DVD og Blu-ray filmer selges rimelig
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Pent brukte DVD/blu filmer selges. Gi et forslag til pris på titlene du ønsker.
Minstebestilling = 4 stk filmer ved sending.
Kjøper betaler eventuell frakt etter Postens satser, ingen tillegg for emballasje. Betaling: kontant, Vipps, bankforskudd.
007 - 04 Thunderball
007 - 06 On her majestys secret service 1969
007 - 07 Diamonds are forever
007 - 13 Octopussy
007- Die another day (blu)
007 - 21 James Bond & Casino Royale (dvd)
3: 10 To Yuma, (Blu/ray) ikke tekstet på norsk.
13 Assassins, Action, 2010
16 Blocks
21 jump street (blu/ray)
21 jump street - dvd
21 Jumpstreet, Series One, Ikke norsk tekst.
24 season 1 (dvd boks)
24 season 2 (dvd boks)
24 season 3 (dvd boks)
* Sesong 1- 3 selges kun samlet.
28 dager senere + Nightwatch
100 Code
127 Timer (Blu/ray)
2012, (Blu/ray)
4400 - season 4
A-Team (Blu/ray)
Adventures of Ford Fairlane
After the Storm + Turbulence 3
After the sunset
Afrika 04 - sannheten kom for en dag
Against the ropes
Aliens, 1986 (UK)
Alien quadrilogy, 9 DVD, engelsk utgave. Cover 1 og 2 noe skadet til kr. 10,-
All the boys love Mandy Lane
American Dreamz
American Hustle
American History X, ( Blu/ray)
American Pie 2
American Pie Reunion (Blu/ray)
An inconvenient thruth
Andromeda strain (Benjamin Bratt)
Apocalypse Now!
Arlington Road
Arme Riddere
Arme Riddere * (blu-ray)
Askepott (Blu-ray)
Associate, the
Avengers, (Marvel) (blu-ray)
Axe Bahia 2
Baba Dook, 2013
Bad news bears
Bad Boys 2
Band of Brothers tv-serie
Batman begins
Batman begins (blu/ray)
Batman v Superman (dvd)
Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice, ( Blu/ray)
Battle Creek Brawl (Jackie Chan)
Battle Of Red Cliff, the
Battleship (blu-ray)
Because i said so
Behind Enemy Lines
Bellydance superstars
Beyond borders
Big trouble
Black Hawk Down
Black Panther (blu-ray)
Black Swan (blu-ray)
Black Swan
Blades Of Glory
Blue Valentine
Blåfjell 2 (Blu/ray)
Bourne Identity, the (uåpnet)
Bourne Ultimatum, the
Breaking and entering
Brotherhood Of The Wolf
Brothers in arms
Breaking Bad - sesong 1 - 4
Bridget Jones dagbok
Bridget Jones på randen
Cabin In The Woods, ( Blu/ray)
Captain Marvel
Captain Phillips, (Blu/ray)
Casa De Mi Padre (blu-ray)
Catch and release
Changing lanes
Chaos Theory
Charlies Angels - full throttle
Children of men
Chronicles Of Riddick, Action, Vin Diesel, 2004
Cinderella Man
Clash Of The Titans, (blu/ray)
Collector, the
Collateral, (Cruise, Foxx, 2004)
Conjuring, blu-ray 2013
Conan - originalen med Schwarzenegger, 1981 dvd
Conan (blu-ray) nyinnspillingen
Cop Out (Blu/ray)
Cowboys & Aliens, ( Blu/ray)
Cradle 2 the grave
Crazy Heart, (Blu/ray)
Crow, the
CSI - sesong 3 - del 5
Daddy Day Care
Damages - season 3
Dario Argento`s Deep Red
Dario Argento`s Phenomena
Dario Argento`s Suspiria
Dark, the
Dark City
Dark Shadows *
Dark Water
David Beckham`s soccer skills
Dawn of the dead, actiongrøsser, 2004. director's cut
Daylight, stallone
De tre musketerer
Dead girl, the
Deadpool, eventyr/scifi, 2016, Ryan Reynolds
Dear John
Death at a funeral
Death Proof - Tarantino
Death Race, ( Blu/ray)
Deception, (Blu/ray)
Den forheksede Ella
Den sjette sansen
Departed, the (blu-ray)
Desperate fruer - season 6
Deuce Bigalow
Dexter - season 1
Dilemma, the
Dilemma, the (blu/ray)
District 13 - Ultimatum
Dog Soldiers
Doom - utekstet
Donnie Brasco
Down to you + Boys and Girls
Drag me to Hell
Dream house
Due Date
Duellen & What happens in Vegas
Dune 1984
Dune (2021) (blu/ray)
Dusk til Dawn, From (utekstet,-)
Dusk til Dawn 2, From - Texas blood money
Død Snø, Nazi-Zombi-Horror-Splatter-Komedie, 2009
Edge of Tomorrow
Edge of Tomorrow (blu/ray)
Eight below
Eight legged freaks
Elephant white
Elysium (blu-ray)
En dag i livet
End of the Spear
Enemy at the gates
Enemy of the state
Eva. Utgitt 2012. Blu-ray.
