Gravity X & Phi (3xLP Box Set, FUZZLP006, Rød og Gul, NM/NM) 700,-
Truckfighters - Universe (LP, FUZZLP008, Gull, 150x, NM/NM) 400,-
Tunga Moln - Tunga Moln (LP, DHLP1301, Nummer 102/300, VG+/NM pga litt ujevn plate) 400,-
Ulver - Blood Inside (LP, Picture disc, 500x, TRICK033 / NRP45, Uspilt, M/NM) 650,-
Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats - Mind Control (2xLP, RISELP158, Die Hard Edition, Lilla vinyl, m/poster og patch, 200x, NM/NM) 1000,-
Vesperith - Vesperith (LP, SVART203, NM/NM) 200,-
VOJD - The Outer Ocean (LP, HRR600, Klar, 150x, NM/NM) 800,-
The Well - Samsara (LP, EZRDR - 034, Klar, NM/NM) 250,-
Wildildlife - Details (LP, vol-10020-1, 500x, NM/NM) 150,-
Windhand - Grief's Infernal Flower (2xLP, RR7309, Deluxe Edition, Sølv, 250x, NM/NM) 650,-
Windhand - Soma (2xLP, RR7236, Lilla (deep purple), m/patch, 100x, NM/NM) 1400,-
Windhand - Windhand (LP, FFR029, White/purple haze,, 1000x, NM/NM) 600,-
Wino - Adrift (LP, Volcom Entertainment 02851, Svart, 800x, NM/NM) 250,-
Wino & Conny Ochs - Heavy Kingdom (LP, EOM56V, 1000x, NM/NM) 300,-
Wino & Conny Ochs - Labour of Love (LP, GMT 0:26 V, Grønn gj.siktig, Nummerert 500/500, NM/NM) 450,-
Witch Mountain - South of Salem (2xLP, SVR289, grønn, 200x, NM/NM) 650,-
Woodland - Go Nowhere (LP, WOOD1CGR071, Klar, m/CD, 300x, NM/NM) 300,-
Yatra - Blood of the Night (LP, STB- 33, gatefold, hvit splatter, 150x, NM/NM) 250,-
Yeasayer - Fragrant World (2xLP, SC240, Gatefold, Blå/hvit marmor, NM/NM) 150,-
Neil Young - Live in Chicago 1992 (2LP, VP 80116, Gatefold, NM/NM) 3000,-
Yuri Gagarin - At the Center of All Infinity (LP, Kommun2-36, Re. 2016, Lilla, 200x, NM/NM) 400,-
Zaum - Oracles (LP, IHR121, Gul m/rød haze, 250x, VG+/NM pga endel overflatestøy) 200,-
Zeal and Ardor - Devil Is Fine (LP, RFL137V, Svart førstepress, 350x, NM/NM) 600,-
EPer/singler 12":
Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes (DNO228, NM/NM) 100,-
Animal Collective - Transverse Temporal Gyrus (DNO324 / RUG471T, RSD 2012, NM/NM) 180,-
Black Tusk - Tend No Wounds (RR7225, Beinhvit splatter, 300x, NM/NM) 200,-
Camera Obscura - 4AD Session (RSD2014, NM/NM) 150,-
Child - I (12", Kozmik Artifactz 2018, Svart, 500x, NM/NM) 500,-
Dead To This World - Sacrifice (SSR045, m/plakat, NM/NM) 100,-
Druglord - Deepest Regrets (STB-16, Klar m/svart screenprint, 200x, NM/NM) 400,-
From Beyond - One Year (TOTEM 007, Klar m/lilla haze, m/poster, 100x, NM/NM) 350,-
Geezer - Gage (STB-08, Klar splatter, m/OBI, Nummer 59/100x, NM/NM) 400,-
Ghost - If You Have Ghost (060253756411, Skandinavia førstepress, Klar, 500x, NM/NM) 1000,-
Ghost - Popestar (REAKTOREP2, Scandinavia, 3000x, NM/NM) 400,-
The Graviators / Brutus - Split (TRANSV01, Svart, 300x, NM/NM) 150,-
Green Lung - Free the Witch (ARTIFACT81, Gatefold, Rød med svart, 200x, NM/NM) 350,-
Jamie Lidell - Another Day (WAP243) 50,-
