5 250 kr
Kopperuds vei 5 A, 0377 Oslo- Månedsleie
- 8 000 kr
- Depositum
- 8 000 kr
- Primærrom
- 10 m²
- Bruksareal
- 60 m²
- Boligtype
- Rom i bofellesskap
- Soverom
- 2
- Leieperiode
- 01.03.2025 - 02.02.2027
- Bruttoareal
- 60 m²
Hello my name is sebastien and I am looking for a roommate , to share a very nice , clean , quiet apartment in Smestad area.which is 4 stops on the T bahn train to NATIONAL THEATHER…
The apartment is a 2 bedroom so you will only be sharing with one other person which is me !
I work in hospitality, 40s , clean , quiet and with a 6 day schedule … originally from France but spent the last 20 years in New York City …
The apartment was newly decorated and refreshed 2 weeks ago ..
Your rental contract will be directly with the owner Catherine who also lives in the building
She is looking for someone with a job or school , references , serious …
If you are looking for a quiet , clean place in a high end neighborhood then please email about yourself via text
My phone number is 47-73-40-39
The apartment is a 2 bedroom so you will only be sharing with one other person which is me !
I work in hospitality, 40s , clean , quiet and with a 6 day schedule … originally from France but spent the last 20 years in New York City …
The apartment was newly decorated and refreshed 2 weeks ago ..
Your rental contract will be directly with the owner Catherine who also lives in the building
She is looking for someone with a job or school , references , serious …
If you are looking for a quiet , clean place in a high end neighborhood then please email about yourself via text
My phone number is 47-73-40-39
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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