Playstation 4 spill
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Plattform: Playstation 4
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2Dark - Limited Edition (Ny i plastik) 400kr
2Dark - Limited Edition (Steel Box) 300kr
7 Days To Die 300kr
A Realm Reborn Final Fantasy XIV Online 100kr
Aegis of Eaeth: Protonovus Assault 300kr
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases 250kr
Agents Mayhem 75kr
Akiba´s Beat 200kr
Alien Isolation: Nostromo Edition 100kr
ANTHEM 100kr
Arcania The Complete Tale 100kr
ARK Survival Evolved 200kr
Assassin's Creed Unity (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Assassin's Creed Valhalla 200kr
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey 100kr
Assassin´s Creed IV Black Flag 100kr
Assassin´s Creed Origins 100kr
Assassin´s Creed Unity 50kr
Assassin´s Creed: Chronicles 100kr
Assassin´s Creed: Syndicate 50kr
Assault Suit Leynos (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 150kr
Asterix & Obelix XXL 3: The Crystal Menhir 150kr
Asterix & Obelix XXL Romastered 250kr
Axiom Verge (Ny i plastik) 250kr
Back 4 Blood (Special Edition) (Steel Box) 250kr
Batman Arkham Knight 100kr
Batman Arkham Knight (Playstation Hits) 75kr
Batman The Telltale Series 100kr
Batman: Return to Arkham (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Battle Chasers Nightwar (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Battle Chasers Nightwar 100kr
Battleborn (Steel Box) 200kr
Battleborn 150kr
Battlefiel Hardline 100kr
Battlefield 1 100kr
Battlefield 4 100kr
Battlefield V 100kr
Black Mirror 100kr
Blackhole - Complete Edition 150kr
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend (Ny i plastik) 300kr
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle 250kr
Borderlands 3 100kr
Borderlands 3 (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Borderlands The Handsome Collection 150kr
Bound By Flame 150kr
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse 250kr
Burnout Paradise Remastered 150kr
Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare 100kr
Call Of Duty Black Ops IIII 200kr
Call Of Duty Ghost 150kr
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare 100kr
Call Of Duty: Vanguard 250kr
Carmageddon Maxdamage 150kr
Cartoon Network Battle Crashers (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Chaos Child (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Chernobylite 300kr
Child of Light Deluxe Edition (Download Code) (Ny) 400kr
Conan Exiles 150kr
Control 150kr
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Dangan Ronpa V3 Killing Harmony (Day One Edition) 400kr
Danganronpa 1-2: Reload 350kr
Darkest Dungeon - Ancestral (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Darksiders Genesis 150kr
Darksiders II Death Initive Edition (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Darksiders II Death Initive Edition 150kr
de blob 100kr
de blob 2 (Ny i plastik 150kr
de blob 2 100kr
Dead Island Definitive Edition 100kr
Dead Rising 4 - Frank's BIG Package 150kr
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Death Stranding 200kr
Demon Gaze II 400kr
Destiny 75kr
Destiny 2 100kr
Deus Ex Markind Divided 100kr
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition ( Ny i plastik) 400kr
Dirt Rally 200kr
Dishonored Definitive Edition 100kr
Dishonored Definitive Edition (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Disney Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix 150kr
Disney Kingdom Hearts III 200kr
Disney PIXAR Cars 3: Driven To Win (Kun cd) 75kr
Disney PIXAR Cars 3: Driven To Win (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Disney PIXAR Cars 3: Driven To Win 100kr
DMC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition (Ny i plastik) 200kr
DMC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition 100kr
Dragon Age Inquisition 100kr
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Dragon Quest Builders 150kr
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 150kr
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree´s Woe And The Blight Below (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree´s Woe And The Blight Below (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, Edition Of Light (Ny i plastik) 250kr
