Hitman HD-3M Komplett trommesett m/stol, pedal, headset og stikker! - Kampanje!
Til salgs3 990 kr
Før kr.4990,-
Genialt trommesett for nybegynneren! Super kvalitet i forhold til pris!
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Komplett trommesett med trommestol og stikker - alt du trenger til å komme i gang!
10 forskjellige trommesett med 193 forskjellige lyder. Opptaksfunksjon og egen lærings-app medfølger.
The Hitman HD-3 portable electronic drum kit has a compact footprint and a folding drum frame design to allow for quick setup, break down and maximum portability. It is the perfect kit for the drummer on the move and for small areas. If space and portability are a concern, then the HD-3 is designed especially for you.
The Hitman HD-3 Portable electronic drum kit gives you a small footprint and a folding design for easy storage and quick setups. If you need to transport or setup and breakdown your drum kit quickly and easily then the HD-3 is the perfect drum kit for you.It is great sounding, light weight with a compact footprint and roommates, family and neighbors will love that it is quiet and so quick and easy to store.
Drum Module
The HitmanHD-3 has 193 Drum Voices, 10 Preset Drum Kits with 1 custom user kit and 10 play along drum patterns. You can control the mix of the Play Along drum patterns with your playing volume. The Drum Module offers incredible sound realism with its acoustic sound sample processing. It records the actual acoustic drum or percussion instrument capturing their depth, expression and essence.
Acoustic Drum Feel
The HD-3 offers drum pads of various densities of rubber playing surface to cover the pads that reduce vibration kickback and ensure a more acoustic playing feel. The snare drum is also dual-zoned for two-sound compatibility. You hear the snare drum when you play in the center of the pad and a rim click when you hit the edge of the pad, just like you would on an acoustic snare drum.
Heavy Duty Drum Frame
In addition to being so portable and folding design the Hitman HD-3 Kit mounts on a heavy-duty aluminum frame drum rack that is thick, and strong, yet light weight.It comes with a full set of mounting hardware, cables, rugged kick drum, and hi-hat pedals.
Play Along Features
The HD-3 has a built-in metronome, and a built-in recorder plus drum patterns to play along with so you can record your performances for later review. It also includes an input jack for connecting, smart phones, tablets, laptops, MP3 players, and other audio sources so that you can play along with your favorite songs through headphones or an amplifier. The USB port allows you to connect your iPad or laptop to the drum module to use with the hundreds of available Apps or your favorite software for an endless collection of sounds and musical possibilities.
Drum Tutor App Included
It’s a fun and easy way to learn how to play. The included iOS (iPad) Hitman Drum App will improve your drum performance by visualizing which drums to hit and when to hit them while playing along with popular rhythms. It has different game screens and accuracy settings. Learning to play Drums was never this much fun before.
What’s Included:
• 1 Drum Sound Module
• 1 Bass Drum with Stand
• 1 Bass Drum kick Pedal
• 1 Hi-Hat Pedal
• 1 Snare Drum Head Dual-Zone
• 3 Tom Drum Pads
• 1 Crash Cymbal with Choke
• 1 Ride Cymbal
• 1 High Hat Cymbal with Optical Sensor Foot Pedal
• 1 Durable Light Weight Folding Drum Frame complete with mounting hardware
• 1 Kit Wiring Harness Connection Cable
• 1 Pair Stereo Headphones
• 1 Drum key
• 2 Drumsticks
• 1 iOS Drum Tutor App
• 1 Assembly instructions/Instrument Guide
Genialt trommesett for nybegynneren! Super kvalitet i forhold til pris!
NB! Begrenset antall!
Komplett trommesett med trommestol og stikker - alt du trenger til å komme i gang!
10 forskjellige trommesett med 193 forskjellige lyder. Opptaksfunksjon og egen lærings-app medfølger.
The Hitman HD-3 portable electronic drum kit has a compact footprint and a folding drum frame design to allow for quick setup, break down and maximum portability. It is the perfect kit for the drummer on the move and for small areas. If space and portability are a concern, then the HD-3 is designed especially for you.
