Olivia Parker - Moonsnails og Remaining Myths
- Moonsnails 1978
- Remaining Myths
Do all remembered stories vanish at once or do parts of some remain? If any remain would it be fragments of a cross country trip in college supported by selling frisbees or a shred of a deep myth of Persophone? Were the bits and pieces memories that made John happy, thoughts that made him sad or irritants that made him angry? Stories are a huge part of what it is to be human. What is it like to forget the stories you knew while being unable to understand new ones?
After graduating from Wellesley College with a degree in Art History, Olivia Parker began to make and photograph ephemeral constructions in 1973. Represented in major private, corporate and museum collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, The Hirshhorn Museum, The Peabody Essex Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Parker’s work has been published in four monographs and in numerous magazines in the United States and internationally. She has had over 100 solo exhibitions in museums and galleries in the United States and abroad. Also, she has lectured extensively and conducted many workshops. In 1996 she received a Wellesley College Alumnae Achievement Award. Residencies include Dartmouth College, The Aegean Center for The Fine Arts, MacDowell Colony, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and Cassilhaus. In 2022, Lesley University awarded Parker with an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts.
A skiing accident in 1995 ended Parker’s view camera photographs. Unable to work in the studio or darkroom for a year because of a shattered leg, she experimented with computers and digital software. As software and equipment improved, fine images and stable prints evolved. Although Parker misses making silver prints, new ways of photographing with digital cameras have opened worlds. “Digital allows me total freedom to experiment without worrying about film usage or precise camera set up. In the beginning, view camera work was, however, a much better teacher for me than digital would have been. It made me slow down, consider image edges and think about the dynamics of what falls between the edges.”
In 1987 Parker said in the introduction to a book of her photographs, “I am interested in the way people think about the unknown New ideas form, the old are shattered, and sometimes old ideas pop up again among the new like graffiti on a wall. All is uncertainty and change, but optimists and bingo players are on the lookout for moments of perfect knowledge and perfect cards.” At present, Parker is working on a series of photographs on Alzheimer’s called Vanishing in Plain Sight. These images are Parker’s speculations as to what happened in her husband’s mind as he was overcome by the disease.
Olivia parker gjestet Nordic Light International Festival of Photography i 2018 og føyer seg inn i rekken av verdenskjente fotografer som har gjestet festivalen.
Nordic Light International Festival of Photography er kåret til europas beste fotofestival og har vunnet verdiskaperprisen. Festivalen har gjestet storheter som : Steve McCurry, Anton Corbijn, James Nachtwey, Albert Watson,
William Klein, Mary Ellen Mark, Mona Kuhn, Greg Gorman, Morten Krogvold, Sarah Moon, Bruce Gilden, Martin Parr, Gered Mankowitz, Lucien Clergue, Joel Peter Witkin, Chris Rainier
Knut Bry, Jacob Aue Sobol, Maria Pirilä, Dan Young, Elliott Erwitt, Lucien Clergue, Marc Riboud, Monocher Deghati, Roger Ballen, Asger Carlsen, Linda Connor, Olivia Parker, Paolo Roversi, Andres Serrano, Joyce Tenneson og mange mange flere.