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Amazing Spider-Man; The 10
Arthurs Julegaverace 10
Contraband 10
Den siste revejakta 20
Django unchained 10
Due Date 10
Great Gatsby, The (inc. digital copy) 10
Hangover Part 2, The 10
Hobbiten - En uventet reise (2-disc) 10
Hunger Games, The (2 BD+1 DVD) 10
Hunger Games, The (2 BD+1 DVD) 10
Iron Man 2 (2 BD + DVD) 10
Mamma Mia! 10
Prince of Persia, The - The Sands of time 10
Sex and the City - The Movie - Extended Cut 10
Snowman, The (ny i plast) 10
Upperdog (ny i plast) 20
Varg Veum - Dødens Drabanter 20
We own the night (ny i plast) 10
Tintin 10
12 Fortapte menn (ny i plast) 20
12 Monkeys (med pappomslag) 10
12 Years a slave 10
300 (2 disc special edition) 10
35 Something - sex og singelliv i Paris 10
Absolute Power 20
After the sunset 10
Alexander 10
Alexander 10
All Star Christmas - Jewel, Tom Jones, Bryan Adams m.fl 10
Amelie fra Montmatre 10
American Crime 10
American Gangster 10
Änglavakt 19
Apocalypto 10
Arn - Riket ved verdens ende 10
Asfalt Englene 10
Aviator, The 10
Aviator, The 10
Bad Boys II (2 disc) 10
Batman Begins 10
Be kind Rewind - Directors cut 10
Bean - The Movie 10
Big Fish 10
Black Moon Rising 40
Blood Diamond (2 disc special edition) 10
Blood Diamond (2 disc special edition) 10
Blue Smoke 10
Boktjuven 10
Borat 10
Bourne Identity, The (Extended explosive edition) 10
Bourne Ultimatum, The 10
Boys don't Cry 20
Bridget Jones på randen 10
Bruce Almighty 10
Bruce Almighty 10
Bucket List, The 10
Camilla Läckberg - Predikanten 10
Carlito's Way 10
Christmas Carol, A (Jim Carrey) 10
Cinema Paradiso - Directors Cut 10
Clockwise 10
Cloverfield 10
Collateral Damage (ny i plast) 10
Constantine (2 disc) 10
Convoy 10
Cornelis (ny i plast) 10
Criminal 10
Da Vinci Koden (extended cut) 10
Da Vinci Koden (extended cut) 10
Dark Blue 20
Dark Knight, The (Two-disc special edition) 10
Dark Knight, The (Two-disc special edition) 10
Day after tomorrow, The 10
Dead Man's Shoes 10
Death at a Funeral 10
Death Sentence 10
Deer Hunter, The (ny i plast) 10
Defiance (Motstånd) 10
Den Brysomme Mannen 20
Den vita massajen 10
Departed, The 10
Der Untergang (2-disc special edition) 10
Der Untergang (Steelbox 2 disc edition) 20
Devil wears Prada, The 10
Django unchained (ny i plast) 10
Don't say a word 10
En dag 10
Enemy at the Gates 10
Exit Wounds 10
Fatso 10
Fatso 10
Flammen & Sitronen 10
Flight of the ConChords - The Complete First Season 10
Flightplan 10
Forbannelsen 2 (The Grudge 2) 10
Frailty 10
Fritt Vilt (2-disc) 10
Fritt Vilt II (pappomslag) 10
Fronten er Python 10
Gylne Kompasset (Nicole Kidman) 10
Hachiko 10
Han Innante - I to-takt med tiden 19
Hannibal 10
Hannibal 10
Hannibal (Limited edition 2 discs) 10
Happening, The 10
Happening, The 10
Hard Rain 10
Hearts in Atlantis (Stephen King) 10
Henry - Portrait of a serial killer - Collectors edition - slimcover 10
Hodejegerne 10
Hostel part II - Unrated Directors Cut 20
Hot Fuzz 10
Hugo 10
Hypnotisören 10
I, Robot 10
I, Robot (2 disc collector's edition) 10
International, The 10
Istid 2 (2-disc spesialutgave) 10
Jakten 10
Jeg Reiser Alene 10
Katten (Cat in a Hat, The) (Michael Myers) 10
Kautokeino Opprøret 10
Killer Elite 10
Killshot 10
King Kong (2005) 10
King Kong (2005) 10
Kon Tiki 10
Kon-Tiki 10
Kroppen min (Margreth Olin) 10
Kvinnen i mitt liv 10
LasseMajas Detektivbyrå - Stella Nostra 10
Lassie 10
Last Samurai - 2-disc edition 10
Limbo 20
Liza Marklund - En plass i solen 10
Lucy 10
Mamma Mia! 10
Mamma Mia! (ny i plast) 10
Man in the Mirror - The Michael Jackson Story 10
