Hellooooo 😊 We (Gumi, Jesper and Jeanne) just moved in a flat located in Birkelunden and we have a fourth room available to complete our dream team. Our flat is cozy, we totally furnished it and made it a safe, peaceful and friendly home.
The rent is including warm water and internet. We will have to pay for electricity but it is well isolated and we have been guaranted that it was not getting too pricy in winter. The room you are renting is 7m2
Gumi (from Iceland) he loves to use his spare time playing board games, video games, exercise and skiing. Jesper (from Norway) works as a movie editor so he looooves our movie nights, he also likes to play video games for example. Jeanne (from France) works in a clothing store, she loves to read, write and play crosswords puzzles. One thing we have in common is that we are very social. So we have dinners together, organize parties, hang out a lot. Our friends also visit us very often as it is the perfect love nest. But enough about us.
We are looking for someone who could move in from the beginning of April, and who would like to live there long term like us. The room is unfurnished but we could probably help you with the moving process. It has the potential to be very cute, it has a nice window with a view on a backyard.
If you are interested, you are more than welcome to send us a message and tell us some things about yourself so we can agree on a date for a viewing. Let us know 😊
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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