Everything is illuminated
Evil dead
Excision, (Blu/ray)
Expendables, the (Stallone (blue-ray)
Extras, Sesong 1, 2005
Faculty, the
Family man
Fantastic 4 (alba)
Fast and the furious 3: Tokyo Drift
Fast & furious 2 (blu/ray)
Fast & Furious 3 - Tokyo Drift (blu/ray)
Fast & Furious (nr 4) (blu/ray)
Fast & Furious 5 (blu/ray)
Faster (blu/ray)
Fight Club
Fight Club (sone 1)
Firm, the - season 1 (blu/ray)
Fjols til fjells (2020)
Footloose (Blu/ray) nyinnspillingen.
Forbannelsen (the Grudge)
Forbrytelsen - komplett serie 1-3 (17 stk dvd)
Four weddings and a funeral
Freaky Friday
Free Guy
Fridjolfs Jul
Friends with benefits (Blu-ray)
From Dusk to Dawn (ikke norsk tekst)
From Paris With Love, (blu/ray)
Fright Night, (Blu/ray)
Frighteners, the
Fritt vilt 2
Frustrerte Fruer sesong 5
Fulci, Lucio: City of the living dead - House of horror
Fulci, Lucio: City of the living dead - Svensk versjon
Fury, (Blu/ray)
Født 4.juli
Gangster Squad - blu-ray
Game Of Death (Blu/ray)
Game of Thrones - season 1
Game of Thrones - season 1 Blu-ray
Game of Thrones - season 2 blu-ray
Game of Thrones - season 3 Blu-ray
Game Of Thrones, Season 4, Blu-ray
Get Smart
G.I. Joe Retaliation, (Blu/ray)
GI Joe - Rise of Cobra (blu/ray)
Ghost Rider (blu/ray)
Ghost ship
Glory - Oslo spektrum 1.januar 2005
Godzilla, (Blu/ray)
Gone in 60 seconds
Good luck Chuck
Going the distance
Gossip girl - complete series. Norsk tekst.
Gran Torino
Great Gatsby, the (blu-ray )
Grey`s anatomy - season 1
Green Lanteren (blu/ray)
Green Zone (blu-ray)
Grimm - Season 3
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gåten Ragnarok, ( Blu/ray)
Hall Pass (blu/ray)
Hamilton 2 (blu-ray)
Hancock (blu-ray)
Hangover, the (Extended cut )
Hangover Part 2 (Blu/ray)
Hangover Part 3 (blu/ray)
Hannibal rising - blu-ray utgitt 2006.
