Argus Remote Systems AS
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Argus Remote Systems AS søker service-teknikere til ROV produksjon
Til vårt verksted i Nygårdsviken 1 søker vi ROV-teknikere for montering/sammenstilling av ROV komponenter/utstyr. Arbeidet vil også innebære service og reparasjon for kunder. Noe reisevirksomhet må påregnes.
- Stillingen krever selvstendighet, samarbeidsvilje og nøyaktighet.
- Søkeren bør ha erfaring/kunnskap/fagbrev innen elektro/elektronikk/mekanikk.
- Forutsetter førerkort klasse B.
- Må beherske norsk og engelsk skriftlig og muntlig.
Om arbeidsgiveren
Founded in 1991 and based in Bergen, Norway, Argus Remote Systems AS specializes in the development and manufacturing of electric ROV systems.
Our company has a longstanding history of providing technological ROV solutions for underwater operations including delivery of tailor-made systems. During the past 30 years we have delivered more than 150 electric ROV systems.
Our portfolio includes nine distinct ROV models, ranging from small inspection vehicles to big heavy work-class ROVs.
ARGUS RS has contributed to underwater operations across various sectors, enhancing efficiency, safety, and the potential for autonomous operations. Our engagement in collaborative projects with research institutions underscores our role in pushing forward the boundaries of subsea technology.
Our company has a longstanding history of providing technological ROV solutions for underwater operations including delivery of tailor-made systems. During the past 30 years we have delivered more than 150 electric ROV systems.
Our portfolio includes nine distinct ROV models, ranging from small inspection vehicles to big heavy work-class ROVs.
ARGUS RS has contributed to underwater operations across various sectors, enhancing efficiency, safety, and the potential for autonomous operations. Our engagement in collaborative projects with research institutions underscores our role in pushing forward the boundaries of subsea technology.
- Nettverk: Facebook, LinkedIn
- Sektor: Privat
- Sted: Nygårdsviken 1, 5165 Laksevåg
- Bransje: Elektronikk, Industri og produksjon, Maritim og offshore
- Stillingsfunksjon: Elektriker, Elektronikkmontør, Teknisk personell
- Arbeidsspråk: Norsk
servicetekniker, elektromekaniker, elektronikk/hydraulikk, elektroautomasjon, bilelektriker
- FINN-kode 349106275
- Sist endret