Klespakke jente 92
Beskrivelse av varen
Størrelse: 1-2 år (86/92)
Tilstand: Pent brukt – I god stand
Clothes size 92 (a couple of items 86 and 98 but sizewise fit for 92 cm)
From Lindex, H&M and misc.
All in good condition, no stains or holes. No pets or smoking in the household.
Including, pants, long sleeve shirts, dress, socks, pyjamas, panty hose, 100% wool cardigan.
Pick up only.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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Sist endret: 19.9.2024, 04:54 ・ FINN-kode: 367668052