Hi, I’m renting out a room in a shared apartment in Grunerlokka. The place is very central, 2 mins walk to the Birkenlund tram stop. The rent is 8000kr and that includes all utilities except for electricity. Electricity is paid in addition to rent, 500kr per month (so 8500 total). Deposit is 16000kr but it’s also possible to pay the guarantee from Tryg Forsikring. It’s a very chill place, you would be living with 1 guy and 3 girls (one bedroom is empty now). They’re all studying/working. I’m looking to either sublet the room from 1.04-31.07 or for someone to take over my lease. The room is going to be rented unfurnished, only the wardrobe you see in the one of the pictures will stay. Negotiable to leave the bed as well. Please contact me at +4793938370 or via messages here for viewing.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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