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (blu/ray)
Happening, the
Harry Potter 2- & Mysteriekammeret
Harry Potter 3- & fangen fra Azcabar
Harry Potter & halvbrorprinsen
Harry Potter & halvbrorsprinsen (svensk cover)
Harry Potter & Ildbegeret
Harry Potter 1 & De vises stein
Harry Potter 2 And The Chamber Of Secrets
Hellboy 2004
Hellraiser, Grøsser, 1987
Hellraiser 3
Hellraiser 5 - Inferno
Hercules, (Blu/ray)
Heroes - season 2
Hjemme alene 2
Hjemsøkt, Blu-ray 2017
Hjerte til hjerte ( NRK )
Hold the dream
Horrible bosses
Hot Fuzz
Hot rod
Hot tub time machine
House, season 1
House on Haunted Hill, Classic Horror, Price, 1958
Hulk (Eric Bana)
Hunger Games, the (blu-ray)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 2 (blu-ray)
I love you, Phillip Morris (blu-ray) - Jim Carrey/Ewan McGregor. Utgitt 2009.
I, Robot
Ikke Krøll Med Zohan (blu/ray)
Immortals, Blu-ray
Impossible, the ( Clint Eastwood ) (blu-ray)
In the valley of Elah
Inception, ( Blu/ray)
Independence day - special edition
Indiana Jones 1-3 + bonusdisc (boks)
Inglourious bastards
Internship, the
Intruders, ( Blu/ray)
Iron Man 2, Blu/ray
Iron man 3, ( Blu/ray)
Istid 3 (blu/ray)
Island (bay)
Jack And Jill (Blu/ray)
Jackass 3, Komedie, 2010
Jackie Chan: Battle Creek Brawl
Jackie Chan: Dragons Forever
Jackie Chan: Legend Of Drunken Master
Jackie Chan: My lucky stars
Jackie Chan: New Police Story, 2004
Jackie Chan: Shanghai Noon
Jeg har elsket deg så lenge
Jenta som lekte med ilden (Blu-ray)
John Carter - Blu/ray
Johnny English
Jorgos Magic-Mania: Do it yourself
Jurassic Park 2
Jurassic Park 3
Jurassic Word - 2014 (blu/ray)
K19: The widowmaker
Karate Kid, the (2010)
Karate Kid, the (2010) (blu-ray)
Keeper, the (blu/ray) (Steven Seagal)
Kick-Ass (blu/ray)
Kicking and screaming
Kidnappet (Blu-ray)
Kids Are All Right (Blu/ray)
King Arthur (blu-ray)
Kill Bill vol 1
Kill Bill vol 2
Kill Buljo - the movie
Kingdom of heaven
Klodenes kamp
Klovn - the movie (blu/ray)
Knight And Day, (Blu/ray)
Knight Templar (Blu/ray)
Knockout (blu/ray)
Kon-tiki (blu-ray)
Kvinnen i mitt liv
Lät den rätte komma in (La den rette komme inn)
Land of the dead (Romero)
Larry Crown
Last Boyscout, the (Willis)
Last samurai, the
Layer Cake
Lene Marlin: Another day
Lifeforce, thriller/scifi/1985/1998, Steve Railsback/Peter Firth
Little New York (Blu/ray)
Livet med Helen (Helens små underverker)
Livid (Blu-ray)
London has fallen (blu-ray)
Longest Yard, the (sandler)
Lord of the rings - Fellowship of the ring*
Lord of the rings - The two Towers*
Lord of the rings - Return of the king
*Disse tre selges kun samlet.
