Aqd Al-Durar fi Akhbar Al-Muntather (Imam Mahdi)
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عقد الدرر في اخبار المنتظر عجل الله فرجه الشريف
يوسف بن يحيى المقدسي الشافعي السلمي
يوسف بن يحيى المقدسي الشافعي السلمي
في أروقة المكتبة المهدوية
قراءة في كتاب: عقد الدرر في أخبار المنتظر
لمؤلفه يوسف بن يحيى بن علي بن عبد العزيز المقدسي الشافعي السلمي المتوفى سنة ٦٨٥ هـ.
تعريف بما تحفل به المكتبة المهدوية وما في جنباتها من مؤلفات ـ نشرت أو تنشر ـ وعرض ما تناولته هذه المؤلفات بأسلوب موجز وجذاب، خدمة للقراء وتذليلاً لسبل البحث امامهم
يقع الكتاب في طبعته الثانية سنة ١٣٩٩هـ-١٩٧٩م في (٤٤٤) صفحة من القطع الوزيري. وهو من تحقيق ومراجعة الشيخ لهيب بن صالح بن عبد الرحمن البوريني, ومن إصدار مكتبة المنار للطباعة والنشر بالزرقاء في الأردن.
يتألّف الكتاب من مقدمة كبيرة واثني عشر بابا, جاءت عناوينها تسلسلاً:
١- في بيان أنّه عليه السلام من ذرية رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وعترته. ٢- في اسمه عليه السلام وخلقه وكنيته. ٣- في عدله وحليته. ٤- في ما يظهر من الفتن الدّالة على ولايته عليه السلام. ٥- في انّ الله تعالى يبعث من يوطّئ له قبل إمارته. ٦- فيما يظهر من له من الكرامات في مدّة خلافته عليه السلام. ٧- في شرفه وعظيم منزلته عليه السلام. ٨- في كرمه وفتوّته عليه السلام. ٩- في فتوحاته وسيرته عليه السلام. ١٠- في أنّ عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام يصلى خلفه ويبايعه. ١١- في اختلاف الروايات في مدّة إقامته عليه السلام. ١٢- فيما يجري من الفتن في أيامه وبعد انقضاء مدّته عليه السلام.
- يبيّن مؤلف الكتاب في مقدمته:
(أنّ من الأمور التي تتعلق بعلامة الساعة الكبرى ظهور المهدي عليه السلام-فهو الرجل الصالح الذي ينزل عليه عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام, ويأتيه الى بيت المقدس, ويساعده في قتل الدجال).
- ثم يقرّر:
(بأنّ المهدي عليه السلام رجل صالح من آل الرسول عليه السلام....يأتي في آخر الزمان, وقد ملئت الأرض ظلما وجورا, فيملؤها قسطا وعدلا... ويبعث الله تعالى من يمهّد ويوطّئ لبيعته وإمامته عليه السلام..).
- ويؤكّد مؤلف الكتاب:
(انّه وردت احاديث كثيرة في المهدي عليه السلام.. وأنّ قضية المهدي عليه السلام مما لا مجال للشك والاجتهاد فيها).
- يعود المؤلف- وباعتباره من مدرسة الصحابة أو أهل السنّة-فيبيّن:
(أنّ أهل السنّة يعتقدون بأنّ رجلاً صالحاً من نسل الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم سيظهر في آخر الزمان, ليرشد الناس إلى الحق, ويردّهم عن الضلال.. ويؤكّد معتمداً أقوال بعض كبار هذه المدرسة بأنّ الايمان بالمهدي عليه السلام من جملة عقيدة أهل السنّة والجماعة).
- ويردّ المؤلف مقولة (لا مهدي إلاّ عيسى) فيقول:
(وحيث كثرت الأقوال في المهدي عليه السلام حتى قيل (لا مهدي إلاّ عيسى) فالصواب الذي عليه أهل الحق, أنّ المهدي عليه السلام غير عيسى عليه السلام, وأنّه يخرج قبل نزول عيسى عليه السلام.. وقد كثرت بخروجه الروايات حتى بلغت حد التواتر المعنوي).
In the corridors of the Mahdavi Library
Reading in the book: Aqd Al-Durar fi Akhbar Al-Muntather
By its author Yusuf bin Yahya bin Ali bin Abdul Aziz Al-Maqdisi Al-Shafi'i Al-Salami, who died in the year 685 AH.
An introduction to what the Mahdavi Library contains and what is in its folds of published works - published or to be published - and a presentation of what these works dealt with in a brief and attractive style, serving the readers and facilitating the means of research before them
The book is in its second edition in the year 1399 AH - 1979 AD in (444) pages of the ministerial size. It was investigated and reviewed by Sheikh Lahib bin Saleh bin Abdul Rahman Al-Bourini, and published by Al-Manar Library for Printing and Publishing in Zarqa in Jordan.
The book consists of a large introduction and twelve chapters, the titles of which came in sequence:
1- In explaining that he, peace be upon him, is from the descendants of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace. 2- In his name, character, and nickname. 3- In his justice and adornment. 4- In what appears of the tribulations indicating his authority, peace be upon him. 5- In that Allah Almighty sends someone to pave the way for him before his emirate. 6- In what appears of his miracles during the period of his caliphate, peace be upon him. 7- In his honor and great status, peace be upon him. 8- In his generosity and youth, peace be upon him. 9- In his conquests and his biography, peace be upon him. 10- In that Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon him, prays behind him and pledges allegiance to him. 11- In the different narrations about the period of his stay, peace be upon him. 12- In what occurs of tribulations during his days and after the end of his period, peace be upon him.
- The author of the book explains in his introduction:
(That one of the matters related to the major sign of the Hour is the appearance of the Mahdi, peace be upon him - he is the righteous man to whom Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon him, descends, and he comes to him in the Holy House, and he helps him in killing the Antichrist).
- Then he decides:
(That the Mahdi, peace be upon him, is a righteous man from the family of the Messenger, peace be upon him... He will come at the end of time, and the earth will be filled with injustice and oppression, so he will fill it with justice and equity... And God Almighty will send someone who will pave the way for his allegiance and his Imamate, peace be upon him...).
- The author of the book confirms:
(That many hadiths have been reported about the Mahdi, peace be upon him... And that the issue of the Mahdi, peace be upon him, is something that there is no room for doubt or interpretation in it).
- The author returns - and in his capacity as one of the school of the Companions or the Sunnis - and explains:
(That the Sunnis believe that a righteous man from the lineage of the Messenger, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, will appear at the end of time, to guide people to the truth, and turn them back from misguidance... And he confirms, relying on the statements of some of the great figures of this school, that belief in the Mahdi, peace be upon him, is part of the belief of the Sunnis and the community).
The author responds to the saying (There is no Mahdi except Jesus) and says: (And since the sayings about the Mahdi, peace be upon him, have multiplied until it has been said (There is no Mahdi except Jesus), the correct view, which the people of truth hold, is that the Mahdi, peace be upon him, is not Jesus, peace be upon him, and that he will emerge before the descent of Jesus, peace be upon him.. And the narrations about his emergence have multiplied until they have reached the level of moral consensus).
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