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Porto: 0-5kg = 80,- / 5-10 kg = 130,-
20% rabatt bestillinger over 500,-
Klikk på navnet mitt for å se mine andre annonser.
12 Rounds (Extreme Cut, Renny Harlin) 10,-
127 timer 10,-
16 Blocks 10,-
2 Guns 10,-
2012 10,-
22 Bullets (Jean Reno) 10,-
2Fast 2Furious 10,-
30 Days of Night (eng txt) 10,-
30 Minutes or Less 10,-
300 10,-
37 1/2 10,-
1492 Erobringen av Paradis (G.Depardieu) 15,-
40 Year-Old Virgin 10,-
4th Floor, The (uåpnet) 20,-
54 10,-
6th Day, The 15,-
8 Mile (Eminem) 10,-
8 mm (Nicolas Cage) 10,-
90 minutter 10,-
9 1/2 Weeks (Kim Basinger) 30,-
A.I. - Artificial Inteligence (Steven Spielberg) 20,-
Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter 10,-
Against the Dark 20,-
Age of Heroes (Aksel Hennie) 10,--
Albert Nobbs (utekstet) 10,-
Alex Rider Stormbreaker 10,-
Alfie (Jude Law) 10,-
Ali 10,-
Alien Box Collection 1-4 (uåpnet) 70,-
Alice Through the Looking Glass 15,-
All the King's Men (Sean Penn) 10,-
Alle Mine Kjære 10,-
American Crime 10,-
American Gigolo (Richard Gere) 25,-
American Psycho 1 & 2 20,-
Amityville Horror, The (2005) 10,-
Amour (Michael Haneke) 20,-
Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 25,-
And So It Goes 10,-
Annie Hall (Uåpnet) 25,-
AntiChrist (Lars Von Trier) 25,-
Antwone Fisher 10,-
Apartment 1303 20,-
Apen (Jesper Ganslandt) 20,-
Apocalypse Nå - Redux 20,-
Aquamarine 10,-
Arlington Road (Jeff Bridges) 10,-
Armored (Matt Dillon) 10,-
Arn - Tempelridderen 10,-
As Above So Below, The Purge, The Purge; Anarchy, Mama, Ouija 30,-
Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) 10,-
Avatar 10,-
Avengers, The 15,-
Aviator, The 10,-
AVP 2; Requiem 10,-
Avsløringen (Breach, uåpnet) 15,-
Avsporing (Jennifer Aniston) 10,-
Away from Her (Julie Christie) 10,-
Babel 10,-
Back-Up Plan, The 10,-
Bad Boys 10,-
Bad Company (A. Hopkins) 10,-
Bad Lieutenant; Port of Call New Orleans 10,-
Bad Taste (Peter Jackson, utekstet) 25,-
Bad Teacher 10,-
Baggage Claim 10,-
Bangkok Hilton (Nicole Kidman) 10,-
Barely Legal 10,-
Basic 10,-
Basic Instinct (Sharon Stone) 20,-
Batman & Robin 20,-
Batman Begins 10,-
Batman the Dark Knight 10,-
Batman vs Superman; Dawn of Justice 15,-
Battleship 10,-
Be Cool 10,-
Beat That My Heart Skipped, The (eng txt) 20,-
Beautiful Country, The (Hans Petter Moland) 10,-
Beauty Jungle, The (1964, utekstet) 20,-
Behind the Sun (d: Walter Salles, eng txt) 20,-
Belly of the Beast 10,-
Beyond Borders 10,-
Big Eyes (Tim Burton) 25,-
Big Year, The 10,-
Billy Bathgate (Dustin Hoffman) 20,-
Bird (Forest Whitaker, eng txt) 20,-
Birthday Girl 10,-
Black Dahlia, The 10,-
Black Eagle (JCVD) 15,-
Black Widow (Willem Dafoe) 10,-
Blades of Glory 10,-
Blair Witch Project, The 20,-
Blast / Ground Zero 10,-
Blitz 10,-
Blodsbånd 20,-
Boiler Room 10,-
Bonnie & Clyde (Warren Beatty, eng txt) 20,-
Boogeyman, The 10,-
Book of Henry, The 15,-
Bordertown (Jennifer Lopez) 10,-
Boston Vendetta 10,-
Bourne Identity, The (Extended Explosive Edition) 10,-
Bourne Supremacy, The 10,-
Bourne Ultimatum, The 10,-
Box, The 10,-
Box 507 (d: Enrique Urbizu, eng txt) 20,-
Boys from Brazil, The (Gregory Peck) 20,-
Braindead (Peter Jackson) 25,-
Brave One, The 10,-
Braveheart 20,-
Breakfast at Tiffany's (Audrey Hepburn) 20,-
Breaking and Entering 10,-
Breezy (d: Clint Eastwood, sone 1, utekstet) 20,-
Bridge too Far, A (1977) 25,-
Bridget Jones Dagbok 10,-
Bridget Jones på randen (uåpnet) 20,-
Bright Star (Jane Campion) 20,-
Brighton Rock (2010) 10,-
Bring It On; In it to win it 10,-
Bringing Out the Dead (Martin Scorsese) 20,-
Bronx Tale, A (Robert DeNiro) 10,-
Brooklyn Rules 10,-
Brooklyn's Finest 10,-
Brotherhood (2004, Korea, eng txt) 20.
