Tucker Max bøker
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I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is a book of autobiographical short stories about sex and drinking adventures written by Tucker Max. It was a New York Times #1 bestseller and made the Best Seller List each year from 2006 to 2011. It has sold over one million copies worldwide, including 400,000 copies in 2009 alone.
Tucker Max's books-- I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell , Assholes Finish First , and Hilarity Ensues --are a uniquely engaging trilogy composed of his best, craziest stories. They've sold millions of copies to fans all over the world. Their success has meant his success. As a thank you to those who have loved the stories and supported him for so long, Tucker has gone back through his massive archive of material one last time, culled out what you might call the "best of the rest," and arranged it here, in Sloppy Seconds , like a book version of Deleted Scenes. Unlike most deleted scenes, however, these don't suck. So enjoy.
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