16 000 kr

Fasade mot vest. Stor enhet har ny del mot sør, samt hele 2.etg.
Spesiell og praktisk, 3 sov, sentral med hage, meget energieff. og høy bokomfort
DYRMYRGATA 15 B, 3611 Kongsberg- Månedsleie
- 18 450 kr
- Depositum
- 55 350 kr
- Primærrom
- 100 m²
- Boligtype
- Leilighet
- Soverom
- 3
- Etasje
- 0.
- Leieperiode
- 10.01.2025 - 09.01.2028
- Energimerking
- A
Delvis møblert
Ingen gjenboere
(English language - see below)
Unik boligenhet, sentralt beliggende, store og gode uteareler/hage. Bygget er tilpasset en stor og gammel ask, tuntreet i bygården. Friis Arkitekter as har gitt ideen og løsning, og mottok arkitekturprisen for 2014. En rekke dyktige håndverkere har løst en utfordrende oppgave. Et bygg for de som setter pris på noe ekstra, identitet og miljø. Herunder et godt og sunt bomiljø, stor hage med bærbusker og frukttrær, solrikt, gode uteplasser i flere retninger, lave energikostnader, mm.
Sentrumsnært. 5 min gåtur til Knutepunktet, 7 min gåtur til kinoen, 5 min gåtur til International school, 7 min gåtur til Kongsberg Automotive, 10-15 min gåtur til Krona, og ca 30 min gåtur til Næringsparken.
1. etg: Kjøkken, gang, toalett, teknisk rom
2. etg: Stue, balkong, 3 soverom, bad/vaskerom, gang
Begge enhetene i bygget, bestående av henholdsvis ca 100 BRA (enheten her i annonsen) og 40 BRA, har etter tiltakene i 2013 oppnådd energiklassen A, Det gir en meget god energieffektivitet, og et lavt energiforbruk i forhold til arealet/volumet. I hovedsak vannbåren varme i hele bygget, fra et moderne luft-vann-energisystem.
Bygget er verneverdig, og en del av tre verneverdige bygg på eiendommen. Stor hage, egne opparbeidede utearealer for enheten.
Utover at bygget er tilpasset til det gamle og store tuntreet, er det vektlagt å ta vare på og restaurere mye av det ekte og originale, men tilpasset moderne behov og krav. God og miljøvennlig isolasjon, naturlig pustende hus, gode materialkombinasjoner, høy kvalitet på materialer og utførelse. Behandlede overflater er i størst mulig grad tilpasset miljø og helse, herunder astmatikere. Bygget er ekstra lydisolert, både ut gate/jernbane, mellom etasjer og mellom de to enhetene i bygget.
Leies ut delvis møblert. Alt av hvitevarer, vaskemaskin og tørketrommel er inkludert. I hovedsak er hvitevarer og belysning av energiklasse A eller bedre. Kan møbleres fullt ut, etter nærmere avtale.
Fiber for internett (inkludert) og tv-kanaler (basispakke er inkludert).
Mulighet for leie av p-plass på eiendommen, ca 10 meter fra bygget.
Snøbrøyting og hagevedlikehold ordnes av utleier og er inkludert i leien.
Visninger skjer etter avtale. Enheten er ledig for overtakelse jf. opplysninger her i annonsen.
Endelig pris fastsettes i samarbeid med foretrukket leietaker. Ønskelig med langtidsleie, men ingen betingelse.
Minimum leieperiode er fram til 31.07.2025, uoppsigelig for leietaker i denne perioden.
In english:
Special and practical, 3 bedrooms, garden, close to city centre (centrally located), very energy efficient and high comfort.
Partly furnished
Child friendly
Garage/Parking spot
Parquet (floor)
Janitor-/security services
Broadband connection
Close to city centre
Unique housing unit, close to city centre, large, nice garden/grounds. The building is custom made to harmonize a big and old ash wood, the courtyard tree of the apartment building. Friis Architects AS came up with the idea and plan, and received the Architecture Award from the municipality of Kongsberg in 2014. A series of skilled artisans has solved a challenging task. This is a building for those who appreciate the little extra, identity and environment. It includes a healthy and safe living environment, a big yard garden with berry bushes and fruit trees, sunny, nice outdoor areas, low energy cost, etc.
Close to city centre. A 5 minute walk to Knutepunktet, a 7 minute walk to the cinemas, a 5 minute walk to the International School, a 7 minute walk to Kongsberg Automotive, a 10-15 minute walk to Krona and about a 30 minute walk to the business park.
1th floor: Kitchen, hall, toilet, technical room.
2th floor: Living room, balcony, 3 bedrooms, bathroom/wash room, hall.
Both units in the building, consisting of respectively about 100 BRA (the unit in this ad) and 45 BRA, have reached the energy class A after the measures in 2013. That gives great energy efficiency, and low energy consumption, considering the area/volume. Waterborne floor heating in the whole building, from a modern air-water-energy system.
