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Veldig mange av disse er filmer jeg har gitt " big
money" for. Noen nye i plasten. Så å si alle er
helt strøkne. Både plate og cover. Ett par har
ørlite hairlines. Uten noen betydning for
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klistremerke blir byttet til nye før salg.
Unntatt noen få leiefilmer som kan være påklistret SHOWTIME merke.
For det meste Dvd filmer men også noen
Sender med posten / postnord
Ps: bruker ikke fiks ferdig
Grotesque 80,-
Samurai princess 100,-
Munter sextur på alpehotellet 125,-
Uten truser i alpene 125,-
Nude 4or satan 175,-
The Bloodsucker leads the dance 75,-
Mondo cane 2. 80,-
Samurai avenger 125,-
I sell the dead 40,-
Kvindefængselet i bambushelvedet 300,-
A Bay of blood 100,-
13 Assassins 55,-
Moby dick 60,-
Undergangens arkitektur 80,-
Norma Rae 80,-
Justine & Juliette 300,-
Fresh meat 30,-
Glen & Glenda/ Jailbait (ny i plast) 100,-
Cold eyes of fear 80,-
Killer crocodile (ny i plast) 250,-
The Toxic avenger part II 60,-
The Toxic avenger (directors cut, ny i plast) 75,-
10 små negerbarn 95,-
Politimannens blodige hemmelighet 100,-
Rød 60,-
Aske og diamanter 60,-
En kniv i hjertet 150,-
The Dinner 150,-
Tigers are not afraid (ny i plast) 60,-
La famiglia 100,-
Dead rising-watchtower 80,-
Gift mann søker kvinne 40,-
Le-donk & scor-zay-zee 40,-
Sannheten 30,-
Den skjønne tiden 50,-
Andre siden 100,-
Leve friheten! 60,-
Stammen 60,-
Dheepan 100,-
A prayer before dawn 30,-
Skyggenes dal 40,-
Vampyrvidar 150,-
Wilding 30,-
Kjærlighetens sesonger (ny i plast) 60,-
Bad boy bubby 100,-
Grensen (ny i plast) 60,-
What we do in the shadows 75,-
Debug 95,-
Hellions 150,-
The Entity 150,-
The Corpse of Anna Fritz 150,-
Mandariner 30,-
Daylight fades 50,-
Hunger (leiefilm- strøken) 30,-
No reason 65,-
Beyond the limits 60,-
Finzi-continis have 100,-
A gang story 60,-
Nights of cabiria (ny i plast) 100,-
Devil seed 70,-
American hangover 40,-
Excision 80,-
Wake up and die 75,-
God's own country 30,-
Dead trigger 40,-
Larceny (ny i plast) 60,-
The Quiet earth 100,-
Mutant girls squad 50,-
War pigs (ny i plast) 50,-
The Tracker ( ny i plast) 60,-
Riot 50,-
Flink pike 40,-
Kiki's budservice (ny i plast) 75,-
Jeg er Ingrid 100,-
Morgenrøde (ny i plast) 60,-
Jungelbiffen 100,-
Lore (ny i plast) 110,-
Ascension (2 disc collectors edition) 100,-
The Salvation 75,-
Bjørnøya 75,-
Shoplifters 100,-
Salon kitty 300,-
Bryllupsreisen fra helvete 60,-
Den franske forbindelsen (ny i plast) 60,-
He never died 150,-
Cannibal holocaust ( ny i plast) 75,-
German angst 150,-
Rabid dogs 45,-
Gone are the days 95,-
Redeemer 60,-
Kalsinikov Ak-47 100,-
The Red ghost 150,-
Hyena road 40,-
Fear clinic 95,-
Isolation 150,-
The Good, the bad and the dead 40,-
Worry dolls 150,-
Countdown 50,-
Eliminators 40,-
31 60,-
Flukten fra øst-Tyskland ( ny i plast) 60,-
One cut of the dead 150,-
Chinese widow (ny i plast) 150,-
Russian bride 60,-
The Sand 150,-
[Rec]4 -Apocalypse 75,-
Blood and money (ny i plast) 100,-
Lost in London (ny i plast) 80,-
The Abc's of death 60,-
Coming home in the dark 75,-
Raid on Rommel 60,-
Deadly contract 30,-
Boccaccio'70 135,-
Manborg 130,-
Motorway 40,-
Vendetta 30,-
Enemies closer 30,-
Hansel & Gretel - Get baked 150,-
Straffkommando øst... 100,-
No one lives 60,-
Kidnapped 60,-
Late phases 50,-
We are still here 45,-
Leker søker barn 2. 70,-
The Music never stopped 60,-
Premutos 150,-
Primal 80,-
Night of the living dead 3d 90,-
Night of the living dead-re animation 100,-
Black past 300,-
Sherlock holmes 300,-
Amityville 3d 60,-
Borderland 60,-
