POP-IN ansvarlig
Asia AS
- Frist Snarest
- Ansettelsesform Fast
POP-IN BAR søker etter ansvarlig
Ansvarlig for POP-IN BAR
Er du en energisk person med en lidenskap for vin, service og kveldsliv? Vi søker en ansvarlig til POP-IN BAR på Aker Brygge, som skal løfte konseptet, skape mer aktivitet om kvelden og utvikle en pulserende baropplevelse.
Om POP-IN BAR: POP-IN BAR på Aker Brygge er knyttet til restaurant Asia men fungerer også som en separat bar og er et livlig samlingspunkt som tilbyr en førsteklasses baropplevelse. Vi er kjent for våre utsøkte cocktails, fine viner på glass og signatursnacks. Med en leken og energisk atmosfære, er vi det ideelle møtestedet i byen og Aker Brygge hvor gjestene kan nyte livet med rike smaker og spennende opplevelser – både dag og natt.
Om stillingen:
- Arbeidstid: fokus på kveldsarbeid
- Lokasjon: Aker Brygge
- Ansvar: Øke aktivitetsnivået om kvelden, skape en engasjerende atmosfære og sikre høy kvalitet på service, cocktails og vinopplevelser.
Vi ser etter deg som:
- Har solid kunnskap om vin og cocktails.
- Har god erfaring innen servicebransjen.
- Har en "no problem" holdning.
- Har høy energi og lekenhet.
Vår visjon: Et lykkelig smil på hver gjests ansikt.
- Tilgjengelig
- Leken
- No problem
Søknadsfrist: Snarest
Bli en del av vårt team og bidra til å skape uforglemmelige øyeblikk for våre gjester!
Om arbeidsgiveren
Om arbeidsgiveren
Foodflirt AS is the owner company of ASIA and Frenchie restaurants. Behind Foodflirt is Drueklasen AS, which has established several successful restaurants such as Olivia, Åpenbar and Druen. The ladies who own Drueklasen have over 30 years of experience in restaurant operations and are still very active and engaged in their restaurants. With us, you should know that you get a good and rewarding working environment. We will be the preferred employer in the industry and have established several internal programs to promote good health and development opportunities for employees.
In the autumn of 2014, Asia Aker Brygge opened its doors. One of Oslo's largest restaurants, with approximately 600 seats in the summer. The food consists of a variety of tempting and fresh snacks that are good to share or enjoy yourself. There is something here for every occasion! In Asia, over the past seven years we have established ourselves well in the restaurant industry and have over 200,000 visitors annually.
Our other restaurants
Frenchie Solli Plass opened its doors in August 2020 and has in a short time established itself with a strong position on Oslo's restaurant scene. Frenchie is a boundless bistro where we play with flavors, ingredients, and interiors to create a wonderful atmosphere for guests and staff. There are about 100 seats inside and 120 outside during the summer months. Frenchie Frognerparken opened May 2023 and is the last addition to the Foodflirt family. Here we have the same wonderful atmosphere as in Solli plass. We play around with flavors and tempting dishes, invite to a lively bar environment and have a large banquet room on our second floor. There is about 180 seats inside and 100 outside in the summer.
We are passionate about the environment, and we treat our surroundings with love to constantly strive to be as sustainable as a business as possible. Amongst other things, we only serve sustainable fish, Norwegian meat with high animal welfare and have a high focus on offering a large selection of plant-based alternatives to our guests. We work purposefully every single day to streamline the kitchen and reduce food waste.
All our dishes are climate-marked, as part of our transparent approach to our communication with guests. We are also very proud that in 2019 ASIA Aker Brygge became the first restaurant in the world to be recognized by the UN for our efforts to work more sustainably, reduce emissions and compensate for the emissions we have. ASIA Aker Brygge and Frenchie Solli Plass is eco-lighthouse certified and Frenchie Frognerparken will also be part of this program when the restaurant is in operation.
- Nettverk: Facebook
- Sektor: Privat
- Sted: Stranden 1, 0250 Oslo
- Bransje: Event og arrangementer, Restaurant, mat og uteliv
- Stillingsfunksjon: Hovmester
- Arbeidsspråk: Norsk, Engelsk
oslo, leder, bar, servitør og bartender, uteliv
- FINN-kode 388356197
- Sist endret