Brothers Bloom, The 10,-
Brutte omfavnelser 20,-
Bryan Loves You (Sone 1, uåpnet) 20,-
Budbringeren (Pål Sletaune) 20,-
Burke & Hare (eng txt) 20,-
Bus 174 (eng txt) 25,-
Butler, The 10,-
Børning 2 15,-
Cafe 10,-
Cannonball Run 10,-
Cape Fear (Robert DeNiro) 25,-
Capone (1975, Ben Gazzara, eng txt) 20,-
Capote (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) 10,-
Captain Alatriste (Viggo Mortensen) 10,-
Captain America; The First Avenger 10,-
Captain America; The Winter Soldier 10,-
Carandiru (eng txt) 20,-
Carrie (Sissy Spacek) 25,-
Carry On Admiral (uåpnet, utekstet) 10,-
Case 39 10,-
Casino (M. Scorsese) 20,-
Casino Royale 10,-
Catwoman 10,-
Central Station (eng txt, d: Fernanda Montenegro) 25,-
Chain Reaction (Keanu Reeves) 10,-
Champagne Charlie (Hugh Grant) 10,-
Changeling (A. Jolie) 10,-
Chicago 10,-
Christmas Carol, A (BBC TV movie, 1977) 10,-
Chronicles of Riddick, The 10,-
Ciao Bella 20,-
Cider House Rules, The (Lasse Hallstrøm, eng txt) 10,-
Circumstance (d: Maryam Keshavarz) 15,-
City By the Sea (Robert DeNiro) 10,-
City of the Living Dead (Lucio Fulci, eng txt) 25,-
Clearing, The 10,-
Clockstoppers 10,-
Closer (Jude Law) 10,-
Cloverfield 10,-
Coco Before Chanel (eng txt) 10,-
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky 10,-
Cold Light of Day, The 10,-
Collateral 10,-
Collateral Damage 15,-
Columbus Circle 10,-
Coming to America 15,-
Commando (Arnold Schwarzenegger) 25,-
Commitments, The 15,-
Commuter, The (Liam Neeson) 15,-
Confidence 10,-
Conspirator, The (Regi: Robert Redford) 10,-
Contagion 10,-
Conversation, The (Gene Hackman, eng txt) 25,-
Conviction (Hilary Swank) 10,-
Counselor, The 20,-
Country Club Killer (a.k.a. The Greenskeeper) 20,-
Cowboys & Aliens (uåpnet) 15,-
Crank 10,-
Crazies, The (2010) 10,-
Creep (Franka Potente, eng txt) 20,-
Crime, The 10,-
Cursed (Christina Ricci) 10,-
Cutaway 10,-
Daddy & Them 10,-
Damned United, The 10,-
Dance Flick 10,-
Dancer in the Dark (Lars Von Trier) 25,-
Danselærerens Tilbakekomst 10,-
Danser med Ulver 20,-
Dark City (Sone 1, eng txt) 20,-
Dark Shadows (Tim Burton) 15,-
Dark Water (Jennifer Connelly) 15,-
Daywatch 10,-
De Andres Liv 10,-
De Grønne Slakterne 20,-
De Syv Samuraier 30,-
De Ubestikkelige (Kevin Costner) 25,-
De Urørlige 20,-
De Usynlige 20,-
Dead Calm (Nicole Kidman, eng txt) 20,-
Dead Silence 15,-
Dear Wendy 20,-
Death Proof 10,-
Death Race 2000 (1975, Sylvester Stallone) 20,-
Deception 10,-
Deepwater Horizon (Eng. txt) 10,-
Deer Hunter (Hjortejegeren) 25,-
Den 13. krigeren (Antonio Banderas) 10,-
Den Andre Siden (2007) 20,-
Den engelske pasienten 10,-
Den Fabelaktige Amelie fra Montmartre 10,-
Den Røde Ballongens Reise 20,-
Den Røde Drage (Anthony Hopkins) 10,-
Den Siste Revejakta 10,-
Den Siste Tempelridder 10,-
Den som frykter ulven (uåpnet) 20,-
Den Sorte Pirat (Bud Spencer & Terence Hill) 20,-
Den Talentfulle Mr. Ripley (Matt Damon) 10,-
Den Tredje Tvilling 10,-
Departed, The 10,-
Der Untergang (Steelbox, uåpnet) 20,-
Derailed / The Badge 10,-
Det gyldne kompasset 10,-
Det Store Blå 20,-
Deuces Wild 10,-
Devil 10,-
Die Another Day 10,-
Die Hard 10,-
Die Hard 2 10,-
Die Hard 4.0 5,-
Die Hard i New York (uåpnet) 20,-
Dillinger & Capone (Martin Sheen) 10,-
Direct Contact 10,-
Dirty Dancing (uåpnet) 20,-
Dirty Pretty Things (Stephen Frears) 20,-
District 9 10,-
Divergent 10,-
Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The (eng txt) 10,-
DOA - Dead or Alive (2006) 10,-
Dolphins 10,-
Domestic Disturbance 10,-
Domino 10,-
Donnie Darko (Sone 1) 10,-
Don't Look Now (Donald Sutherland) 30,-
Down in the Valley 10,-
Drageløperen 10,-
Dragon / The Replacement Killers 15,-
Dragon Squad 10,-
Dreamcatcher 20,-
Dreamgirls 10,-
Drive Angry 10,-
Driver (Ryan O'Neal) 25,-
Drop Dead Sexy 10,-
Drug Wars (Benicio Del Toro) 10,-
Drømmen (2006, Niels Arden Oplev) 10,-
Dum og Dummere 2 10,-
Dumpet av Sarah Marshall 10,-
Dykkerklokken og Sommerfuglen 10,-
Død Snø 20,-
Dødelig Våpen 3 10,-
Dødens Karteller (Clear and Present Danger m/Harrison Ford) 10,-
E.T. (Steven Spielberg) 20,-
Eagle Has Landed, The (Michael Caine, eng txt) 25,-
Eat Pray Love 10,-