LOTR: Ringenes Herre trilogy - svensk cover
LOTR - The Two Towers Special Extended Dvd Edition
LOTR - Ringenes Herre 3 Sagaen om konugens återkomst, ( Blu/ray)
LOTR - The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug 3D, (Blu/Ray)
Lottery Ticket
Love Actually
Lucky number Slevin
Lucky you
Luftslottet som Sprengtes (blu-ray)
Lyst (Blu-ray)
Machete (Blu/ray)
Mad Max Fury Road, Action, 2015
Mad Max 2 - Road Warrior
Mad Max 2 (blu-ray)
Madagaskar 2 (tegnefilm)
Man of Steel (blu-ray)
Man on fire
Manchurian candidate (2005)
Mannen Med Jernmasken, Eventyr, Chamberlain, 1977
Mannen som elsket Yngve
Mad Men - Season 1
Mad Men - Season 2
Mad Men - Season 3
Mad Men - season 4
Mad Men - season 5
Mamma Mia
Matrix III - Revolutions
Maze Runner, the
Maze Runner, the (blu/ray) (2014)
Maze Runner 2, Ildprøven, (blu/ray) (2015)
Mechanic, the (blu-ray)
Melinda & Melinda
Men Who Stare At Goats, ( Blu/ray)
Michael Moore`s - This divided state
Mickey blue eyes
Millers Crossing
Minns du sengen - førsta sesongen
Minority Report
Miss congeniality 2
Mission Impossible 1
Monocerus - Den mystiske enhjørningen
Monthy Pyton & the holy grail
Monsters (Blu/ray)
Mortdecai, Komedie, Depp, Paltrow, 2015
Moulin Rouge
Mr & Mrs Smith
Mummy - (Blu/ray) Cruise
Murder of crowns
My best friend`s girl
My Lucky Stars, Jackie Chan
My soul to take
Månedens ansatt
Na Fali
National Treasure 2 - book of secrets
Natural born killers
Natt på museet 2
Neighbor (Rod Steiger)
New in Town
Next three days
NCIS, Sesong 2, (6 dvd)
Nightbreed - sone a
No Country For Old Men, (blu/ray)
Not another teen movie
Not Forgotten (Blu/ray)
Nærkontakt av 3.grad (dansk cover)
Oblivion (blu/ray)
OC - season 2
OC - season 3
Oceans eleven
Ocean`s thirteen
Once upon a time in Mexico
Out of reach
Out of the Furnace (blu- ray)
Pacific Rim, (blu/ray)
Pan's labyrint, fantasy/thriller, 2006,
Paperboy, (Blu/ray)
Pathfinder (Extended edition)
Percy Jackson og lyntyven (blu-ray)
Peter Og Dragen, Eventyr, Redford, 2016
Pianist, the
Pirates Of The Caribbean 1 - The curse of the black Pearl (dvd)
Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 - Dead Mans Chest, (Blu/ray)
Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 - At the worlds end. (blu-ray)
Pistol Whipped (S.Seagal) blu/ray
Pitch Black
Pitch Black, UK Diesel, 1999
Pitch black (Blu-ray)
Planet Terror
Poppers pingviner (blu-ray)
Poseidion (Wolfgang Petterson)
Predators (blu-ray)
Premium Rush
Presidenten - sesong 1
Primeval - the hunt for a killer
Proposal, the
Public enemies - blu-ray utgitt 2009
Queen of the damned
Rango, Blu/ray
Rat Race
Real Steel
Rebound, (blu/ray)
Resevoir Dogs
Resident Evil Afterlife (blu-ray)
Resident Evil - Retribution (blu/ray)
Revenant, Blu/ray
Robin Hood, (Blu/ray) (Ridley Scott)
Rome - season 1 (NTSC region 1)
Rowan Atkinson - Live
Rumor has it
Run baby run - nicky cruz
Russ Taff: The best of… from the homecoming…
Safe House * (blu/ray)
Screwed (Blu-ray)
Secretariat (blu/ray)
Seinfeld season 3
Selskapsreisen 2
Season Of The Witch, Action eventyr, 2010
Seven Years In Tibet (Blu/ray)
Sex & the city - The Movie
Sex Tape (blu/ray)
Shaun of the dead
Shall we dance
Shallows, the
Shawnshack redemption
Sherlock Holmes, (Blu/ray)
Sherlock Holmes 2 - A Game Of Shadows (Blu/ray)
Shepard (2010 - Danny Trejo) (blu/ray)
Shine a light ( Rolling stones)
Shout (John Travolta)
Signs - utekstet