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 200kr
Dragons: Dawn of New Riders 150kr
Driveclub 100kr
Dying Light 150kr
Earth´s Dawn (Ny i plastik) 300kr
EVE: Valkyrie VR 200kr
EVE:Valkyrie (VR) (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Evolve (Ny i plastik) 100kr
Evolve 75kr
Exist Archive 300kr
Extinction 100kr
F1 2016 200kr
F1 2017 300kr
Fallout 4 (Steel Box) 150kr
Fallout 4 100kr
Farcry 4 (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Farcry 4 100kr
Farcry 5 (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Farcry 5 150kr
Farcry New Down (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Farcry New Down 100kr
Farcry Primal 100kr
Farmer's Dynasty 200kr
Farming Simulator 17 (Platinum Edition) 300kr
Farming Simulator 17 200kr
Farming Simulator 19 (Platinum Edition) 300kr
Farpoint (VR) 200kr
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star 300kr
Fifa 14 50kr
Fifa 15 50kr
Fifa 16 50kr
Fifa 17 100kr
Fifa 18 100kr
Fifa 19 100kr
Fifa 20 150kr
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD 100kr
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Final Fantasy VII (Remake) 200kr
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age 200kr
Final Fantasy XIV: Online Starter Edition 100kr
Final Fantasy XV 150kr
Flockers 100kr
For Honor (Ny i plastik) 100kr
For Honor 50kr
Gal Gun 2 400kr
Ghostbusters (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Grand Theft Auto 5 150kr
Gravity Rush 2 (Ny i plastik) 700kr
Grid 100kr
Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Guilty Gear XRD Rev 2 150kr
Heavensward Final Fantasy XIV Online 150kr
Hidden Agenda (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Hidden Agenda 100kr
Homefront The Revolution (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Homefront The Revolution 100kr
Horizon: Zero Dawn 150kr
House Flipper 200kr
Hunting Simulator 2 (Ny i plastik) 250kr
Hustle Kings VR 100kr
Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Indivisible 150kr
Injustice 2 150kr
Jagged Alliance: Rage! 200kr
JoJo's Bizarre Advenure: Eyes of Heaven (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Jumanji The Video Game 150kr
Jurassic World Evolution 250kr
Just Cause 3 75kr
Just Cause 4 (Steelbook Edition) 150kr
Just Dance 2017 (Move) 200kr
Just Dance 2018 (Move) 200kr
Just Dance 2020 (Move) 200kr
Just Sing 300kr
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth 150kr
Killing Floor 2 300kr
Killzone Shadow Fall 100kr
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue 150kr
Knack 2 250kr
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa 200kr
Kromaia Omega 150kr
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris Gold Edition (Ny i plastik) 1000kr
Le Tour de France 2014 100kr
LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham 100kr
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Playstation Hits) (Ny i plastik) 150kr
LEGO City Undercover 100kr
LEGO DC Super - Villains 100kr
LEGO Jurassic World 100kr
LEGO Marvel Avengers 100kr
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Ny i plastik) 150kr
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 100kr
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (Ny i plastik) 150kr
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 100kr
LEGO Movie: The Videogame 2 (Ny i plastik) 150kr
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens 100kr
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Ny i plastik) 150kr
LEGO The Hobbit 100kr
LEGO The Incredibles 100kr
LEGO The Movie Videogame 100kr
LEGO The Ninjago Movie Videogame 100kr
LEGO Worlds (Ny i plastik) 150kr
LEGO Worlds 100kr
Little Nightmares II 200kr
LittleBigPlanet 3 150kr
Loading Human (VR) 150kr
Lock´s Quest 150kr
Lone Survivor The Director´s Cut (Ny i plastik) 700kr
Lost Sphear 150kr
Mafia III 100kr
Marvel's Avengers 150kr
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy 250kr
Marvel's Iron Man (VR) 250kr
Mass Effect: Andromeda 150kr
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain 150kr
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes 150kr
Metal Gear Survive 100kr
Metro Exodus 200kr