Echo (Clive Owen) 10,-
Edge of Darkness 10,-
Edge of Tomorrow (Tom Cruise) 10,-
Edison 10,-
Edward Scissorhands (eng txt) 20,-
Eichmann - Dødens Signatur 10,-
El Mariachi 10,-
El Mariachi / Desperado 20,-
Elephant Juice 10,-
Elsk meg i morgen 10,-
Empire of the Wolves (Jean Reno) 10,-
Empire State 10,-
En dag i april 10,-
En helt vanlig dag på jobben 10,-
En Kongelig Affære 10,-
En mann for sitt dyr 10,-
Enemy of the State (Will Smith) 10,-
Engelen (Maria Bonnevie) 10,-
Engler & Demoner - Avsløringen 10,-
English Patient, The (Ralph Fiennes) 10,-
Etter Rubicon (1987, Sverre Anker Ousdal) 30,-
Every Which Wat But Loose / Any Which Way You Can (Box, eng txt) 40,-
Evolution 10,-
Excalibur (eng txt) 20,-
Executioners, The (Roger Moore) 10,-
Exodus; Gods and Kings 10,-
Exorcism of Emily Hart, The 10,-
Exorcist; The Beginning 10,-
Exorcisten (Linda Blair) 25,-
Expendables, The 10,-
Fabulous Baker Boys, The (Jeff Bridges) 15,-
Face Off 10,-
Fahrenheit 9/11 10,-
Falskt Alibi 10,-
Familien - August: Osage County (Meryl Streep, uåpnet) 25,-
Far From Heaven (Julianne Moore) 10,-
Farewell to the King 20,-
Farlig Begjær (Michael Douglas) 20,-
Fast and Furious (6 movie collection, uåpnet) 60,-
Fast and the Furious; Tokyo Drift 10,-
Fast Food Nation 10,-
Faster 10,-
Fatso 10,-
Fear ( Mark Wahlberg) 10,-
Fear 2 ; Morty Returns, The 10,-
Fear City (d: Abel Ferrara) 25,-
Fear Dot Com 10,-
Feast (2005) 10,-
Fifth Estate, The 10,-
Fifty Shades Darker (uåpnet) 25,-
Fifty Shades of Grey (uåpnet) 25,-
Fight Club (eng txt) 15,-
Fighter in the Wind (2004, Eng txt) 30,-
Fighting Man, A 10,-
Final Cut, The 10,-
Fire With Fire 10,-
Firewall 10,-
Firm, The (Tom Cruise) 15,-
First Kill (Bruce Willis) 15,-
First Sunday 10,-
Flags of Our Fathers 10,-
Flammen & Citronen 10,-
Flashdance (Jennifer Beals) 10,-
Flawless (Demi Moore) 10,-
Flock, The 10,-
Flyvende Dolker 10,-
Focus 10,-
Foolproof (eng txt) 10,-
Football Factory, The 10,-
For a Few Dollars More (uåpnet) 35,-
For Queen and Country (Denzel Washington) 10,-
Forrest Gump 20,-
Fountain, The 10,-
Four Brothers 10,-
Four Feathers, The 10,-
Fourth Protocol, The (Michael Caine, Pierce Brosnan) 20,-
Fracture 10,-
Frances (Jessica Lange) 20,-
Frank McKlusky Fosikringsdetektiv 10,-
Frankenstein The Legacy Collection (Boris Karloff) 50,-
Franklyn (Eva Green) 15,-
Fred Claus 10,-
Friday Night Lights (uåpnet) 15,-
Friday the 13th (Extended Cut, 2009) 20,-
Friends With Money 10,-
From Dusk Till Dawn (Sone 1, utekstet) 10,-
From Paris With Love 10,-
Fronten er Python (John Cleese) 15,-
Frozen Ground. The (eng txt, Nicolas Cage) 10,-
Funhouse, The (Tobe Hooper) 25,-
Funny People 10,-
G.I. Joe - The Rise of the Cobra 10,-
Gamer 10,-
Gandhi 20,-
Gangster Number One 10,-
Gangster Squad (Ryan Gosling) 10,-
Garage Olimpo 10,-
Get Carter (Michael Caine, eng txt) 20,-
Get Smart 10,-
Gettysburg 20,-
Ghost Rider 10,-
Ghost Town 10,-
Ghostbusters - Answer the Call 10,-
Giganten (Erik Bye) 10,-
Girl from Rio (High Laurie, eng txt) 10,-
Gjøkeredet 20,-
Go Fast 10,-
Go for Broke 10,-
God is Great and I'm Not (Audrey Tautou, eng txt) 20,-
Godfather - The Coppola Restoration Box Set 50,-
Gomorrah (eng txt) 10,-
Gone Girl (Rosamund Pike) 20,-
Gone With the Wind (Clark Gable, Eng txt) 20,-
Good (Viggo Mortensen, uåpnet) 20,-
Good Night, The 10,-
Good Shepherd, The 10,-
Good Taste Made Bad Taste (dokumentar) 20,-
Good Year, A 10,-
Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese) 20,-
Gran Torino 10,-
Great Dictator, The (Charlie Chaplin) 25,-
Great Wall, The 15,-
Greatest, The (Pierce Brosnan) 10,-
Green Lantern 10,-
Green Zone 10,-
Grey Owl (Pierce Brosnan, eng txt) 10,-
Grey, The 10,-
Grinchen som stjal julen (uåpnet) 25,-
Groomsmen, The 10,-
Grønne Hjerter 10,-
Grønt Kort - Adgang USA 10,-
Guardian, The (K. Costner) 10,-
Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, A / Cash Back 10,-
Gutten med sykkelen (2011) 10,-
Gymnaslærer Pedersen 15,-
Gåten Ragnarok 10,-
Haisommer 3 10,-
Half Light (Demi Moore) 10,-
Half Nelson 10,-
Half Past Dead (Steven Seagal) 10,-
Hallam Foe 10,-
Halloween 4 20,-
Hamilton (Peter Stomare, uåpnet) 15,-