Mannen som elsket Yngve 10
Maps to the stars 10
Maria Larssons eviga Ögonblick 10
Matrix Reloaded 10
Matrix Reloaded (widescreen edition) 10
Matrix Revolutions - russisk utgave 10
Matrix, The 10
Max Manus 10
Max Manus (Dobbeldisk) 10
Me Before You (Jojo Moyes) 10
Meet the Spartans (Tysk disk, Engelsk språk) 10
Message in a bottle 10
Miami Vice/Inside Man - dobbel DVD 10
Mighty Heart, A 10
Millenium - Jenta som lekte med Ilden 10
Millenium - Jenta som lekte med Ilden (pappomslag) 10
Millenium - Luftslottet som sprengtes 10
Millenium - Luftslottet som sprengtes (pappomslag) 10
Millenium - Menn som hater kvinner 10
Millenium - Menn som hater kvinner (pappomslag) 10
Minority Report (2-disc set) 10
Missing (Guy Pearce) 10
Missing, The (Tommy Lee Jones) 10
Mission Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol 10
Mission Impossible III 10
Mission Impossible III 10
Monster's Ball 10
MonsterTorsdag 40
Mumien - Dragekeiserens grav (ikke på bildet - 3D Cover) 20
Nå skal du høre... (Odd Børretzen) 10
Night Watch 10
Night Watch 10
No Country for old men 10
Nothing but the truth 10
Notting Hill 10
Oavslutad Affär 10
Ocean's Eleven 10
Office, The - Serie 1 BBC 10
Om forlatelse 10
One Tree Hill - Sesong 1 10
Oskyldens tid 10
Others, The 10
Panic Room 10
Perfect man, The 10
Perfect man, The 10
Piratene! (Ardman) 10
Pirates of the Caribbian - At worlds end (2 disc) 10
Pirates of the Caribbian - The Curse of the Black Pearl (2-disc) 10
Pirates of the Caribbian - The Curse of the Black Pearl (2-disc) 10
Polarekspressen (dobbeldisc) 10
Poseidon Adventure, The (1972) 20
Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightly) 10
Prince of Persia 10
Public Enemies 10
Quantum of Solace (2-disc special edition) 10
Ran (Akira Kurosawa) 20
Reader, The 10
Red Dragon, The (Dobbeldisk) 10
Revolutionary Road 10
Ringenes Herre 1 - Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the ring 10
Ringenes Herre 2 - Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers 10
Road, The 10
Road, The / Vägen 10
RomaSanta 10
Så Olika 10
Sarahs nøkkel 10
Saving Private Ryan 10
Schindler's list 10
Serena 10
Seven 10
Sherlock Holmes Collection BBC 10
Shoot 'em up 10
Signal, The 20
Silence of the Lambs, The (2 disc collector set) 10
Silver linings playbook 10
Simpsons, The - The complete first season 10
Skjult (Michael Haneke) 10
Sleepy Hollow 10
Smokin'Aces 10
Smokin'Aces 10
Snowman 9
Sommersolhverv 10
Spider-man (2002) 10
Stepfather, The 10
Stolthet og fordom 10
Supernatural - The Complete First Season 10
Sweeney Todd - The Demon barber of Fleet Street 10
Taken 10
Tatt av kvinnen (Erlend Loe) 10
Team America - World Police - Special Collector's edition 10
Tilsammans 10
Tolken (Nicole Kidman) 10
Tomb Raider - The cradle of life - Special collector's edition 10
Transformers 1 10
Tropic Thunder 10
Tropic Thunder 10
U-571 10
Upside of Anger, The 10
Van Helsing 10
Varg Veum - Din til døden 10
Varg Veum - Falne Engler 10
Varg Veum - Kvinnen i kjøleskapet 10
Varg Veum - Tornerose 10
Walk the line/The Last king of Scotland/Mr & Mrs Smith (ikke avbildet) 20
Wallander - Brannvegg 10
Wanted 10
Watchmen 10
What Happens in Vegas 10
Will Hunting 10
Will Hunting (engelsk utgave) 10
Withnail & I 40
Woman of Substance triologien, A (selges samlet) 50
X-files - I want to believe 10
X-Men 3 - The Last Stand - XX-disc special edition 10
Yes Man 10
A Beautiful Mind 10
Disney FotballFeber (Norsk tale) 10
Du har Mail 10
Ronja Røverdatter - langversjon 10
TinyToon - Sigurd & Siris Beste 10
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