Melvins / U-Men (Scale 123, Klar splatter, 700x, NM/NM) 250,-
Monolord - Cursing the One (EZRDR-043, Grå marmor, NM/NM) 400,-
Mos Generator / Isaak - Split 12" (HPS020, Rød/svart marmor, 150x, NM/NM) 200,-
Moutheater - Colonial (LAR-015, 375x, NM/NM) 100,-
Next Life / Haust - Split (FY018, 500x, NM/NM) 120,-
Noctum - The Fiddler (HRR 189, svart, 350x, NM/NM) 150,-
Royal Thunder - Royal Thunder (Re. 2011, RR7150, Hvit, 313x, NM/NM) 200,-
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Follow the Lights (B0010177-01, NM/NM) 150,-
Scott Kelly - Push Me on to the Sun (MPM 013 EP, Svart, 700x, NM/NM) 200,-
Skånska Mord - Skånska Mord (TRANSV27, Hvit, NM/NM) 200,-
Thou - The Sacrifice (ROBO 111, Klar, NM/NM) 200,-
Truckfighters / Witchrider - The Return of the Fuzzsplit Vol One (FUZZLP020, NM/NM) 200,-
Warp Riders - A Tea Party with Demons (Ramble On Records) 500,-
EPer/Singler 10":
Blues Pills - Devil Man (NB 3162-1, Gatefold, grå, 200x, NM/NM) 300,-
Blues Pills - Live at Rockpalast (NB 3298-1, Gatefold, svart, NM/NM) 200,-
Capricorn - These Days (SNUT1CGR010, #405/550, NM/VG+) 250,-
Eyehategod / Psycho - Split 9" (F.O.A.D. 085, Transp. rød/blå, 150x, NM/NM) 250,-
Infant Death - Infant Death/Cursed to Damnation (APOCALYPSE 040MLP, Hvit, NM/NM) 150,-
Sons of Otis - Untitled (PicDisc TMC063LP, NM) 180,-
Roger Waters - Hello (I Love You) (SILLP 1236, RSD2014, 700x, NM/NM) 200,-
Year of the Cobra - The Black Sun (DHU0001, Svart, 100x, NM/NM) 500,-
Singler 7":
Atlantic Tide - Aeons of Hell (NTR014, Oransje, 400x, NM/NM) 60,-
Atlantic Tide - Bad Acid Queen (HRR 086, Svart, 350x, NM/NM) 60,-
The Atlas Moth / Wolvhammer - Split 7" (INIT-77, Grå, NM/NM) 60,-
Beastmaker - You Must Sin (RISE7/202, 250x, NM/NM) 150,-
Best Coast / Jeff the Brotherhood - Split (VEVC 0017, Rosa, #69/1000, NM/NM) 80,-
The Black Keys - The Moan (ALIVE 0047-1, Re. 2006, 1000x, NM/NM) 150,-
Black Moon Circle / Reptile Master - Split 7" (MOON3CGR060 / BFTRS005, Rød/klar miks, 300x, NM/NM) 150,-
Black Prism - Satan's Country (EZRDR-006, Oransje, 75x, NM/NM) 150,-
Black Tusk / Fight Amp - Split 7" (BPR-03, Re. 2013, Lavendel, 300x, NM/NM) 80,-
The Blank Tapes - 1000 Leather Tassels (VEVC 0037, Nummer 63/320x, NM/NM) 80,-
Bright Eyes - Motion Sickness (young-024, 1100x, NM/NM) 50,-
Brutus - Big Fat Boogie (SVR259, Oransje, 200x, NM/NM) 100,-
Brutus - Drowning / Ute av focus (SVART 013, Eyeball splatter, 150x, NM/NM) 125,-
Brutus - Personal Riot (SVR207, 500x, NM/NM) 100,-
Cruciamentum - Paradise Envenomed (PFL-193EP, Gul/svart miks, 100x, NM/NM) 250,-
Dirty Projectors - No Intention (RUG389, 300x, NM/NM) 50,-
Dozer / Nymf - Split ( TRANSV706, 100x, NM/NM) 125,-
Electric Citizen - Light Years Beyond (EZRDR-030, Lysblå, 75x, NM/NM) 125,-
Fat Tony - Fat Tony (VEVC 0038, Blå/gul, Nummerert 320x, NM/NM) 80,-
Fu Manchu - Hung Out To Dry (6024-7, m/CD, 3000x, NM/NM) 200,-
