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En haug med rollespill, rpg, tabletoprpg…
Selger duplikater fra samlingen min. Både nytt og brukt.
Prutbare priser om du handler flere titler, kjøper betaler frakt, bor utenfor Trondheim.
World of darkness RPG Books;
Demon the Fallen regelbok 1200,-
Mummy the ressurected 1000,-
Mage A: Digital Web. 400,-
Vampire DA: Clanbook Capedocian. 300,-
Vampire M: Players Guide to Sabbath 1e 100,- slitt
Vampire M 2ed regelbok 400,-
Vampire 5th Ed:
Regelbok 500,-
Camarilla 450,-
Anarchs 450,-
Fall of London 450,-
Screen m hefte 270,-
Terningsett 300,-
Second inquisition 400,-
Trinity Continum screen 200,- (wrapped)
Trinity Continum Æon screen (wrapped) 200,-
Trinity 1 Ed Æon Rpg rulebook ltd ed 400,-
Scion screen (ny wrapped) 200,-
Minds Eye Theatre HC slitt 100,-
Monte Cooks World of Darkness HC 500,-
Hunter the Vigil 600,-
Hunter V: Witchfinders 400,-
Exalted Book of 3 Circles 100,-
-WOD Core Rules. 400,-
Changeling 1ed Kithbooks:
Esho 750,-
Redcapd 420,-
Vampire Req:
-Ghouls. 200,-
-Gangrel Savage and macabre 400,-
-Venteue Lords over the Damned 400,-
Wraith RPG
Er de mest populære og underholdende rollespill bøkene som er blitt laget til World of Darkness universet. Og mange er veldig ettertraktet.
Buried Secrets 300,-
Book of Legions 400,-
Dark Kngdom of Jade: Adventures. 220,-
Dark Reflections Specters. 1200,-
Ends of Empire. 800,-
“. Masquer. 300,-
“. Artificer. 250,-
“. Sandmen 350,-
“. Spooks /Oracles 400,-
“. Pardoners/Puppeters 400,-
Haunts. 400,-
Mediums. 400,-
Midnight Express 250,-
Quick and the dead 500,-
Risen 300,-
Sea of Shadows. 300,-
Warhammer 1ed;
Shadows over Bögenhaven 800,-
Warhammer 2ed;
GM screen 700,-
Old World Armory 800,-
Realm of Sorcery 900,-
Knights of the Grail 2000,-
Karak Azgal 800,-
Terror in Talabheim 1200,-
Sigmar’s Heirs 1000,-
Shades of Empire 1800,-
Ashes of Middenheim (Path1) 400,-
Spires of Altorf (Path2) 400.-
Forges of Nuln (Path3) 1200.-
Companion 650,-
Warhammer 3ed
Players Vault (forseglet) 400,-
Age of Sigmar Corebook (miniatyr regelbok) forseglet 250,-
Warhammer 40k RPG:
Dark Heresy regelbok 1000,-
Rogue Trader regelbok 1800,-
Deadlands Hell on Earth;
-Toxic Tales: 60,-
-Something about a sword: 120,-
-Urban Renewal 180,-
Alien RPG regelbok (ny) 400,-
-Lord of the Rings: Moria Box 500,-
-Astonishing Adventures (pulp bruker Cthulhu systemet) Ny 150,-
-Overlight: Ivory Mausoleum eventyr Ny 70,-
-All Flesh must Be eaten:
Regel bok 2 ed innbundet 800,-
Tomorrow Ny 150,-
Savage World;
-Dawn of the Daikaiju 100,-
-Ripper Game Masters Handbook 180,-
-Ripper Players Guide 180,-
Savage Worlds Decks:(nye)
Status cards 200,-
Power cards 200,-
Action & adventure decks 200,-
Ripper Action decks 200,-
Kerberos Club (Savage world) 400,-
Kerberos Club (Wild Talents) 400,-
This favored lands - Wild talents 300,-
Central Casting:
Random background generator (sjelden populær sak)
Heroes for tomorrow 400,-
Heroes of legends 600,-
Cyberpunk Red starter boks tysk 100,-
Pathfinder 2
Treasure Vault coll Ed 800,-
gm screen 200,-
Lost omens:
Ancestry Guide 300,-
Firebrands 350,-
Pathfinder society guide 280,-
James Bond Rpg:
Regel boks 400,-
Thrilling Locations 300,-
Q Manual 300,-
(Kjøp alle 3: 800,-)
Scared Lands D5e: (Onyx Path)
-Creature Collection 500,-
-Wise and Wicked 300,-
-Players Guide 500,-
(Kjøp alle 3: 1000,-)
Der Almanach 2021 100,-
Årlig tysk rollespill utgivelse som inneholder en samling med 10 talls rollespill scenarioer, kildemateriale etc. Til:
• D&D
• Cthulhu
• Fallen World
• Lemna
• Midgard
• Mutant Jahr Null
• New Hong Kong Story
• Private Eye
• Seelenfänger
• Shadowrun
• Splittermond
DD 5e: (alt nytt’!)
