
Room in cozy Kjelsås collective

Kart med kartnål0494 Oslo
3 550 kr
14 340 kr


6 m²
Rom i bofellesskap

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We are a group of cozy artists searching for a new fabulous roomate to join our beautiful Kjelsås collective! The room is 6m2 and the rent is 3550 NOK/month. Internet is included in the price. Electricity is additional and varies at around ~300-900 NOK/month, depending on the season. For the winter we buy firewood which is about 450-600 NOK per person per year. Deposit is 14.340 NOK. We share a large living room with a nice fireplace, a spacious kitchen, and a separate bathroom and toilet solution in 2nd floor of a charming wooden house at Kjelsås.

A human being (!) (we are not allowed to keep pets in the house, *sad face*), who is looking to stay long term. You're eager to share living space with 4 other weird and wonderful humans. You're looking for a HOME, not just a place to sleep and store your belongings, and you're keen to participate and contribute to creating a safe and squishy space where we all can feel safe to let be our beautiful and whole selves. We welcome all gender identities, ethnicities, beliefs, ages, sexual orientations, cultures and races. Our main spoken languages at home are English and Norwegian, so you need to be comfortable with speaking at least one of them.

Eilia (32) is a bubbly, creative, open and accepting soul. He's a talented performance artist. He likes art, nature and travelling. Eilia is also dedicated to shining light on unjust issues through art activism.

Erik (35) is an introspective, loyal, and patient person who works as a stone mason. He enjoys heavy metal music, travel, dancing tango, playing board games and engaging in deep conversations about life, spirituality and philosophy over a cup (or three!) of tea.

Magnus (32) is a newly established artist and is working with weaving. He is a open-minded, social, textile wizard who connects with nature and gardening. Magnus is working part-time in health care and likes to make delicious food, which he often share. He can often be found in the living room knitting.

Hannah (28) works as a waitress to support her creative side. She is a calm person, but will never turn down a cup of coffee, tea, a beer, or chocolate. She likes to listen to music, and sings in a choir.

As a household we are kind, honest, respectful, and we are mindful of each our living space. When we're at home we like to share an occasional collective meal, relax together or connect with each other in front of the fireplace.

THE LIVING SPACE (Your new room)
The room is small and cozy, just enough space for what you need. There is a bed that you can buy from the previous roomate if you are interested. There is a lot of additional storage space in the house; we share a large closet to keep extra clothes, we have a big garage, space in the attic and basement where it's possible to store belongings. Unfortunately, this is not a wheelchair friendly house.

Our crib has a parking lot with space for one car and a nice big garden where we play and grow vegetables in summer. The house is nicely located close to nature and within walking distance to Frysja, Maridalsvannet and Nordmarka. Bus, tram and train are all within 5 minutes walking, and go frequently to the city centre.

If you are interested to meet us and see the room, please send us a message with your name and share a little something about yourself! What are your passions and what sparks your enthusiasm in life? Also write your phone number. We will send you a message to invite you to viewings. Looking forwards to hearing from you :-)

Lots of love,
Residents of Kjetils vei


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Kart med kartnål0494 Oslo


Sist endret09. mars 2025 15:29

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