Fu Manchu - Knew It All Along (ATD 001, gj.siktig gul, 1000x, NM/NM) 250,-
Fu Manchu - Slow Ride / Future Transmitter (ATD012, Klar, 500x, NM/NM) 200,-
Graveyard - Goliath (REK 096, Svart) 100,-
Graveyard - Live at Pustervik (2x7", 060267737260, Rød, 500x, NM/NM) 300,-
Haust - Fall (FY078, NM/NM) 100,-
Hypnos - The Mountain (CR025, NM/NM) 100,-
The Heads - For Madmen Only/Born To Go (rooster27-7, Oransje, 450x, NM/NM) 150,-
Kadavar - A Thousand Miles Away from Home (NB 3821-1, Re. 2017, Svart, 400x, NM/NM) 100,-
Kadavar - Die Baby Die (NB 4122-1, 900x, NM/NM) 100,-
The Magic Numbers - Take a Chance (HVN163, Klar, m/poster, NM/NM) 50,-
Morte Penumbra / Half Visible Presence - Split (DUPLO54EP, NM/NM) 50,-
Mos Generator - Wroomb/Tracks (Psychobabble081, NM/NM) 100,-
Mos Generator / Daily Thompson - Split 7" (H42-013, Klar, 100x, NM/NM) 100,-
Nate Hall / Scott Kelly - Split 7" (Rød, 250x, NM/NM) 125,-
Noctum - Until Then...Until The End (MB 15413-7, Hvit, 200x, NM/NM) 100,-
Purson - Leaning on a Bear (RISE7/166, Klar, 100x, NM/NM) 200,-
Purson - Rocking Horse (B007929F6W, Svart, 250x, NM/NM) 300,-
Purson - The Contract (RISE7/173, Svart, 200x, NM/NM) 450,-
Scott Kelly and the Road Home - Eternal (Hvit, NM/NM) 100,-
Siena Root - Conveniently Blind (TRANSV708, 1000x, NM/NM) 100,-
Slow Season - Heavy (EZRDR-002, Rød, 75x, NM/NM) 120,-
Slow Season - Supernaut/One Way (EZRDR-063, Blå, NM/NM) 120,-
Torche - Keep Up/Leather Feather (VEVC0034, Klar splatter, #167 av 525x, NM/NM) 100,-
Trap Them - Seance Prime (DWI66, Lilla splatter, 1000x, repress 2007, NM/NM) 100,-
Tribulation - Lady Death (88985492727, Svart, 700x, NM/NM) 100,-
Troubled Horse - Bring My Horses Home/Shirleen (CR011, Reissue, NM/NM) 70,-
Vidunder - Oracles & Prophets (LP+7" flexi, CRLP 028, NM/NM) 400,-
The Well - Mortal Bones (EZRDR-033, 200x, NM/NM) 120,-
Wino / Scott Kelly - Split 7" (VEVC 0019, Blå gj.siktig, nummer #671, NM/NM) 125,-
CD-er :
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Ballad of the Broken Seas (VVR1035822, NM/NM) 60,-
Clutch - Blast Tyrant (RTE410, repress, NM/NM) 50,-
Converge - Caring and Killing (Hydra Head reissue) 50,-
Dead Meadow - Feathers (OLE 625-2, Digipack) 50,-
The Deathtrip - Deep Drone Master (SVR318CD, NM/NM) 50,-
Deep Winter - Deep Winter (Artifact 21, NM/NM) 85,-
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis (SOM 200D, Digipack) 50,-
Friendship - Ain't No Shame (ARTIFACT42) 50,-
The Heavy Eyes - He Dreams of Lions (ARTIFACT 20, NM/NM) 125,-
Heavy Glow - Pearls & Swine and Everything Fine (Artifact 24) 40,-
The Knife - Silent Shout (VVR1038272) 50,-
Kylesa - To Walk A Middle Course (6561910020-2, NM/NM) 40,-
Kåre & the Cavemen - Jet Age (7243 842775 2, førstepress) 200,-
Landberk - Indian Summer (RHCD2) 550,-
Mammothwing - Morning Light (Bilocation 32, NM/NM) 350,-
Mogwai - Mr Beast (PIASX062CD, NM/NM) 50,-