Hancock 10,-
Hangover Trilogy, The 20,-
Hangover, The 10,-
Hannibal (Anthony Hopkins) 10,-
Hansel & Gretel; Witch Hunters (Tommy Wirkola) 10,-
Happytime Murders, The (eng txt) 10,-
Hard Rain (Morgan Freeman) 10,-
Harry Brown (Michael Caine) 20,-
Harry Potter og Halvblodsprinsen 15,-
Hart's War 10,-
Hateful Eight, The 15,-
Havana (Robert Redford) 20,-
Haven 10,-
Heat (d: Michael Mann) 20,-
Heat, The (Sandra Bullock) 10,-
Hell or High Water (Chris Pine) 15,-
Hellraiser II; Hellbound 20,-
Henry of Navarre (2010) 10,-
Her er Harold (Bjørn Sundquist) 20,-
Hereafter 10,-
Hestegal (uåpnet) 20,-
High Noon (1952, sone 1) 20,-
High School Musical: Remix 10,-
Hills Have Eyes, The (2005) 10,-
Hi-Lo Country, The (d: Stephen Frears) 10,-
Himmelfall 20,-
Historien om David Gale (Kate Winslet) 10,-
Historien om Pi 10,-
History of Violence, A 10,-
Hit Man (Extended Edition) 10,-
Hjemme alene 10,-
Hobbiten (uåpnet) 25,-
Hollywood Homicide 10,-
Holy Smoke (Kate Winslet) 15,-
Home at the End of the World, A 10,-
Home of the Brave (Samuel L Jackson) 10,-
Hostel 2 10,-
House of Voices 15,-
House of Wax 10,-
How Do You Know 10,-
Hunden Skip 15,-
Hunger Games, The 10,-
Hunger Games; Mockingjay Part 1, The 10,-
Hunted ( Tommy Lee Jones) 10,-
Hunted, The / Hostage / Angelos Vendetta 20,-
Hunting Party, The 10,-
Hurt Locker, The 10,-
Hush (2009, William Ash) 10,-
Håkon Håkonsen (Nils Gaup) 20,-
I Am Legend (inkl alternativ slutt) 10,-
I Am Love (uåpnet, ikke norsk tekst) 25,-
I Could Never Be Your Woman 10,-
I Et Speil I en Gåte 10,-
I Feel Pretty (uåpnet) 20,-
I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry 10,-
I, Robot 10,-
Ice Harvest, The 10,-
Icehouse (Daniel Craig) 10,-
Identity Thief 10,-
I'm Not There (eng txt) 10,-
I'm With Lucy 10,-
Import Eksport 10,-
Impossible, The (Ewan McGregor) 10,-
In Good Company (Scarlett Johansson) 10,-
In My Country 10,-
In the Electric Mist 10,-
In the Land of Women 10,-
In the Valley of Elah 10,-
In Time (uåpnet) 10,-
Indiana Jones og Krystallhodeskallens Rike 10,-
Inglorious Basterds 10,-
Inside Man 10,-
Insomnia (Al Pacino, Sone 1) 10,-
International, The 10,-
Into the White 10,-
Intolerable Cruelty 10,-
Invasion, The 10,-
Invisible, The 10,-
Ipcress File, The 25,-
Irina Palm (Marianne Faithful) 10,-
Iron Man 2 10,-
It Follows 15,-
Italian Job, The (Michael Caine, 40th Anniversary, eng txt) 25,-
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 25,-
Jack Reacher 10,-
Jackass 3 10,-
Jar City 10,-
Jarhead 10,-
Jeepers Creepers 15,-
Jeg fatter ikke hvordan hun får det til 10,-
Jenta som lekte med ilden 10,-
Jentene fra St. Trinian's 10,-
Job, The (Daryl Hannah) 10,-
John Cassavetes - 5 Movies Box Set 100,-
John Tucker Must Die 10,-
Johnny English Reborn 10,-
Journal 64 10,-
Journey 2; The Mysterious Island 10,-
Julebordet (Kim Bodnia) 20,-
Jumper 10,-
Junior Bonner (Steve McQueen, Sone 1, eng txt) 20,-
Jurassic Park III 10,-
Jurassic Park Trilogy Box 25,-
Just Go With It 10,-
Justice (James Belushi) 10,-
K19 - The Widowmaker 10,-
Kalifornia (Brad Pitt) 10,-
Kamilla og Tyven 20,-
Kandidaten (Jeff Bridges) 10,-
Kanonball 10,-
Karamell (2007) 10,-
Karate Kid - Sannhetens Øyeblikk (Ralph Macchio) 20,-
Keeper, The (Steven Seagal) 15,-
Kick Ass 10,-
Kicking & Screaming 10,-
Kidulthood (utekstet) 10,-
Kill Bill 1 10,-
Kill Bill 2 10,-
Kill Switch (S. Seagal) 15,-
Killer Inside Me, The 10,-
Killing Bono 10,-
Killing Zoe (Eric Stoltz) 10,-
Killshot 10,-
King and I, The (Yul Brynner) 25,-
King Arthur (Clive Owen) 10,-
King of the Hill 10,-
Kingdom, The 10,-
Kissing Jessica Stein 10,-
Klassen (Laurent Cantet) 10,-
Klodenes Kamp (Steven Spielberg) 10,-
Klovn The Movie 10,-
Knowing 10,-
Kompani Orheim 10,-
Kongen av Bastøy 10,-
Kongens Tale 10,-
Krigshelten (Soldier of Orange) 20,-
Kvinnen i Buret (uåpnet) 20,-
Kvinnen i mitt liv 10,-
L.A. Confidential 10,-
L.A.P.D. 10,-
La Vie en Rose 10,-
Lady in the Water 10,-
Lady, The 10,-
Ladykillers, The (1955, utekstet) 20,-
Ladykillers, The (Tom Hanks) 10,-
Lakeview Terrace 10,-
Land of the Lost 10,-
Lansky (Richard Dreyfuss, sone 1) 10,-
Last Boy Scout, The (Sone 1, eng txt) 10,-
