East J-Retro preamp
Til salgs2 680 kr
J Retro 01 Bass Preamp leveres ferdig montert på en kontrollplate og er designet for å passe rett inn i standard "Jazzbass" type basser uten modifikasjon. Preampen er en høykvalitets krets som bruker tre doble ratt og som inkluderer en "active blend" krets pluss en 3 bånds eq med bass, variabel frekvens for mellomtonen, diskant og bright funksjon.
En mild innebygd kontur gir umiddelbart fet lyd uten at karakteren i bassen endres. Den aktive "blend" kretsen forhindrer tap av volum som er en naturlig bivirkning på passive basser når begge pickupene er på fullt. Blend funksjonen kan forbikobles med en egen bryter, og der er i tillegg en annen bryter som lar deg koble ut elektronikken helt slik at du også kan bruke bassen i passiv modus. Denne bypassfunksjonen gjør at bassen også virker dersom batteriet er dødt.
J Retro er enkel å montere selv, og du trenger ikke loddebolt. For Fenderbasser er det ikke nødvendig med hverken utfresing eller modifikasjon, og kontrollplaten passer eksisterende hull.
VOLUME & BLEND (Knob stack nearest the neck pickup)
The upper knob is the Volume which has two sections under the same knob. A high impedance for the passive path and a low impedance section is used for the active circuitry. When used active, this knob has active circuitry after it so that the feed to your amplifier is a low impedance drive.
The lower outer knob is the Blend balance for the pickups. Turn it fully clockwise for the neck pickup alone and fully anti-clockwise for the bridge pickup. The midway position, which has an indent, gives an equal mix of both pickups. The balance between the pickups is continuously variable with progressive level compensation towards the single pickup settings. Important:- The Pickups switch (by the blend) must be set pointing towards the jack for the Blend to function.
BASS & TREBLE (The middle knob stack)
TREBLE (+12dB @ 3 kHz, -12dB @ 1kHz)
The upper knob is the Treble control with boost and cut. The central 'flat' position is indented. The cut settings work on lower frequencies compared to boost to give a deeper sound when the top is rolled off.
BRIGHT (+8dB @ 7kHz)
Pull the Treble knob for the Bright setting.
BASS (+15dB @ 50Hz)
The lower outer knob is the boost only Bass control. The frequency band of boost gets progressively lower as the boost is increased. An indent midway is included to aid the setting of this control.
MID LEVEL & FREQUENCY (The knob stack nearest the jack)
BOOST/CUT (+/- 12dB)
The upper knob controls the amount of Mid boost or cut at frequencies according to the setting of the Frequency knob. The midway indent is the 'flat' position.
FREQUENCY (150Hz - 3kHz)
The lower outer knob is continuously variable and sets the Mid frequencies for boost or cut.
Towards the jack for active, the opposite for passive.
The PP3 battery is switched on automatically when a mono jack is plugged into the socket.
En mild innebygd kontur gir umiddelbart fet lyd uten at karakteren i bassen endres. Den aktive "blend" kretsen forhindrer tap av volum som er en naturlig bivirkning på passive basser når begge pickupene er på fullt. Blend funksjonen kan forbikobles med en egen bryter, og der er i tillegg en annen bryter som lar deg koble ut elektronikken helt slik at du også kan bruke bassen i passiv modus. Denne bypassfunksjonen gjør at bassen også virker dersom batteriet er dødt.
J Retro er enkel å montere selv, og du trenger ikke loddebolt. For Fenderbasser er det ikke nødvendig med hverken utfresing eller modifikasjon, og kontrollplaten passer eksisterende hull.
VOLUME & BLEND (Knob stack nearest the neck pickup)
The upper knob is the Volume which has two sections under the same knob. A high impedance for the passive path and a low impedance section is used for the active circuitry. When used active, this knob has active circuitry after it so that the feed to your amplifier is a low impedance drive.
The lower outer knob is the Blend balance for the pickups. Turn it fully clockwise for the neck pickup alone and fully anti-clockwise for the bridge pickup. The midway position, which has an indent, gives an equal mix of both pickups. The balance between the pickups is continuously variable with progressive level compensation towards the single pickup settings. Important:- The Pickups switch (by the blend) must be set pointing towards the jack for the Blend to function.
BASS & TREBLE (The middle knob stack)
TREBLE (+12dB @ 3 kHz, -12dB @ 1kHz)
The upper knob is the Treble control with boost and cut. The central 'flat' position is indented. The cut settings work on lower frequencies compared to boost to give a deeper sound when the top is rolled off.
BRIGHT (+8dB @ 7kHz)
Pull the Treble knob for the Bright setting.
BASS (+15dB @ 50Hz)
The lower outer knob is the boost only Bass control. The frequency band of boost gets progressively lower as the boost is increased. An indent midway is included to aid the setting of this control.
MID LEVEL & FREQUENCY (The knob stack nearest the jack)
BOOST/CUT (+/- 12dB)
The upper knob controls the amount of Mid boost or cut at frequencies according to the setting of the Frequency knob. The midway indent is the 'flat' position.
FREQUENCY (150Hz - 3kHz)
The lower outer knob is continuously variable and sets the Mid frequencies for boost or cut.
Towards the jack for active, the opposite for passive.
The PP3 battery is switched on automatically when a mono jack is plugged into the socket.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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Faktura pr.14 dager - VIPPS - Visa/MasterCard
Faktura pr.14 dager - VIPPS - Visa/MasterCard
FINN-kode | 43247747 |
Sist endret | 24.10.2023 kl. 11:30 |