The building has a protected status, like two other buildings on the property. Big garden, and own, worked up patios.
In addition to the fact that the building is built to fit the big and old courtyard tree, it has been much focus on taking care of and recover a lot of the genuine and original, but at the same time customized modern requirements and demands. Good and environmentally friendly isolation, naturally breathing house, good material combinations and high quality, both on materials and workmanship. Treated surfaces are as far as possible environment- and health friendly, for asthmatics included. The building is extra soundproof, considering both the streets/railroad, between the floors and between the two units in the building.
Will be rented out partly furnished. Kitchen appliances and lightning of energy class A or better. Can be fully furnished after closer agreements.
Fiber network for internet (included), tv channels (basispack included) and opportunity for telephony (by fiber).
Possibility for parking spot at the property, about 10 meters from the building. Private el outlet (engine/coupe heats, el-barbeque etc.).
Snow plowing and garden maintenance is being taken care of by the landlord, and is covered by the rent.
Viewings happen by appointments. The unit is available for takeover at date - see date here.
The final price is determined in collaboration with the preferred tenant. It´s desirable with a long-term rental, but there are no conditions.
1) Westside of house. The new part in south, and all of 1. floor belongs to the big apartment.
2) Living room facing the west.
3) Living room facing the south.
4) Living room facing the east.
5) Balcony in south, seen from living room
6) Living room.
7) Staircase, open solution.
8) View to the courtyard and the courtyard tree
9) Details
10) From the kitchen, output to the garden
11) This customized kitchen and the rest of the interior comes from Blehytter AS´s carpentry workshop in Svene.
12) Old 1800s-panel integrated in modern kitchen.
13) Detail from the 1800s-door to the washhouse. Now, it´s a door to the technical room, behind the customized, movable kitchen island.
14) Interior detail
15) From the kitchen facing the south, and out to the garden.
16) From the orchard.
17) Woodstove in both floors
18) Restored doors
19) From bedroom 1
20) From bedroom 1
21) Details from hall/living room
22) Bathroom
23) Bathroom
24) Details bathroom
25) Hall, entrance to bedroom 1 and 2
26) From bedroom 2
27) Wardrobes, bedroom 2
28) Customized building to the old ash wood, the courtyard tree.
29) The south end
30) Balcony in southwest
31) Detail in wall
32) Detail, indoor living room/staircase
33) Outside
34) Night lightning, courtyard tree
35) Night lightning and full moon
36) Outside area, part of the garden.
Minimum hire-periode is until 31.07.2025. The hire can not be stopped by the person who hire in that periode.
Unik boligenhet, sentralt beliggende, store og gode uteareler/hage. Bygget er tilpasset en stor og gammel ask, tuntreet i bygården. Friis Arkitekter as har gitt ideen og løsning, og mottok arkitekturprisen for 2014. En rekke dyktige håndverkere har løst en utfordrende oppgave. Et bygg for de som setter pris på noe ekstra, identitet og miljø. Herunder et godt og sunt bomiljø, stor hage med bærbusker og frukttrær, solrikt, gode uteplasser i flere retninger, lave energikostnader, mm.
Sentrumsnært. 5 min gåtur til Knutepunktet, 7 min gåtur til kinoen, 5 min gåtur til International school, 7 min gåtur til Kongsberg Automotive, 10-15 min gåtur til Krona, og ca 30 min gåtur til Næringsparken.
1. etg: Kjøkken, gang, toalett, teknisk rom
2. etg: Stue, balkong, 3 soverom, bad/vaskerom, gang
Begge enhetene i bygget, bestående av henholdsvis ca 100 BRA (enheten her i annonsen) og 40 BRA, har etter tiltakene i 2013 oppnådd energiklassen A, Det gir en meget god energieffektivitet, og et lavt energiforbruk i forhold til arealet/volumet. I hovedsak vannbåren varme i hele bygget, fra et moderne luft-vann-energisystem.
Bygget er verneverdig, og en del av tre verneverdige bygg på eiendommen. Stor hage, egne opparbeidede utearealer for enheten.
Utover at bygget er tilpasset til det gamle og store tuntreet, er det vektlagt å ta vare på og restaurere mye av det ekte og originale, men tilpasset moderne behov og krav. God og miljøvennlig isolasjon, naturlig pustende hus, gode materialkombinasjoner, høy kvalitet på materialer og utførelse. Behandlede overflater er i størst mulig grad tilpasset miljø og helse, herunder astmatikere. Bygget er ekstra lydisolert, både ut gate/jernbane, mellom etasjer og mellom de to enhetene i bygget.