Last Chance Harvey 10,-
Last Days (eng txt) 10,-
Last King of Scotland, The (James McAvoy) 10,-
Last Samurai, The 10,-
Last Shot, The 10,-
Last Stand, The (A. Schwarzenegger) 10,-
Lawless 10,-
League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse, The 15,-
Ledge, The 10,-
Legacy, I kattens tegn, The (1978, Sam Elliott) 20,-
Legion 10,-
Lesser Prophets 10,-
Lethal Weapon 1-3 Box (Sone 1, eng txt) 20,-
Letters from a Killer (Patrick Swayze) 10,-
Libertine, The 10,-
Licence to Kill 15,-
Life and Death of Peter Sellers, The (Geoffrey Rush, eng txt) 20,-
Lilja 4-Ever (uåpnet) 25,-
Lille Nicky 10,-
Lincoln Lawyer, The 10,-
Lion in Winter, The (Peter O'Toole) 25,-
Little Big Man (Dustin Hoffman) 30,-
Little Buddha (Keanu Reeves) 10,-
Little New York 10,-
Livet under Vann (Bill Murray) 10,-
Livvaktene (Jakob Eklund) 10,-
Lolita (Jeremy Irons) 25,-
London 15,-
Lonely Hearts (Eric Roberts, uåpnet) 20,-
Loop 10,-
Lord of the Rings; The Return of the King (Limited Edition) 20,-
Love & Other Drugs 10,-
Love Actually 10,-
Love Guru, The 10,-
Love Happens (Jennifer Aniston) 10,-
Love Potion #9 15,-
Lovelace 10,-
Lover, The (Jean-Jaques Annaud) 25,-
Lower City (eng txt) 25,-
Lucky Number Slevin (uåpnet) 15,-
Luftens siste mester 10,-
Luftslottet som sprengtes 10,-
Lullaby (Melissa Leo) 10,-
Lønsj 20,-
Løvekvinnen 10,-
M.A.S.H. 20,-
Machete 10,-
Mafia (Ving Rhames) 10,-
Mafia (Lloyd Bridges) 10,-
Maiden Heist, The 10,-
Malice (Nicole Kidman) 10,-
Mamma Mia 10,-
Man on Fire (eng txt) 10,-
Man Thing (utekstet) 10,-
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (John Wayne) 20,-
Man With the Iron Heart, The (Jason Clarke) 20,-
Management 10,-
Manchurian Candidate, The 10,-
Mannen med den nakne pistol 10,-
Mannen med den nakne pistol 2 1/2 10,-
Mannen som elsket Yngve 20,-
Margin Call 10,-
Marine, The / Walking Tall 10,-
Mars & Venus (uåpnet) 20,-
Mars Attacks (Tim Burton) 20,-
Martian, The 15,-
Mary Poppins (1964) 20,-
Masada (Peter O'Toole, Sone 1) 20,-
Maskeblomstfamilien 20,-
Matador, The (Pierce Brosnan) 10,-
Match Point 10,-
Matchstick Men 10,-
Matinee Idol, The (1928) 20,-
Matrix 10,-
Matrix - Reloaded 10,-
Mean Streets (Martin Scorsese, eng txt) 20,-
Mechanik, The (Dolph L) 10,-
Memento (Sone 1) 10,-
Men of Honor (Robert DeNiro) 10,-
Mercenary for Justice (S.Seagal) 20,-
Merchants of Death (Michael Pare) 10,-
Merry War, A 10,-
Miami Vice 10,-
Michael Clayton 10,-
Midnight in Paris 10,-
Miffo 10,-
Milk 10,-
Min Date med Drew 10,-
Min Store Fete Greske Ferie 10,-
Mindhunters 10,-
Missing (Tommy Lee Jones) 10,-
Mission, The (Robert DeNiro, eng txt) 25,-
Mission Impossible 1 10,-
Mission Impossible 3 10,-
Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin) 25,-
Mongoland 20,-
Monstertorsdag 25,-
Monty Python's Life of Brian 20,-
Moon 20,-
Moonlight Mile (Dustin Hoffman) 10,-
Moonrise Kingdom 10,-
Mord på Orientekspressen (1974) 20,-
Mord som Medisin (1980) 20,-
Mortdecai 10,-
Moulin Rouge 10,-
Mr. Brooks (Kevin Costner) 10,-
Mr. Saturday Night 10,-
Mr. Woodcock 10,-
Muldvarpen 10,-
Mulholland Drive (eng txt) 20,-
Mumien: Dragekeiserens Grav 10,-
Mummy Trilogy, The (Brendan Fraser, Steelbox) 40,-
Munchen 10,-
Murderball 10,-
Musketeer, The (eng txt) 10,-
Mutant Chronicles 10,-
My Sassy Girl 10,-
My Super Ex-Girlfriend / The Devil Wears Prada 10,-
Mystic River (Sean Penn) 10,-
Naboer 20,-
Nanny Diaries, The (Scarlett Johansson) 10,-
Narkokrig (Operation Delta Force 3) 10,-
Nattens Voktere / Daywatch 10,-
Natural Born Killers 15,-
Netforce ( Tom Clancy) 10,-
New Blood 10,-
New Jack City 20,-
New Police Story 15,-
New Town Killers 10,-
New World, The (Colin Farrell) 10,-
News Movie / Sports Movie 10,-
Next 10,-
Next Best Thing, The (Madonna) 10,-
Night of the Living Dead (1968) 25,-
Nights in Rodanthe (eng txt) 10,-
Nikita (Luc Besson, eng txt) 20,-
Nine 10,-
Nirvana (Christopher Lambert) 10,-
No Country for Old Men 10,-
No Good Deed (Samuel L. Jackson) 10,-
No Man's Land (eng txt) 20,-
Noah 10,-
Nokas 10,-
Not Easily Broken 10,-
Notting Hill 10,-
Now You Know (Sone 1) 10,-
Nowhere Boy 15,-
Nummer 23 10,-
Nynnes Dagbok 10,-
