Pokémon TCG Sword & Shield - REVERSE HOLOS
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Tilgjengelige Reverse:
🔹Base Set REVERSE🔹
002/202 Roselia
003/202 Roselia
007/202 Maractus
008/202 Durant
010/202 Grookey
012/202 Thwackey
017/202 Blipbug
023/202 Ninetales
037/202 Sizzlipede
038/202 Sizzlipede
040/202 Shellder
043/202 Krabby
045/202 Goldeen
062/202 Cramorant
063/202 Snom
067/202 Chinchou
068/202 Chinchou
069/202 Lanturn
070/202 Joltik
071/202 Galvantula
074/202 Yamper
075/202 Boltund
081/202 Galarian Ponyta
089/202 Sinistea
094/202 Hitmonlee
097/202 Rhyhorn
100/202 Sudowoodo
101/202 Baltoy
105/202 Mudbray
111/202 Clobbopus
121/202 Skorupi
123/202 Croagunk
126/202 Thievul
127/202 Galarian Meowth
128/202 Galarian Perrserker
131/202 Ferrothorn
133/202 Pawniard
134/202 Bisharp
136/202 Cufant
143/202 Hoothoot
146/202 Minccino
150/202 Rookidee
153/202 Wooloo
157/202 Bede
164/202 Great Ball
165/202 Hop
167/202 Lucky Egg
171/202 Ordinary Rod
172/202 Pal Pad
175/202 Pokémon Catcher
176/202 Pokémon Center Lady
177/202 Potion
180/202 Rare Candy
181/202 Rotom Bike
184/202 Team Yell Grunt
🔹Rebel Clash REVERSE🔹
004/192 Scyther
027/192 Growlithe
029/192 Magmar
032/192 Lampent
041/192 Wingull
058/192 Electabuzz
065/192 Charjabug
073/192 Morpeko
074/192 Clefairy
078/192 Galarian Corsola
101/192 Galarian Yamask
103/192 Binacle
106/192 Carkol
118/192 Garbodor
119/192 Vullaby
125/192 Grimmsnarl
132/192 Durant
152/192 Greedent
156/192 Capacious Bucket
162/192 Nugget
164/192 Poké Ball
🔹Darkness Ablaze REVERSE🔹
005/189 Carnivine
016/189 Tsareena
022/189 Torchic
024/189 Blaziken
050/189 Wishiwashi
051/189 Mareanie
052/189 Toxapex
056/189 Flaaffy
058/189 Electrike
066/189 Arctozolt
072/189 Lunatone
073/189 Gothita
074/189 Gothorita
093/189 Hippopotas
096/189 Diggersby
109/189 Zweilous
112/189 Nickit
121/189 Aron
129/189 Meltan
131/189 Cufant
137/189 Dunsparce
139/189 Ursaring
148/189 Ducklett
150/189 Bunnelby
155/189 Corvisquire
🔹Champion's Path REVERSE🔹
003/073 Kakuna
004/073 Beedrill
006/073 Vulpix
007/073 Victini
009/073 Sizzlipede
010/073 Centiskorch
011/073 Carvanha
012/072 Sharpedo
019/073 Hattrem
020/073 Hatterene
024/073 Machop
025/073 Machoke
026/072 Machamp
028/072 Zygarde
029/072 Rockruff
030/072 Lycanroc
031/072 Rolycoly
033/073 Ekans
035/073 Galarian Zigzagoon
036/073 Galarian Linoone
038/073 Absol
039/073 Purrloin
940/073 Liepard
041/073 Scraggy
042/073 Scrafty
043/073 Trubbish
044/073 Inkay
045/073 Malamar
046/073 Nickit
049/073 Altaria
050/073 Bede
051/073 Full Heal
052/073 Great Ball
053/073 Hop
054/073 Hyper Potion
058/073 Piers
059/073 Poké Ball
060/073 Pokémon Center Lady
061/073 Potion
062/073 Professor's Research
063/073 Rotom Bike