Silent Hill
Simpsons Movie, the
Simpsons Movie, the (blu/ray)
Simpsons - season 1 - collectors edition
Sin City,
Skal vi danse (Richard Gere)
Skin Walkers
Skrik 4 (blu/ray)
Skyline (blu/ray)
Smurfene, (Blu/ray)
Snuten I Varuhuset (mall cop) (blu/ray)
Solsidan - sesong 1
Someone like you
Sons of Anarchy - season 1
Sons of Anarchy - season 2
Spartacus - special edition
Speed Racer (Blu/ray)
Spider-Man Deluxe Trilogy (blu/ray) RAIMI
Spiderman (Rami)
Spiderman 2 (Rami)
Spiderman 3 (blu-ray) (Rami)
Spider-Man, Far From Home, Blu-ray
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (Blu/ray)
Star wars episode 3 - revenge of the sith
State of play
Staying alive (John Travolta)
Stephen Kings - The dead Zone - complete series collection (norsk tekst)
Stor oppstandelse
Strike Force
Stuart Little
Stuart Little (blu-ray)
Stuck on you
Sucker Punch (blu/ray)
Super Croc - dokumentar
Superman 1
Superman 2
Superman 3
Superman Returns
Surf's Up (blu/ray)
Surrogates (Blu/ray)
Syv Liv
Svigers er aller verst (Meet the Fockers)
Taking of Pelham 123 (Blu/ray)
Taken 2 (Blu-ray)
Terminator 3 - Rise Of The Machines (Blu/ray)
Terminator: Salvation (blu/ray)
Terminator Salvation
Texas chainsaw massacre, the
Thor 2 - The dark world (Blu/ray)
Three Kings
Three Muskeeters, the (Sone 1) 1973
Thin Red Line
Thing, the - John Carpenters DVD
Thing, the - John Carpenters (blu/ray)
Tigerens rike
Time Machine (Guy Pearce) - utekstet
Tin Man
Total Recall (2012) (blu/ray)
Tourist (Blu-ray)
Tourist, the
Transporter 3 dvd
Transporter 3 (Blu/ray)
Transformers (2007)
Transformers 1 - (2007 - blu-ray)
Transformers 2 - Revenge Of The Fallen, (Blu/ray)
Transformers 3 - Dark of the moon (blu-ray)
Transformers 4 - Age of extinction (2014) (blu-ray)
Troja *
Troy, (Blu/ray)
Trollmannen fra OZ
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1, (Blu/ray)
Tyra Banks presenterer: The Clique
Ugly Truth (blu/ray)*
Underworld (Blu/ray)
Underworld: Blood Wars (Blu/ray)
Universal Soldier: Regeneration (blu-ray)
Valkyria (Blu/ray)
Vampire Diaries - season 1
Vampire Diaries - season 2
Van Helsing
Van the man
Vantage Point (2007) (Blu-ray)
Vertical limit
Vikings - season 1
Wanted (Blu/ray)
War of the worlds (Tom Cruise)
Walking Dead, season 1
Walking Dead season 2
Walking dead series 3 (blu-ray)
Wall Street (blu-ray)
Walt Disney - Klassiker 12 - Askepott (blu/ray)
Walt Disney - Klassiker 12 - Askepott - dvd
Walt Disney - Klassiker 14 - Peter Pan
Walt Disney - Klassiker 41 - Lilo & Stich
Walt Disney - Klassiker 47 - Familien Robinson
Walt Disney - Klassiker 04 - Dumbo (blu/ray)
Walt Disney - Klassiker 19 - Jungelboken
Walt Disney - Klassiker - Petter Pan - tegnefilmen
Walt Disney klassiker 47 - Familien Robinson
Walt Disney & Pixar - 20 - De Utrolige 2, Blu-ray Pixar Nummer 20
War room + Heaven is Real + Courageous
We were soldiers
Weatherman (Cage)
Wedding date, the
Whats your number
Wildcard (Statham)
Without a paddle (utekstet)
Woodsman (Engelsk - utekstet) Kevin Bacon
World Invasion Battle Los Angeles (blu/ray)
Wolverine, the (blu)
Wrath Of The Titans, (Blu/ray)*
X-files: fight the future
X - men
X - men II
X-men III - the last stand
X-men trilogy (X-men 1-3)
X-Men Days Of Future Past (blu-ray)
XXX (Vin Diesel)
XXX - 2- State of the union
Year One, ( Blu/ray)
Yes Man
Yes Man (blu/ray)
Zombie Flesh Eaters
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