Nå er det jul igjen 10,-
Når Mørket Faller 10,-
Oblivion 15,-
Observe and Report 10,-
Ocean's Eleven 10,-
Ocean's Twelve 10,-
Offside 10,-
Okay 10,-
Oldboy (Chan-Wook Park) 20,-
Omen Trilogy, The (25th Anniversary Edition) 60,-
Once Upon a Time in America (eng txt) 20,-
Once Upon a Time in China (Jet Li, eng txt) 20,-
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Johnny Depp) 10,-
Once Upon a Time in the West 20,-
One Last Dance (P. Swayze) 10,-
One, The (Josh Hartnett) 10,-
One From the Heart (Francis Ford Coppola, eng txt) 20,-
One Hour Photo (Robin Williams) 10,-
Open Range (uåpnet) 25,-
Open Water 10,-
Operation Delta Force 4 & 5 (uåpnet) 20,-
Operation Python 10,-
Original Sin 20,-
Orions Belte 25,-
Others, The 10,-
Out of Sight (sone 1) 10,-
Outland (Sean Connery, sone 1, eng txt) 20,-
Overhengende fare 10,-
Owd Bob 10,-
Pacific Rim 10,-
Pan's Labyrint (uåpnet, eng txt) 20,-
Papillon (Dustin Hoffman) 25,-
Paranormal Activity 2 10,-
Passport to Pimlico (utekstet) 20,-
Pater Amaros Forbrytelse 10,-
Patriotenes Spill (Harrison Ford) 15,-
Paycheck 10,-
Pearl 10,-
Percy Jackson og Lyntyven 10,-
Perfect Getaway, A 10,-
Perfect Storm, The 10,-
Pete Smalls is Dead 10,-
Phat Girlz 10,-
Pingvinenes Marsj 10,-
Pink Panther, The (Steve Martin) 10,-
Pioner (uåpnet) 15,-
Piranha (2010) 10,-
Pirates of the Caribbean; On StrangerTides 15,-
Pirates of the Caribbean; The Curse of the Black Pearl 10,-
Pitch Black (eng. tekst) 10,-
Planet of the Apes 10,-
Planet of the Future (Sean Bean) 20,-
Planet Terror 10,-
Pledge, The (Jack Nicholson) 10,-
Pompeii 10,-
Pompeii: The Apocalypse 10,-
Poseidon 10,-
Praha (Mads Mikkelsen) 15,-
Predators 15,-
Premium Rush 10,-
Prestige, The 10,-
Priceless (Audrey Tautou) 20,-
Pride and Glory 10,-
Priest (unrated) 10,-
Prince of Persia 10,-
Producers, The (Mel Brooks, Sone 1, eng txt) 20,-
Producers, The 10,-
Prom Night 10,-
Prom Night (Jamie Lee Curtis) 25,-
Prometheus 15,-
Proof 10,-
Proof of Life (Russell Crowe) 10,-
Prophet, A (eng txt) 20,-
Proposition, The (Guy Pearce, eng txt) 20,-
Protecting the King 10,-
Prozac Nation 10,-
Public Enemy No. 1 (Part 1 & 2) 10,-
Punisher, The (John Travolta) 10,-
Purple Rain (Prince, eng txt) 25,-
Pursued 10,-
Pusher 2 10,-
På kollisjonskurs 10,-
Quantum of Solace 10,-
Quarantine 10,-
Queen of Sheba's Pearls (d: Colin Nutley) 15,-
Quest, The 10,-
Quiet American, The (Michael Caine) 10,-
Quills (Kate Blanchett) 20,-
Race to Witch Mountain (Dwayne Johnson) 15,-
Raise the Titanic (1980) 25,-
Ramen Girl, The 10,-
Ranerne (Mikael Persbrandt) 10,-
Reach for the Sky 10,-
Reader, The 10,-
Ready or Not 10,-
Real Steel 10,-
Reaping, The 10,-
Recording the Producers; A Musical Romp with Mel Brooks (Sone 1, utekstet) 10,-
Red 10,-
Red Dragon / Hannibal 20,-
Red Eye (Cillian Murphy) 10,-
Red Riding Hood 10,-
Red Shoes, The (1948) 20,-
Red Sky 10,-
Relative Values 10,-
Relic, The (Sone 1) 10,-
Reservoir Dogs (2 disc) 20,-
Revolutionary Road 10,-
Revolutionary Road / Up in the Air 10,-
Ricochet (Denzel Washington) 10,-
Right Stuff, The 15,-
Righteous Kill 10,-
Rikidozan (eng txt) 30,-
Ring 2 (Hideo Nakata, eng txt) 20,-
Ringenes Herre 1; Ringens Brorskap (uåpnet) 25,-
Ringenes Herre 2; To Tårn 15,-
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 10,-
Rising, The (James Brolin) 10,-
Rite, The (uåpnet) 15,-
Road to Perdition 10,-
Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (Kevin Costner) 10,-
Rock N Rolla (d: Guy Ritchie) 10,-
Rock, The (Sean Connery) 15,-
Rockin' The House (uåpnet) 15,-
Rocky (Definitive Edition, uåpnet) 25,-
Rocky Balboa 10,-
Rogue Assassin 10,-
Ronin (Robert DeNiro) 20,-
Rottweiler (2004) 20,-
Rovdyr 20,-
Ruins, The (2008) 15,-
Running Scared (Paul Walker) 10,-
Russian Dolls (Pot Luck 2, Audrey Tautou, eng txt) 25,-
Rød 10,-
S.W.A.T. 10,-
Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn) 20,-
Saints and Soldiers 10,-
Salt (eng. txt) 10,-
Sammen er vi Dynamitt 20,-
Sammen er vi mindre alene 10,-
Sand Sharks 20,-
Sannhetens Time; Historien om Veronica Guerin (Cate Blanchett) 10,-
Saturday Night Fever 15,-
Savages 10,-
Saving Private Ryan (Tom Hanks) 20,-
