- Frist 23.03.2025
- Ansettelsesform Fast
Ønsker du å jobbe med FoU og innovasjon med stasjons- og kontrollanlegg?
Ønsker du å jobbe med FoU-aktiviteter som fører til akselerert innovasjon og verdiskaping rettet mot fremtidens stasjons- og kontrollanlegg?
Du vil være en pådriver for forskning og innovasjon innen fagområdet stasjons- og kontrollanlegg og jobbe i tett samarbeid med interne avdelinger samt nasjonale og internasjonale forskningsinstitutter, akademia og industrielle partnere. Du vil bruke din kreativitet og kunnskap til å løse problemer knyttet til nettinfrastruktur for å nå våre strategiske mål. Du vil være en del av seksjon "Innovasjon og teknologi - Nettinfrastruktur" og jobbe i tett samarbeid med mange kolleger for å realisere Statnetts strategi gjennom fokusert FoU og innovasjon.
Work Responsibilities
In this position, you will be responsible for innovation and R&D towards the areas of substation, cable and HVDC:
- Collaborate with business areas within substation components, cable and HVDC
- Coordinate and follow up project portfolio for projects within substation component, cable and HVDC
- Work as project manager for R&D and innovation projects
- Be a driving force to develop new technology together with the business and external research institutions, academia, industry in Norway, the Nordics and Europe
- Participate in Cigré, RDIC and other international relevant forums
- Contribute to innovation from idea generation to project implementation
- Hands-on approach to technology and innovation to accelerate the green transition
- Relevant higher academic education
- Experience from the areas of substation component, HVDC, and cable or other relevant experience from the energy industry, the petroleum industry, or similar industries
- A great interest in innovation, research, and development
- Experience in leading projects, portfolios, or teams
- A good understanding of IT, the value of data and how it can be used
- Experience from technology management can be useful as well as the ability to understand and communicate needs and challenges in business areas and connect this to technology that can deliver value
Personal Characteristics
We are looking for team players that are passionate about their work and dare to think new possibilities and take the initiative to put new relevant topics on the agenda:
- Have a burning interest in new technology and understanding of the range of technologies that at TSO requires
- Be curious and motivated to work with new technology and innovative solutions
- Be customer-oriented and understand needs and expectations
- Be pragmatic and result-oriented
- Have the ability to build good relationships and develop relevant networks
What we offer
In addition to an exciting job, good colleagues, and a safe working environment, we also offer:
- Freedom to explore problems and technologies, and time for professional development during working hours.
- Competitive salary, and maximum pension savings within the legal framework
- Good flextime scheme
- Highly competent professional environment
- Fitness room and company sports club for those who like to exercise, preferably with others
- Company cabins and many opportunities to socialize
- Sektor: Offentlig
- Sted: Nydalen allé 33, 0484 Oslo
- Hjemmekontor: Delvis hjemmekontor
- Bransje: IT, Kraft og energi
- Stillingsfunksjon: Rådgivning
- Arbeidsspråk: Norsk, Engelsk
FOU, Innovasjon, Teknologi, Måletransformator, LPIT
- FINN-kode 397418521
- Sist endret