Mysteriet picasso 45,-
Tannlegen 60,-
Tannlegen 2. 60,-
Det var en gang en hulemann 70,-
Rubber 100,-
Glem ikke kamelene! 200,-
Ukjent kode 75,-
Penance 60,-
Fanfan la tulipe 70,-
The Sniper 130,-
Eva (ny i plast) 50,-
The House of the devil 50,-
Apocalypse now (ny i plast) 75,-
Stammen 60,-
Emanuelle reports from a woman's prison250,-
I sell the dead 40,-
I am not a witch 75,-
I am not your negro 75,-
Welcome to New York 50,-
Dard divorce 300,-
The Lifeguard 30,-
Pig (ny i plast) 100,-
The Salvation 75,-
I skyggen av kvinner (ny i plast) 70,-
Den Russiske spionen 55,-
Byens lys (ny i plast) 100,-
The Burning (ny i plast) 150,-
The Thrill of a kill 250,-
Brød & sirkus 300,-
Code of silence 60,-
Paths of glory 75,-
Inside the whore 140,-
Åtte glass 60,-
Natten var het 75,-
Why don't you play in hell? 100,-
Macarthur 50,-
Tess 95,-
K2 High risk 45,-
Noen dager i Paris 40,-
The 10th kingdom 75,-
By the will of genghis khan 95,-
Don quixote 95,-
The Odyssey 95,-
Sølvhingsten 75,-
Class of nuke em high 2. 95,-
Cannibal! The Musical 75,-
Bride of the monster... 75,-
La dolce vita (ny i plast) 60,-
Dante 01 100,-
Everywhen (ny i plast) 60,-
Gunfight 75,-
The Living dead girl 150,-
Skin 40,-
Open windows 60,-
Still/born 60,-
Emelie (ny i plast) 75,-
Orkanen 100,-
The Recall 60,-
Hotel paradise 175,-
Mutant girls squad 65,-
Wild beasts 175,-
Alien vs. ninja 60,-
A film with me in it 30,-
Enter the void 25,-
The Bride of Frank 75,-
The Sinful nuns of Saint valentine 100,-
Thundercrack 275,-
Flossie 300,-
Bikinibanden 225,-
Terror 150,-
Venus in furs 100,-
Uten truser i Bangkok 175,-
Screamers 60,-
Ih, det var dog den stiveste! 300,-
Sacred flesh 250,-
Havfruen fra Mississippi 75,-
Dværgen 75,-
Cold fish 150,-
Nightmare on left bank 125,-
Spider baby 75,-
99 Women 300,-
Svinestien 100,-
De frekke flyvertinnene 300,-
The Toy box 300,-
Middag på italiensk 60,-
Hell of the living dead 85,-
The Machine girl 100,-
Inside 40,-
Merantau 60,-
Sister Emanuelle (ny i plast) 250,-
Colt 45. 60,-
I går, i dag og i morgen 100,-
Sleep tight 35,-
Alyce 60,-
Revenge A love story 80,-
The Bride of Frank 75,-
Baskin 100,-
Satan's slaves 250,-
Dark touch 25,-
Over the edge 100,-
Keoma 100,-
Rififi 45,-
Hell's ground (2disc) 150,-
Natta pappa henta oss 60,-
Bak låste dører 150,-
Badland 100,-
Love & Friendship 50,-
Justice (ny i plast) 60,-
Day of the animals 250,-
Xtro 300,-
Bitter feast 60,-
Two evil eyes 150,-
Eaten alive 200,-
Return of the living dead III 60,-
Murder set pieces 100,-
Puzzle 275,-
Caged 75,-
Ichi the killer 175,- SOLGT
City of the living dead 100,-
Mountain of the cannibal god 130,-
De navnløse 85,-
Off screen 40,-
Stalker 75,-
Creepshow III 75,-
The New york ripper 200,-
Tokyo decadence 150,-
Miraklet i Milano 60,-
Ann & Eve 300,-
Firecracker (2disc edition) 75,-
Rated X 75,-
Fantasm comes again 300,-
Caligula & Messalina 100,-
The Inglorious bastards ( 2disc uncut) 30,-
Natt uten nåde 75,-
Brennpunkt Napoli 130,-
Utroskab 100,-
Reykjavik whale watching massacre 40,-
Krigshelten 75,-
Spillets regler 80,-
A house in the hills 40,-
Telstar (ny i plast) 40,-
Don't let him in 75,-
Pokerspilleren 125,-
Eaten alive! 80,-
Made in Serbia 75,-
The boogeyman 250,-
Gwendoline 275,-
Tokyo gore police 60,-
Castle freak 150,-
SS Hell camp 75,-
Zombie- nattens terror 50,-
The Burning moon 250,-
Farvel Afrika 100,-
Cannibal holocaust 60,-
Cougar hunting 60,-
Emanuelle avslører hvite slavehandelen 250,-
Sykkeltyvene 50,-
Profondo rosso-Deep red (2disc) 295,-
Battle force 60,-
Solaris 100,-
Subconscious cruelty (2disc) 200,-
Django hevneren 75,-