Savior (Dennis Quaid) 10,-
Saw 10,-
Saw III 10,-
Saw IV 10,-
Scarface (Al Pacino) 10,-
Scary Movie 10,-
Scanners (SME 128) 25,-
Score, The (Robert DeNiro) 10,-
Scream 15,-
Season of the Witch 10,-
Secret Window (Johnny Depp) 10,-
Selskapsreisen 10,-
Sentinel, The 10,-
Serenity 10,-
Serious Man, A 10,-
Setup (Bruce Willis) 10,-
Seven (Brad Pitt, eng txt) 10,-
Seven Years in Tibet (Brad Pitt) 10,-
Severance 10,-
Sex & Lies in Sin City 10,-
Sex and the City - The Movie 10,-
Shadow of the Vampire (utekstet) 20,-
Shaft 10,-
Shanghai Noon (Jackie Chan) 10,-
Sharknado 1 & 2 30,-
Shaun of the Dead (eng txt) 10,-
Shepherd: Border Patrol, The (Jean Claude Van Damme) 20,-
Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows 10,-
Shiner (Michael Caine, eng txt) 10,-
Shoot 'Em Up 10,-
Show Dogs 10,-
Shriek if you know what I did last Friday the 13th 10,-
Shutter Island 10,-
Si at du elsker meg 20,-
Sicilian, The (Christopher Lambert) 20,-
Sicilian Clan, The (1969, eng txt) 20,-
Sicko 10,-
Sidste Chance (The Running Man) 10,-
Silence of the Lambs, The (eng txt) 10,-
Silence of the Lambs, The (Ultimate Edition) 30,-
Silicon Towers 10,-
Silver Linings Playbook 10,-
Simon og Eiketrærne 10,-
Sin City (Sone 1) 10,-
Sixth Sense, The (Bruce Willis, eng txt) 10,-
Skeleton Key 10,-
Skinwalkers 20,-
Skjult (K. Joner) 20,-
Skrekkens Sirkus: Vampyrens Assistent 10,-
Skrik 15,-
Skuggar Över Sødern (To Kill A Mockingbird, 1962) 25,-
Skulls 3, The 10,-
Skulls, The 10,-
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 10,-
Skyggen 10,-
Slaget om den Forbudte By 10,-
Small Back Room (1949, Sone 1) 20,-
Smell of Success, The 10,-
Smokey and the Bandit 15,-
Smokin' Aces 10,-
Snake Eyes 10,-
Snakes on a Plane 10,-
Snitch 10,-
Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror 20,-
Snow White & The Huntsman 10,-
Solitary Man (Michael Douglas) 10,-
Solstorm 10,-
Song for Marion 15,-
Sorg og Glæde (Nils Malmros) 20,-
Sort Hevn (The Fourth Angel) 10,-
South Bronx 10,-
Spaghetti Western Collection, The (Django, Django Kill, Mannata, Run Man Run) SONE 1 80,-
Spanglish 10,-
Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) 20,-
Special Forces 15,-
Speed 1 15,-
Speed 2 10,-
Speed Racer 10,-
Spider-Man 10,-
Spider-man 2 10,-
Spillet (Michael Douglas) 10,-
Spirit, The 10,-
Splice 15,-
Stake Land (utekstet) 10,-
Stalingrad 10,-
Star is Born, A (Judy Garland, Sone 1) 10,-
Star Trek (2009) 10,-
Star Trek VI; The Undiscovered Country (1991) 20,-
Star Wars III; Revenge of the Sith 10,-
Star Wars IV-VI boks (de tre første) 50,-
Starsky & Hutch 10,-
Start Shooting (Meg Ryan) 10,-
Statement, The 10,-
Stealth 10,-
Stendahl Syndrome, The (Dario Argento) 20,-
Stepfordmysteriet (1975) 20,-
Sting, The (Robert Redford, Paul Newman, Steelbook) 35,-
Stolthet og Fordom (Keira Knightley) 10,-
Stories We Tell (2012) 10,-
Storm of the Century (Stephen King) 10,-
Stormvarsel (Key Largo, 1948) 25,-
Storytelling (uåpnet, John Goodman) 20,-
Stranger in the Kingdom 10,-
Strangers, The (Liv Tyler) 10,-
Street Kings 10,-
Street Kings / The Sentinel 10,-
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Sone 1, uåpnet) 20,-
Strictly Ballroom (eng txt) 10,-
Submarine Terror (a.k.a. Operation Delta Force 2) 10,-
Sugar Hill 10,-
Suicide Kings (Christopher Walken) 10,-
Sunset Boulevard (Sone 1) 20,-
Sunshine (Cillian Murphy, eng txt) 10,-
Sunshine (Ralph Fiennes) 10,-
Supercop (Jackie Chan) 15,-
Superman; The Movie (Christopher Reeve) 15,-
Surrogates 10,-
Survival of the Dead 15,-
Surviving Summer (Hilary Duff) 10,-
Suspect Zero (Aaron Eckhardt) 10,-
Svigers er aller verst 10,-
Svik 10,-
Swimfan 10,-
Switch (norsk) 10,-
Swordfish 10,-
Sykt Lykkelig 20,-
Syriana 10,-
Taboo (Nick Stahl) 10,-
Taken 1 (uåpnet) 20,-
Taken 3 10,-
Taking Lives 10,-
Tante Pose (Norske Klassikere) 80,-
Taxi 2 10,-
Teaching Mrs. Tingle 10,-
Ted 10,-
Teeth 25,-
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Director's Cut) 20,-
Terminator, The 20,-
Thank You for Smoking 10,-
That Hamilton Woman (1941, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh, utekstet) 25,-
That's My Boy 10,-
