HDMI Spillkonsoll med 600 Retro spill / PS1, GB, GBA, Sega MD, Snes, Atari
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Liten USB drevet spillkonsoll som kobles rett i tv'en via HDMI. Kommer med 600 innebygde NES spill. Komplett med USB strømkabel og to trådløse håndkontrollere som drives av 2xAAA batterier (batterier følger ikke med). Støtter store TV-er, PC skjermer, projektorer osv. Plug and Play
Jeg har også avansert spillkonsoll med HDMI tilkobling som innholder over 1000 spill fra Game Boy, Spilleautomater, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, Sega Mega Drive, Playstation 1, Nes, Atari og Snes. Det følger med usb strømkabel, HDMI overgang og to trådløse håndkontrollere i PS still. Pris er 390kr
Spill blant annet: Tekken, Pepsiman, Command and Conquer, Dino Crisis, Silent Hill, Dune, Tomb Raider, Dragon Ball, Blade, Pacman, Galaga, Rockman, Street Fighter, Galaxy Warrior, Super King Kong, Castlevania, Wario, Adventure Island, Alladin, Donald Duck, Final Fantasy Legend, Batman, Arkanoid, Bombman, Bunny Adventures, Cat and Mouse, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Rockman Zero, Super Mario, Megaman, Tiny Toon Adventures, Alien, Super Baseball, Actraiser, Chocobo Racing, Sonic, Punisher, Simpsons, Mortal Kombat, Megaman, Boogerman, Metroid, Crash Bandicoot
NES spill:
AdventureIsland2, AdventureIsland3, AdventureIsland4, MEGAMAN3, LITTLESAMSON, Turtles2, Turtles3, TurtleFighter, ChipDale2, ChipDale3, ContraForce, SuperContra7, SuperContra8, NINJAGAIDEN, NINJAGAIDEN2, DoubleDragon4, LITTLENEMO, HotBloodBasketball, HotBloodHighSchool, HotBloodIceHockey, HotBloodMarch, HotBloodNewRecord, HotBloodSoccer, HotBloodStory, HotBloodVolleyball, Mario6, Mario9, Mario10, Mario14, Mario16, AngryMarionao, DrMario, MarioInSpace, SuperMarioBros3, WreckingCrew, BalloonMario, CircusMario, BomberMario, MarioBros, MarioRunner, SmallMario, Robocop2, Robocop4, GUERILLAWAR, ChineseChess, CLOWN, SUPERMARIOBROS, BILLIARD, Idolshisenmahjang, DigDug2, Gradius, Greeds, PacMan3, CONVECTION, CORRIDOR, SpartanX, Tetris, Tetris2, TheLegendOfKage, TinyToon, TwinBee, Volguard2, WaterPipe, 4Mahjong, BomberMan, CircusCharlie, Galaga, Galaxian, GomokuNarabe, IceClimber, Jewelry, LodeRunner, YS90TANK, BubbleBobblePart2, Ghostbusters, KAGE, PowerBlade, PowerBlade2, BANDITS, ChuDaD, FamilyStadium87, FamilyTennis, FantasyZone, Fifa2006, Klax, Pacmania, JUNGLEEXPLORE, RBIBaseball, RingKing, SuperSprint, Vindicators, WorldCupSoccer, 1942, 80Days, Abscondee, AdventuresOfLolo, AdventuresOflolo2, AetherCruiser, AimCruise, Air, AirAlert, Airway, Aladdin3, AliceCooper, AlienAsylum, BATTLECITY2, AngryBird, AngryBird3, AnimalBlockes, AnimalContest, Argus, Arkanoid, BLACKWHITECHESS, AstroRoboSasa, AVPoker, Babel, Backstroke, BacktotheFuture, Badminton, Baltron, Banana, Battle, BattleBeasts, Battleship, BattleTank, Benthal, BOMBSWEEPER, Blink3, BlinkUltraHard, BlobBuster, BlobMuncher, BlocksWorld, BokosukaWars, BOUNCE, BreastStroke, BrotherBall, BugCatcher, BuggyPopper, BuraiFighter, BusyBar, ButterflyStroke, BWings, BOXWORLD, CandyWorkeshop, CandyWorkshop, CardCaptorSakura, CastleExcellent, BUGBEAR, SHOOT, ChampionshipBowling, Chess, FRANTICMOUSE, ChubbyCherub, Climbing, FRUITDISH, Contest, CookiesLabyrinth, FUTURETANK, CrazyCoonsInCloudLand, CrystalBlast, DangerBridge, BOARFORESTBV, Deformable, Dejectile, DestinationEarthstar, Destroyi, Difference, Doctor, DonkeyKongClassics, DoraeBomb, DoughBoy, Dragon, BUG'SWAR, Duck, DynamiteBowl, EggContest, BURBLES, ElevatorAction, Escapeway, ExciteMarioBros, ExedExes, Fairy'sTreasure, FallingBlocks, FamilyJockey, FatedPirate, FinalBlood, FireDragon, BURROWEXPLORER, FishStory, Flappy, CANNONADE, FlingBall, Flipull, Freestyle, Fridaythe13th, FruitGift, Galg, DANGERZONE, Geimos, GhostCastle, Giabbit, CAREBEAR, GoldenBird, Goodhand, Gradirs, Gyrodine, ROPEGAMES, Gyruss, HammerAndNail, CHACK'NPOP, HappyMatch, HarryPotter, Hassle, HayachiSuperIgo, HelloKitty, HokutonoKen, Hydlide, CLOSEQUARTERS, IceHockey, IceOcean, IgoMeikan, IgoShinan, Pillar, Island, JumpingKid, JumpJump, kamikaze, kamikaze2, kamikaze3, KarateChamp, KeroKeroKeroppi, COASTGUARD, KingsKnight, COBRAOFSKY, KungFu, SHREWMOUSE, LatticeWinner, Lightning, COLCOTHA, LittleWitch, LotLot, LuckyBall, LuigiAndTheChristmasQuest, LuigiAndTheNewQuest, MachRider, MagicEgg, MagicMatheMatic, Magmax, COMBATA, Meccano, Meikun, CONQUEROR, MetroCross, MetroMenia, MickeyMouse, MightyBombJack, Milon'sSecretCastle, MirrorDevilWord, MoaiKun, MonsterTruckRally, MouseSnare, Mowing, MsPacMan, CONTEENEGY, MusicMoment, MysteryQuest, Ninja3, NutCracky, ObakeNoQTarou, Octopus, OnyankoTown, PachiCom, PacLand, PanzerFlyCar, Paperboy, PeekABooPoker, CRYPTCAR, PenguinKunWars, CUTEFISH, PinballII, Pindable, PipeDream, PizzaBoy, PlantsVsZomb, PokerAv, PoliceDog, PoliceVsThief, Polk, PongPong, Porter, PowerRobot, PowerSoccer, ProWrestling, Pulveration, DADA, DEFENSIVE, DEFLOWER, Quarth, RabbitVillage, RiverJump, RoadWorker, Route16Turbo, DEPTHBOMB, DEVILDOMDOOM, DONKEYKONG3, DONKEYKONG2, Scoring, Seamaid, SeaportGuarl, SeaWolf, Seicross, SeifukuHenShisenMahjong, DONKEYKONGJRMATH, DOORDOOR, SkyKid, Slalom, DRAGONDEN, DUNEWAR, Soccer, Sodoku, EIDOLON'SREVENGE, Soldier, FireBase, Solomon'sKey, SonSon, SpaceBase, ENCHANTER, Spelunker, SpringWorld, SpyHunter, SpyVsSpy, Sqoon, Squee, CROSSFIRE, StarLuster, StarSoldier, Submarine, FALLING, SuperChinese, SuperMonkeyDaibouken, FIGHTER, SurfgSport, TcSurfDesign, FIRSTDEFENDER, FISHER, TheLastStarFighter, FISHWAR, TheNewType, ThePenguinSeal, Thexder, ThroughMan, TigerHeli, ToadInTheHole, FIVEDAYS, TowerofDruaga, ToyFactory, TrackField, Transformers, UtmostWarfare, ValkyrieNoBouken, Vigilant, VolleyBall, WarZone, WeddingBell, WildWorm, WisdomBoy, WonderBall, Xevious, 100mDush, 10YardFight, Aimless, AirialHero, AntarcticAdventure, Aquarium, Arabian, Arena, AwfulRushing, BalloonFight, Baseball, BattleCity, BinaryLand, BirdWeek, BrushRoller, Bubble, BurgerTime, CityConnection, Ckaaan18, CluCluLand, CubAdventure, Defender2, DevilWorld, Diamond, DigDug, DonaldMagic, DoraBros, EigoAsobi, Excitebike, Exerion, F1Race, FieldCombat, FinalyLand, FormationZ, FrontLine, GalagaPlus, GalaxyPatrol, GlommyChess, Golf, Helicopter, Hexapod, Joust, Karateka, LongJump, LunarPool, Macross, MagicBubble, Mahjong, MakingLove, Maluex, Mappy, Millipede, Miner1, Motoboat, MoveBox, Muscle, Naitou9DanShougiHiden, Nibbles, NightArrow, Ninja2, BITHA, NinjaKun, NutsMilk, OptimusMinor, PacMan, PacPacland, PentaBase, Pinball, Poker, Pooyan, Popeye, popeyeJ, RaidonBungelingBay, RoadFighter, RumbleAndFrenzy, SansuuAsobi, SeaWar, SilentHunter, SkyDestroyer, SkyInvader, SlackMan, SmallDinosaur, Snowball, SpaceInvaders, Star, StarFighter, StarForce, StarGate, Strafe, TankA1990, Teletubbies, Tennis, ToyStory, TripleJump, TwinBoar, TwinCards, UfoRace, UrbanChampion, Wizzy, Wrestle, YieArKungFu, ZippyRace, SPELUNK, KINGRETURN, OCCULTISLAND, JOKULTRIP, SECTION-Z, STORTIE, HOTBOY, DRAGONQUEST, CROSS-PACIFIC, NIX, BLAZEHILL,JURASSICPARK, BERMUDATRIP, FLYDINOSAUR, HOTMARIO, MARIOANDDINOSAUR, ELFLEGEND, CRAZYMARIO, DINOSAURBALE, GAINER, WISDOMMARIO, SUPERWONDERFULMARIO, FINALMISSION, MANSTERCLUB, HUNKING, COPSANDROBBERS, RAILLERY, GOBLIM, FLAPPY3, RAILLERY3 og m.m
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