Monster manual 450
Players handbook 450
Spacejammer adventure in space box 750
Dungeon tiles reincarnated City 350,-
Quest of the infinite staircase 450,- ltd ed
Fateforge Adventures 1 pg 500,-
Crypt of the lich 350,-
Legends of avallen 300,-
Draco deep dungeon hc 300,-
Ars Magica 3rd ed bøker:
Wizards Grimoire 250,-
Pax Dei 150,-
Mythic Europe 250,-
LOTR 5ed Rivendell. 1000,-
Expanse rpg 450,-
The spy game 5ed regelbok 450,-
Dark eye spellcasters Character folio 80,-
Earthdawn 4th ed
Players Guide (sealed) 450,-
GM Guide 450,-
GM screen (sealed) 180,-
Travar 300,-
Mystic Paths 350,-
Iopos 300,-
Empty Thrones 300,-
Empty Thrones npc card set 120,-
Games of the Hungry 50,-
Glass houses 50,-
Heavy metal queen 50,-
Brain Scratch 50,-
Haven - Legends vol 1: 350,-
Champions Challenge GN 180,- tegneserie
Earthdawn 1-3rd ed:
Gm companion 300,-
Kratas 400,-
Ardantans Revenge 250,-
Shards v1 250,-
Throal 250,-
Barsaive at War 300,-
1879 Rpg:
Søsterspillet til Shadowrun og Earthdawn: 1879 . Spiller bruker samme step system som rollespillet Earthdawn og er satt i en weird Steampunk setting. (magien løper løpsk hundre år for tidlig!)
Players Guide 400,-
GM Guide 400,-
Screen 180,-
Players companion 350,-
GM companion 300,-
London 300,-
Big Trouble in little soho 120,-
Ha penny pie GN 180,- tegneserie
Street wyrd 400,-
Shadows of North America 250,-
Shadows of Asia 250,-
New Seatle 150,-
War 150,-
Conspiracy theories 150,-
Zero Day (terning spill) 100,-
Matrix 100,-
Collapsing Now 250,-
Mobile Grimoire (deck) 120,-
Book of the lost (5th) 250,-
Court of Shadows 400,-
Schat (tysk) innbundet 200,-
Call of Cthulhu RPG:
Investigators companion 250,-
Achtung Cthulhu: Commanders Box Set sealed. 300,-
Age of Cthulhu: Timeless Sands of India. 250,-
Arkham Unveiling 6ed. 600,-
Malleus Monsteroum 1000,-
Alone against the Static 300,-
BRP: Astounding Adventures. 150,-
Cthulhutech: Dark Passions. 200,-
Last Rites. 200,-
World War Cthulhu Cold War HC 500,-
Secrets of Japan 1500,-
Nameless Horrors 2ed innbundet 400,-
Regelbok 20e. 500,-
HPLovecraft Preparatory academy 300,-
Deutch (tyskland sourcebook 20s på tysk) hc 250,-
Horror America (tysk) 100,-
COC Sverrige: Ingemar Fredman Epistlar 250,-
Stygian Fox CoC (mature);
Station 5 200,-
Darkness over Egalescar 200,-
Under a winters Snow 200,-
Regency Cthulhu 400,-
Rivers of London 500,-
Eldritch New England Holiday Collection 500,-
Cthulhu Notebook A4 250,-
Cthulhu Notebook A6 150,-
Cthulhu tysk: Deutchland HC 500
Cthulhu tysk: Horror Americana 200
Lovecraft Prepartory Academy Rpg HC 500
Cthulhu Sverige: Ingemar Fredmans Epistlar 300
Cthulhu stygian books (veldig voksent innhold! Små printruns);
Darkness over Eaglescar 300
Under a Winters Snow 300,-
Station S 300,-
Achtung Cthulhu: Forest of Fear 400,-
Blade in the dark (kuttefeil - lesbar) 100,-
Legends of 5 rings 1ed regelbok 400,-
LO5R: tomb of Inchiban box set 1500,-
Runequest Glorantha Sourcebook 400,-
Er også åpen for bytte mot andre rollespill bøker! Leter etter andre WoD bøker. Send meg liste hva du har.
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