It could be at least 1 month (like April 10th to mid-May), but ideally would be until beginning of June.
There are different scenarios possible for this stay: 1 - There is a good chance that I will not be in the apartment during April/May and June as well, so you could have the apartment for yourself for quite some time in case I do not find another roommate to share with you. 2 - We can also talk about you renting the whole apartment with the 2 bedroom, or even with just your bedroom, for that period if you would like. Price of course would change. 3 - I will look into having another roommate to share the house with you in case I am not there during April-June. In this case, rent would be a bit lower.
The apartment is cozy, spacious, has furniture and appliances. The place does feel a lot like a home. Bedroom has a double bed, chest of drawers, cube shelves, mirror and a portable heater. You don't really need to bring anything, not even towels or bed sheets, I have everything.
I am a PhD researcher at UiT and I spend a lot of time at the university.
Pets can be considered upon thorough agreement. Couples can be considered too. For both situations, price and/or deposit might change.
I would like someone with a good sense of co-living, who respects each other’s space and time, organizes after themselves, and tries to keep things “ok” clean (like, not leave a dirty pan of food sitting on the sink for 3-4 days 🤣).
There are other points that I would like to discuss with potential roommates, so contact me and we can talk more about the place and arrange a viewing 😊
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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