Thelma & Louise / Rain Man 20,-
Then She Found (Colin Firth) 10,-
There Will be Blood (Daniel Day Lewis) 15,-
They (2002) 10,-
Third Man, The (1949, Orson Welles, 2-disc special edition) 25,-
Third Miracle, The 10,-
This Boy's Life (eng txt) 10,-
This is Spinal Tap 25,-
This Must Be the Place (Sean Penn) 15,-
Thor 10,-
Thor; The Dark World (uåpnet) 20,-
Three Burials, The 10,-
Thunderball (Sean Connery) 15,-
Tid til forandring (uåpnet) 10,-
Tigerland 10,-
Time Bandits (eng txt) 10,-
Titanic (Catherine Zeta Jones) 10,-
To brødre 10,-
Tolken 10,-
Tomb Raider (A. Jolie, Sone 1) 10,-
Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 10,-
Tommy's Inferno 10,-
Top Gun 20,-
Total Recall (Arnie) 20,-
Tower of Death (Bruce Lee, uåpnet) 25,-
Town, The 10,-
Tracker (Ray Winstone) 15,-
Trade (2007) 10,-
Traffic (uåpnet) 15,-
Traitor (Guy Pearce) 10,-
Transformers 10,-
Transformers; De beseirede slår tilbake 10,-
Transporter 2 10,-
Travolta Collection, The (Grease, Staying Alive, Saturday Night Fever, uåpnet) 50,-
Tre Konger 10,-
Triage - Leve eller dø 10,-
Triple 9 10,-
Trolljegeren 20,-
Tron (Jeff Bridges) 20,-
Tron Legacy 10,-
Tropic Thunder (Steelbox) 20,-
True Believer (James Woods) 10,-
True Grit (2010) 15,-
True Lies 20,-
Trumbo 10,-
Trusselen 10,-
Truth About Love, The 10,-
Tunnel, The (d: Roland Suso Richter, eng txt) 10,-
Tusen Ganger God Natt 10,-
Twilight 10,-
Twilight; Breaking Dawn part 2 10,-
Twilight; Eclipse 10,-
Twilight; New Moon 10,-
Twisted (a.k.a Blackout, Samuel L. Jackson) 10,-
Two Lovers 10,-
2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, sone 1) 10,-
2010: The Year We Make Contact (Peter Hyams) 10,-
Tyrannosaur (SME) 25,-
Ubeseiret 10,-
Uden for Kærligheden 10,-
Ultraviolet 10,-
Ulvenatten 10,-
Unbroken (d: Angelina Jolie) 10,-
Under Suspicion 15,-
Underbar och älskad av alla 10,-
Underworld & Underworld Evolution Box (eng txt) 10,-
Underworld: Evolution 10,-
Unfaithful (Richard Gere) 10,-
United 20,-
United 93 10,-
Unknown (Liam Neeson) 10,-
Unrest 15,-
Unsaid, The (Andy Garcia, eng txt) 10,-
Upperdog 10,-
Urban Justice (Steven Seagal) 15,-
Urban Menace 10,-
Uro 10,-
Usual Suspects, The 20,-
Valentine's Day 10,-
Valley of the Wolves; Iraq 10,-
Van Diemens Land 15,-
Van Helsing 10,-
Van Veeteren: Borkmanns Punkt 10,-
Vanilla Sky 10,-
Vantage Point 10,-
Venom (2005, Grøsser) 20,-
Very English Scandal, A (TV movie, Hugh Grant, Eng. txt) 20,-
Vestens Hardeste Neve (Bud Spencer) 20,-
Viking - The Darkest Day (eng txt) 10,-
Villmark 20,-
Vinterkyss 10,-
Vinterland (uåpnet) 25,-
Virus (Jamie Lee Curtis) 15,-
Wake of Death (JCVD) 10,-
Walk Among Tombstones, A 10,-
Walk to Remember, A (eng txt) 10,-
Wall Street; Money Never Sleeps 10,-
Wallander: Ett skritt etter 10,-
Wallander: Før Frosten 10,-
Wallander; Dekkoperasjonen 10,-
Wall-E 20,-
Wanderlust 10,-
Wanted (A.Jolie) 10,-
War and Peace (Audrey Hepburn, Sone 1) 10,-
Warcraft; The Beginning 15,-
We 10,-
We Own the Night 10,-
We Were Soldiers 10,-
Wedding Crashers 10,-
Welcome Aboard; Toxic Airlines (uåpnet, eng txt) 10,-
Welcome to Collinwood 10,-
When You're Strange (The Doors dokumentar, eng txt) 20,-
White Ghost (William Katt) 10,-
Who Killed Pixote? (1996, eng txt) 25,-
Wicked, The (2013, d: Peter Winther) 20,-
Wicker Man, The (2006)
Wilbur Falls 10,-
Wild at HEart 25,-
Wild Hogs 10,-
Wild Things 10,-
Wild West Show 20,-
Windtalkers (Director's Cut) 20,-
Winter's Bone 10,-
Wolfman, The (2009) 10,-
Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) 15,-
World is not Enough, The 10,-
Wrath (2011) 10,-
Wrestler, The 10,-
X-Files; I Want to Believe 10,-
X-Men 1.5 10,-
X-Men 2 10,-
X-Men Doublepack (1&2) 15,-
X-Men First Class 10,-
X-Men Origins; Wolverine 10,-
X-Men Quadrilogy (Blu-ray) 40,-
X-Men Trilogy (X-men, X-Men 2, X-Men The Last Stand) 25,-
XXX (Vin Diesel) 10,-
Yards, The 10,-
You Got Served 10,-
Youth 10,-
Youth in Revolt 10,-
Zack & Miri Make a Porno 10,-
Zorro - Den Maskerte Hevner 10,-
Ørkenkrigens Helter (Lion of the Desert, Anthony Quinn) 25,-
Århus by Night (Nordisk Film Klassikere) 25,-
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