Metro Redux (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Metro Redux 100kr
Micro Machines World Series 150kr
Middle - Earth Shadow of War 100kr
Middle – Earth Shadow of Mordor 100kr
Mighty No. 9 100kr
Mighty No. 9 (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Mirror´s Edge Catalyst 100kr
Mirror´s Edge Catalyst (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Monopoly Madness (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Monopoly: Family Fun Pack (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Monster Hunter: World 150kr
Monster Jam: Steel Titans 150kr
Mortal Kombat XL 150kr
MotoGp 14 150kr
Murdered Soul Suspect (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Murdered Soul Suspect 100kr
Murdered: Soul Suspect - Limited Edition 250kr
Mx Vs Atv Supercross Encore 125kr
MXGP 3: The Official Motocross Videogame (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Narcos: Rise of the Cartels 200kr
NBA 2K14 100kr
NBA 2K18 150kr
Need For Speed 150kr
Need For Speed Heat 300kr
Need For Speed Payback 150kr
Need For Speed Rivals 200kr
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered 250kr
Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of New World 300kr
NHL 15 100kr
NHL 16 100kr
NHL 17 100kr
NHL 20 200kr
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom 200kr
Nioh 150kr
Nioh 2 250kr
Nioh Complete Edition (Ny i plastik) 500kr
Nobunaga's Ambition Taishi 150kr
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir 400kr
Outcast Second Contact 150kr
Overwatch Game Of The Year Edition 200kr
Paw Patrol Mighty Pups: Save Adventure Bay (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Payday 2 Crimewave Edition 150kr
Persona 5 250kr
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire - Ultimate Edition 400kr
Pineview Drive 150kr
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (Online) 100kr
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds 100kr
Playstation VR Worlds 100kr
Portal Knights 200kr
Prey 100kr
Prison Architect (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 100kr
Project Cars (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Project Cars 100kr
Pure Farming 2018 150kr
Putty Squad 100kr
Putty Squad (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Rad Rodgers (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Rayman Legends 150kr
Rayman Legends (Playstation Hits) 100kr
Rayman Legends (Playstation Hits) (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Red Dead Redemption 2 200kr
Redout (Race Faster Than Ever) 200kr
Republique 200kr
Resident Evil 2 250kr
Resident Evil 3 250kr
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - Gold Edition 300kr
Resident Evil Revelations (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Resident Evil Revelations 150kr
Resident Evil Revelations 2 150kr
Retro City Rampage DX (Ny i plastik) 500kr
Ride 3 200kr
Rime 150kr
Rise Of The Tomb Raider – 20 Years Celebration Edition 200kr
Risen 3 Titan Lords (Enhanced Edition) 150kr
Robinson: The Journey (VR) 250kr
Rocket League 150kr
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms XIV 150kr
Root Letter 150kr
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected 100kr
Scribblenauts: Showdown (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Secret Of Mana 150kr
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice 600kr
Shadow of the Tomb Raider 150kr
Shadow Warrior 150kr
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn 150kr
Shenmue I & II 150kr
Shenmue III 150kr
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments (Ny i plastik) 500kr
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter (Ny i plastik) 250kr
Shovel Knight (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Slain Back from Hell (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition 150kr
Song Of Memories 300kr
South Park: The Fractured but Whole 150kr
Spyro Reignited Trilogy 250kr
Star Ocean Integrity And Faithlessness 200kr
Star Wars Battlefront 100kr
Star Wars Battlefront II 150kr
Star Wars: Squadrons 150kr
Starblood Arena (VR) 100kr
Steep 150kr
Steins; Gate 0 (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Steins;Gate 0 200kr
Steins;Gate 0 (Japan) 150kr