Leies ut delvis møblert. Alt av hvitevarer, vaskemaskin og tørketrommel er inkludert. I hovedsak er hvitevarer og belysning av energiklasse A eller bedre. Kan møbleres fullt ut, etter nærmere avtale.
Fiber for internett (inkludert) og tv-kanaler (basispakke er inkludert).
Mulighet for leie av p-plass på eiendommen, ca 10 meter fra bygget.
Snøbrøyting og hagevedlikehold ordnes av utleier og er inkludert i leien.
Visninger skjer etter avtale. Enheten er ledig for overtakelse jf. opplysninger her i annonsen.
Endelig pris fastsettes i samarbeid med foretrukket leietaker. Ønskelig med langtidsleie, men ingen betingelse.
Minimum leieperiode er fram til 31.07.2025, uoppsigelig for leietaker i denne perioden.
In english:
Special and practical, 3 bedrooms, garden, close to city centre (centrally located), very energy efficient and high comfort.
Partly furnished
Child friendly
Garage/Parking spot
Parquet (floor)
Janitor-/security services
Broadband connection
Close to city centre
Unique housing unit, close to city centre, large, nice garden/grounds. The building is custom made to harmonize a big and old ash wood, the courtyard tree of the apartment building. Friis Architects AS came up with the idea and plan, and received the Architecture Award from the municipality of Kongsberg in 2014. A series of skilled artisans has solved a challenging task. This is a building for those who appreciate the little extra, identity and environment. It includes a healthy and safe living environment, a big yard garden with berry bushes and fruit trees, sunny, nice outdoor areas, low energy cost, etc.
Close to city centre. A 5 minute walk to Knutepunktet, a 7 minute walk to the cinemas, a 5 minute walk to the International School, a 7 minute walk to Kongsberg Automotive, a 10-15 minute walk to Krona and about a 30 minute walk to the business park.
1th floor: Kitchen, hall, toilet, technical room.
2th floor: Living room, balcony, 3 bedrooms, bathroom/wash room, hall.
Both units in the building, consisting of respectively about 100 BRA (the unit in this ad) and 45 BRA, have reached the energy class A after the measures in 2013. That gives great energy efficiency, and low energy consumption, considering the area/volume. Waterborne floor heating in the whole building, from a modern air-water-energy system.
The building has a protected status, like two other buildings on the property. Big garden, and own, worked up patios.
In addition to the fact that the building is built to fit the big and old courtyard tree, it has been much focus on taking care of and recover a lot of the genuine and original, but at the same time customized modern requirements and demands. Good and environmentally friendly isolation, naturally breathing house, good material combinations and high quality, both on materials and workmanship. Treated surfaces are as far as possible environment- and health friendly, for asthmatics included. The building is extra soundproof, considering both the streets/railroad, between the floors and between the two units in the building.
Will be rented out partly furnished. Kitchen appliances and lightning of energy class A or better. Can be fully furnished after closer agreements.
Fiber network for internet (included), tv channels (basispack included) and opportunity for telephony (by fiber).
Possibility for parking spot at the property, about 10 meters from the building. Private el outlet (engine/coupe heats, el-barbeque etc.).
Snow plowing and garden maintenance is being taken care of by the landlord, and is covered by the rent.
Viewings happen by appointments. The unit is available for takeover at date - see date here.
The final price is determined in collaboration with the preferred tenant. It´s desirable with a long-term rental, but there are no conditions.
1) Westside of house. The new part in south, and all of 1. floor belongs to the big apartment.
2) Living room facing the west.
3) Living room facing the south.
4) Living room facing the east.
5) Balcony in south, seen from living room
6) Living room.
7) Staircase, open solution.
8) View to the courtyard and the courtyard tree
9) Details
10) From the kitchen, output to the garden
11) This customized kitchen and the rest of the interior comes from Blehytter AS´s carpentry workshop in Svene.
12) Old 1800s-panel integrated in modern kitchen.
13) Detail from the 1800s-door to the washhouse. Now, it´s a door to the technical room, behind the customized, movable kitchen island.
14) Interior detail
15) From the kitchen facing the south, and out to the garden.
16) From the orchard.
17) Woodstove in both floors
18) Restored doors
19) From bedroom 1
20) From bedroom 1
21) Details from hall/living room
22) Bathroom
23) Bathroom
24) Details bathroom
25) Hall, entrance to bedroom 1 and 2
26) From bedroom 2
27) Wardrobes, bedroom 2
28) Customized building to the old ash wood, the courtyard tree.
29) The south end
30) Balcony in southwest
31) Detail in wall
32) Detail, indoor living room/staircase
33) Outside
34) Night lightning, courtyard tree
35) Night lightning and full moon
36) Outside area, part of the garden.
Minimum hire-periode is until 31.07.2025. The hire can not be stopped by the person who hire in that periode.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
Visning etter avtale/We show you the unit, take contact.
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