064/073 Rotom Phone
065/073 Sonia
067/073 Team Yell Grunt
068/073 Turffield Stadium
🔹Vivid Voltage REVERSE🔹
003/185 Beedrill
011/185 Nuzleaf
017/185 Skiddo
028/185 Magcargo
033/185 Oshawott
057/185 Tynamo
063/185 Clefairy
087/185 Donphan
090/185 Riolu
104/185 Mightyena
105/185 Sableye
107/185 Sandile
111/185 Garbodor
114/185 Forretress
121/185 Dialga
125/185 Galarian Stunfisk
155/185 Memory Capsule
158/185 Opal
🔹Shining Fates REVERSE🔹
001/072 Yanma
006/072 Rowlet
007/072 Dartrix
016/072 Zarude
020/072 Horsea
031/072 Shinx
032/072 Luxio
034/072 Rotom
036/072 Morpeko
040/072 Trapinch
043/072 Spinarak
047/072 Nickit
049/072 Cufant
057/072 Ball Guy
061/072 Rusted Shield
062/072 Rusted Sword
063/072 Team Yell Towel
🔹Battle Styles REVERSE 🔹
002/163 Weepinbell
015/163 Lurantis
020/163 Entei
029/163 Sizzlipede
047/163 Luxio
081/163 Silicobra
089/163 Zubat
104/163 Bisharp
107/163 Aegislash
131/163 Scroll of Swirls
🔹Chilling Reign REVERSE🔹
001/198 Weedle
014/198 Steenee
015/198 Tsareena
026/198 Scorbunny
034/198 Castform Snowy Form
050/198 Blitzle
056/198 Haunter
082/198 Galarian Yamask
085/198 Crabominable
091/198 Clobbopus
105/198 Venipede
109/198 Aron
117/198 Porygon2
118/198 Porygon-Z
123/198 Shaymin
136/198 Echoing Horn
138/198 Fire-Resistant Gloves
157/198 Impact Energy
158/198 Lucky Energy
🔹Evolving Skies REVERSE🔹
003/203 Skiploom
027/203 Tentacruel
033/203 Lombre
036/203 Sharpedo
056/203 Ampharos
069/203 Swoobat
084/203 Hippopotas
087/203 Boldore
089/203 Palpitoad
105/203 Thievul
126/203 Teddiursa
129/203 Slakoth
150/203 Lucky Ice Pop
153/203 Scroll of the Flying Dragon
🔹Fusion Strike REVERSE🔹
016/264 Phantump
110/264 Jigglypuff
182/264 Skarmory
🔹Brilliant Stars REVERSE🔹
001/172 Exeggcute
004/172 Breloom
024/172 Chimchar
030/172 Staryu
043/172 Beartic
093/172 Morgrem
103/172 Klang
113/172 Druddigon
124/172 Minccino
126/172 Tornadus
132/172 Boss's Orders
139/172 Fresh Water Set
140/172 Friends in Galar
147/172 Professor's Research
151/172 Double Turbo Energy
🔹Astral Radiance REVERSE🔹
014/189 Shaymin
020/189 Dartrix
022/189 Rapidash
032/189 Piloswine
038/189 Glaceon
042/189 Dewott
061/189 Kirlia
074/189 Sudowoodo
079/189 Hippopotas
080/189 Hippowdon
096/189 Mightyena
115/189 Pawniard
146/189 Hisuian Heavy Ball
🔹Pokémon GO REVERSE🔹
020/078 Slowbro
022/078 Gyarados
034/078 Lunatone
041/078 Alolan Rattata
054/078 Eevee
🔹Lost Origin REVERSE🔹
032/196 Politoed
117/196 Spiritomb
170/196 Windup Arm
014/195 Virizion
082/195 Meowstic
145/195 Lopunny
🔹Crown Zenith REVERSE🔹
033/159 Corphish
062/159 Lunatone
112/159 Chatot
Pokemon TCG
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Sword and Shield
Sword & Shield
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