Mogwai - Rock Action (PIASV 010 CD, NM/NM) 50,-
Overmars - Affliction, Endocrine... Vertigo (CDL090CD, inkl DVD) 70,-
The Pogues - Rum Sodomy and the Lash (5046759592, Remaster 2004, NM/NM) 30,-
Red Spektor - Red Spektor (BILOCATION 38, NM/NM) 125,-
Serenity Trace - 7th Revolution (promo, 2008) 30,-
Sigur Rós - Hvarf/Heim (2xCD, 5099950256624, Digipack) 80,-
Slayer - God Hates Us All (586 331-2) 50,-
Thule - -graks (THU-3-CD, NM/NM) 600,-
Various Artists - JägerMusic Rarities (2003) 30,-
Vestjysk Ørken - Cosmic Desert Fuzz ("mini-lp" cover) 70,-
Yeasayer - All Hour Cymbals (WRF002, digipack, NM/NM) 30,-
Yeasayer - Fragrant World (SC240, Forseglet, M/M) 30,-
Ancient Warlocks - II (STB-17, m/albumet "Live" på side B, pakket i mylar-pose, 100x, NM/NM) 200,-
Beastiality - Ancient Bell Chimes (selvutgitt i 2013, NM/NM) 250,-
Beastiality - Demons from Nifelhel (selvutgitt i 2016, NM/NM) 100,-
Desert Suns - Desert Suns (CT-HVSK-04, 50x, NM/NM) 200,-
The Disconnects - ...Are Healthy (blr001, NM/NM) 50,-
Doctor Smoke - Demo 2013 (DRSM-01, 100x, NM/NM) 150,-
Dungeon Weed - The Eye of the Icosahedron (ENR-018, NM/NM) 100,-
Electric Citizen - S/T (BPR10, m/pin, 100x, NM/NM) 250,-
Evil Madness / Infant Death - Split (Hellforced Records 16|19, 300x, NM/NM) 100,-
Graveyard - Hisingen Blues (EZRDR-012, hvit kassett, inkl pappcover med trykk, 100x, NM/NM) 250,-
Graveyard - Lights Out (EZRDR-011, inkl pappcover med trykk, 200x, NM/NM) 200,-
Grizzlyman - Grizzlyman (TJUGOETT! / TAR028, 200x, NM/NM) 100,-
Hexen Hammer - Sentencia (HCR03, NM/NM) 75,-
Infant Death - Cursed to Damnation (pro015, 100x, NM/NM) 120,-
Khthoniik Cerviiks - Heptaedrone (Iron Bonehead,, 200x, NM/NM) 100,-
Kombynat Robotron - Feldversuchssammlung (CN140, 100x, M/M) 250,-
Lightsabres - Spitting Blood (CT-HVSK-02, m/patch, 50x, NM/NM) 200,-
Mantar - Death By Burning (BPR14, innpakket i tøybag, 125x, NM/NM) 350,-
Merciless - The Awakening (IPR063, Re. 2017, NM/NM), 200,-
Moon Curse - Spirit Remains (BILOCATION 36, 100x, NM/NM) 125,-
Morbo - Addiction to Musickal Dissection (TFH 37, NM/NM) 75,-
Orchid - The Mouth of Madness (EZRDR-007, inkl. hvitt pappcover med lilla trykk, 200x, NM/NM) 200,-
Ortega - Crows (TAR30, 100x, NM/NM) 150,-
Prophets of Saturn - Prophets of Saturn (CT-HVSK-03, 50x, NM/NM) 150,-
Slomatics - Estron (TAR029, 100x, NM/NM) 150,-
SNOW - Fast 'n Heavy Loud 'n Slow (ENR-005, NM/NM) 100,-
Windhand - Soma (EZRDR – 024, lærcover, nummerert #12/20x, kassetten er forseglet, NM/NM) 700,-
Witch Charmer - The Great Depression (CT-HVSK-01, 100x, NM/NM) 150,-
Witchtrap - Dark Millenium (D.V.P. 39, NM/NM) 175,-
Slayer - The Repentless Killogy 150,-
Søkeord: death metal thrash metal black metal stoner rock doom psychedelic rock psych heavy metal hard rock tape kassett indie easyrider ridingeasy stb totem cat
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