Seychelliske rupier
Beskrivelse av varen
Tilstand: Godt brukt – Synlig brukt
Selger 1175 Seychelliske rupier.
2x500+1x50+1x25. Utstedelse 2011. Verdiet motsvarer 915 nok (20.07.2024)
"It is worth noting that some of the banknotes and coins currently in circulation were issued as far back as 1982. Others like the 500 rupees, 100 rupees, 50 rupees, 25 rupees and 10 rupees notes were issued in 1998. They will all remain legal tender and in circulation until they are eventually demonetised by the CBS which has announced that change will be done gradually through deposits made in commercial banks."
Søkeord: Seychellene, Seychelles rupees, pengeseddel, penger, seddel, mynter, sedler, valuta, samleobjekter, utenlandsk valuta, reisevaluta, ferievaluta.
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Sist endret: 24.9.2024, 22:00 ・ FINN-kode: 180451111