Funko Pop Keychains og Pez
Beskrivelse av varen
Selger ni Funko Pop Keychains og to Funko Pop Pez, enten individuelt eller samlet. Mye forksjellig, fra DC, Marvel, Alien, Lord of the Rings, Stranger Things og Game of Thrones. Kan enten sendes eller hentes i Oslo.
200 kr.
Batman (Gamer) (Gamestop Exclusive) (denne følger med urørt Pez, men vær obs på at den ble kjøpt i 2019)
100 kr.
Miles Morales (Gamer) (Gamestop Exclusive)
100 kr.
200 kr.
White Walker
100 kr.
Xenomorph (Alien 40th Anniversary)
100 kr.
Batman (Gamer) (Glows in the Dark) (Gamestop Exclusive) (SOLGT)
100 kr.
Batman (Gamer) (Glow Chase) (Gamestop exclusive) (SOLGT)
150 kr.
Joker (Gamer) (gamestop Exclusive)
100 kr.
Joker (Gamer) (Chase) (Gamestop Exclusive)
150 kr.
Deadpool (Gamer) (Gamestop Exclusive)
100 kr.
Deadpool (Gamer) (Chase) (Gamestop Exclusive)
150 kr.
100 kr.
Groot (Gamer) (Glows in the Dark) (Gamestop Exclusive)
100 kr.
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Sist endret: 29.12.2024, 10:03 ・ FINN-kode: 363523490