Stick it to the Man (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Stick it to the Man 100kr
Street Fighter V - Arcade Edition 200kr
Styx: Shards of Darkness 200kr
Sublevel Zero Redux 200kr
Super Dungeon Bros 100kr
Super Stardust: Ultra VR (VR) 150kr
Syberia 3 150kr
Syberia 3 (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Syndrome (VR Compatible) 150kr
Tales Of Zestiria (Ny i plastik) 200kr
Tales Of Zestiria 150kr
Tennis World Tour (Ny i plastik) 250kr
Teslagrad 200kr
That´s You! 150kr
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case (Ny i plastik) 400kr
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 100kr
The Coma Recut (Limited Edition) (Ny i plastik) 1500
The Crew 100kr
The Dwarves 100kr
The Elder Scrolls Online 100kr
The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr 500kr
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition 200kr
The Evil Within 100kr
The Evil Within 2 150kr
The Evil Within Limited Edition 150kr
The Heave Rain & Beyond: Two Souls Collection 150kr
The Inner World: The Last Wind Monk 100kr
The Invisible Hours VR 200kr
The Last Guardian (Ny i plastik) 250kr
The Last Guardian 150kr
The Long Dark 100kr
The Order: 1886 150kr
The Outer Worlds 200kr
The Pinball Arcade – Season 2 (Ny i plastik) 200kr
The Pinball Arcade 200kr
The Raven Remastered 100kr
The Silver Case 150kr
The Sims 4 200kr
The Unicorn Princess 300kr
The Walking Dead Season Two (Ny i plastik) 200kr
The Walking Dead Season Two 150kr
The Walking Dead Telltale Series - A New Frontier 250kr
The Walking Dead The Complete First Season (Ny i plastik) 200kr
The Walking Dead The Complete First Season 150kr
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - The Final Season 150kr
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt 150kr
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone Expansion Pack (Ny i plastik) 500kr
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game Of The Year Edition 200kr
Thief 100kr
This is the Police 100kr
Titan Quest 100kr
Tom Clancy´S Ghost Recon Wildlands 150kr
Tom Clancy´s The Division 100kr
Tom Clancy´s The Division 2 100kr
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition 100kr
Torment: Tides of Numenera (Day One Edition) 150kr
Torment: Tides of Numenera 100kr
Touhou Genso Wanderer 300kr
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle (VR Compatible) 200kr
Tower of Guns - Special Edition (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Trackmania TM Turbo (Ny i plastik) 250kr
Transport Giant 150kr
Trials Fusion 100kr
UFC 100kr
UFC 2 100kr
Uncharted 4: A Thief´s End 200kr
Uncharted 4: A Thief´s End SE 300kr
Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection 200kr
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy 150kr
Until Dawn 150kr
Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood (VR) 200kr
Until Down (Playstation Hits) (Ny i plastik) 150kr
Valkyria Revolution (Limited Edition) 200kr
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 200kr
Velocity 2X - Critical Mass Edition 150kr
Victor Vran: Overkill Edition (Ny i plastik) 300kr
Victor Vran: Overkill Edition 200kr
Warriors All-Stars 200kr
Wasteland 2 Director`S Cut 100kr
Watch Dogs - Complete Edition 200kr
Watch Dogs: Legion 200kr
Watchdogs 75kr
Watchdogs 2 100kr
Watchdogs 2 (Steelbox) 150kr
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School 200kr
Windstorm Ari´s Arrival 250kr
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus 150kr
Wolfenstein The New Order 150kr
Wolfenstein The Old Blood 150kr
World Of Final Fantasy 250kr
World of Warriors 100kr
World to the West 200kr
Worms Battlegrounds + WMD - Double Pack 200kr
XCOM 2 150kr
Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition 300kr
Yakuza Like A Dragon (Day ICHI Steelbook Edition) (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Yesterday Origins 100kr
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (Day One Edition) 300kr
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning 200kr
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (Ny i plastik) 400kr
Zombi (Ny i plastik) 150kr
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Sist endret: 7.3.2025 kl. 07:14 ・ FINN-kode: 384912859