Zombie flesh eaters 2. 65,-
Altitude 40,-
Cave 40,-
Game of werewolves 65,-
Ildkrigen 175,-
Arven 100,-
Uten truser i Tyrol 250,-
Den fjerde mann 60,-
Switch 30,-
Resolution 60,-
Plan 9 from outer space 150,-
The Nightingale 40,-
Tony 40,-
Den gylne hanske 75,-
Julenissens lærling 100,-
Spring 40,-
[Rec]3 - Genesis 75,-
Grapes of death 120,-
Requiem for a vampire 120,-
Shiver of the vampires 75,-
Night of the hunted 75,-
Demoniacs 120,-
Rape of the vampire 120,-
Two orphan vampires 120,-
The Living dead girl 75,-
The Nude vampire 120,-
Nightmare city 120,-
Little deaths 75,-
Cannibal ferox 150,-
Maniac 70,-
Gå og se 70,-
Buddy Holly 70,-
It follows 30,-
Michael Kohlhaas 40,-
Eventyrhuset 25,-
Bringing up Bobby 40,-
Arkitektens mage 100,-
The Toolbox murders 150,-
The serpent and the rainbow 75,-
Bikini girls on ice 70,-
Vampire girl vs. Frankenstein girl 50,-
Helldriver 75,-
Neds (ny i plast) 60,-
Alien vs. zombies 60,-
Piranha 150,-
Grotesk 75,-
FFC- Female fight club 25,-
Gå og se 60,-
Sex and fury 195,-
Murder party 100,-
Spud Miltons utrolige eventyr 40,-
Maniac (2disc) 100,-
Robogeisha 45,-
Ildkrigen 120,-
Tyrkisk konfekt 100,-
Pianolærerinnen 60,-
Jack the ripper 120,-
Som støv fra himmelen 40,-
Coffy 200,-
Sauna 60,-
The Beyond 100,-
Zombie holocaust 100,-
Breaking news 40,-
Zombie flesh eaters 65,-
The Innkeepers 35,-
Mamma 200,-
Dressed to kill 100,-
The Assassin 70,-
The Girl with all the gifts 40,-
Merlin 70,-
Halo 4- Forward unto dawn 40,-
Hjemsøkt 60,-
Citizenfour 80,-
The Dead 75,-
Livid 75,-
The Babadook 50,-
Bone tomahawk 50,-
Søstre 30,-
Motorsagmassakren (2disc spesial utg.) 100,-
The House at the end of a time 30,-
Fascisten 80,-
The Witch in the window 75,-
Gun woman 250,-
Plastic 30,-
Funhouse massacre 150,-
Trade of innocents 60,-
Made in France (ny i plast) 75,-
Martyrs 300,-
Antiviral 75,-
Zero tolerance (ny i plast) 40,-
Røverdatter 145,-
Tom of Finland (ny i plast) 75,-
Lucky 50,-
(33) Blu-ray
Now it's dark m/slipcover 140,-
The Perfect weapon 75,-
Spud Miltons utrolige eventyr 40,-
Motorsagmassakren (2disc spesial utg.) 75,-
[Rec]3- Genesis (SHOWTIME merke) 50,-
Livid 100,-
Huset 75,-
Hjemsøkt 150,-
Lyst 200,-
Juleblod 120,-
Martyrs 300,-
Love & friendship 50,-
The Babadook 50,-
Bone tomahawk 60,-
It follows 40,-
Dagen i morgen 100,-
(34) Blu-ray
Vendetta 20,-
Lore 75,-
Den franske forbindelsen 40,-
Endgame 75,-
Devil's playground 40,-
Teenage mutant ninja turtles 200,-
Marseille 60,-
A gang story 50,-
Neds 50,-
Alien vs. ninja SOLGT
The Girl with all the gifts 45,-
Caged 60,-
Asian extreme splatter collection 2. 100,-
Classic Samurai collection 150,-
Screwed 30,-
Boy wonder 50,-
Eva 40,-
(35) Leiefilmer
Last will (SHOWTIME merke) 15,-
The Violent kind 50,-
Bryllupsreisen fra helvete 25,-
Politistyrke X7 35,-
13 Assassins 25,-
Penance 35,-
Inbred (SHOWTIME merke) 25,-
Murder party 25,-
Devil's playground (SHOWTIME merke) 15,-
Spud Miltons utrolige eventyr 30,-
Endgame 50,-
Switch 30,-
The Incident (SHOWTIME merke) 20,-
Politidistrikt 13 (SHOWTIME merke) 20,-
The Innkeepers (SHOWTIME merke) 20,-
Boy wonder 30,-
Merantau (leiefilm) 40,-
Bjørnøya (Blu-ray) 100,-
Deathgasm (Blu-ray) 100,-
Eventyrhuset (Blu-ray) 60,-
Politistyrke X7 60,-
John dies at the end 30,-
The Liability 60,-
187 150,-
Scherzo diabolico 150,-
Here comes the devil 75,-
The Killing 95,-
Traded 40,-
Railroad tigers 100,-
Five finger for Marseilles 100,-
Lady snowblood II 70,-
Host 100,-
The Boy behind the door 100,-
Mondo cane 75,-
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Sist endret: 26.3.2025 kl. 21:37 ・ FINN-kode: 389243650