The Hitman HD-3 Portable electronic drum kit gives you a small footprint and a folding design for easy storage and quick setups. If you need to transport or setup and breakdown your drum kit quickly and easily then the HD-3 is the perfect drum kit for you.It is great sounding, light weight with a compact footprint and roommates, family and neighbors will love that it is quiet and so quick and easy to store.
Drum Module
The HitmanHD-3 has 193 Drum Voices, 10 Preset Drum Kits with 1 custom user kit and 10 play along drum patterns. You can control the mix of the Play Along drum patterns with your playing volume. The Drum Module offers incredible sound realism with its acoustic sound sample processing. It records the actual acoustic drum or percussion instrument capturing their depth, expression and essence.
Acoustic Drum Feel
The HD-3 offers drum pads of various densities of rubber playing surface to cover the pads that reduce vibration kickback and ensure a more acoustic playing feel. The snare drum is also dual-zoned for two-sound compatibility. You hear the snare drum when you play in the center of the pad and a rim click when you hit the edge of the pad, just like you would on an acoustic snare drum.
Heavy Duty Drum Frame
In addition to being so portable and folding design the Hitman HD-3 Kit mounts on a heavy-duty aluminum frame drum rack that is thick, and strong, yet light weight.It comes with a full set of mounting hardware, cables, rugged kick drum, and hi-hat pedals.
Play Along Features
The HD-3 has a built-in metronome, and a built-in recorder plus drum patterns to play along with so you can record your performances for later review. It also includes an input jack for connecting, smart phones, tablets, laptops, MP3 players, and other audio sources so that you can play along with your favorite songs through headphones or an amplifier. The USB port allows you to connect your iPad or laptop to the drum module to use with the hundreds of available Apps or your favorite software for an endless collection of sounds and musical possibilities.
Drum Tutor App Included
It’s a fun and easy way to learn how to play. The included iOS (iPad) Hitman Drum App will improve your drum performance by visualizing which drums to hit and when to hit them while playing along with popular rhythms. It has different game screens and accuracy settings. Learning to play Drums was never this much fun before.
What’s Included:
• 1 Drum Sound Module
• 1 Bass Drum with Stand
• 1 Bass Drum kick Pedal
• 1 Hi-Hat Pedal
• 1 Snare Drum Head Dual-Zone
• 3 Tom Drum Pads
• 1 Crash Cymbal with Choke
• 1 Ride Cymbal
• 1 High Hat Cymbal with Optical Sensor Foot Pedal
• 1 Durable Light Weight Folding Drum Frame complete with mounting hardware
• 1 Kit Wiring Harness Connection Cable
• 1 Pair Stereo Headphones
• 1 Drum key
• 2 Drumsticks
• 1 iOS Drum Tutor App
• 1 Assembly instructions/Instrument Guide
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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ID Musikk AS åpnet sine dører i Kristiansand 1973. Det startet med orgler, piano og flygel! Vi er i dag en leverandør av alt innen bandutstyr, studioutstyr, lydutstyr, lysutstyr, sceneutstyr og klassiske musikkinstrumenter som blås, stryk, trekkspill og akustiske pianoer og flygler.
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ID Musikk AS åpnet sine dører i Kristiansand 1973. Det startet med orgler, piano og flygel! Vi er i dag en leverandør av alt innen bandutstyr, studioutstyr, lydutstyr, lysutstyr, sceneutstyr og klassiske musikkinstrumenter som blås, stryk, trekkspill og akustiske pianoer og flygler.
Vi har også en egen avdeling for montering av studio, lyd, lys, bilde og sceneteknisk utstyr.
Åpningstider: Mandag - Fredag kl.10.00 - 17.00 Torsdag kl.10.00 - 18.00 Lørdag kl.10.00 - 15.00
FINN-kode | 165774005 |
Sist endret | 17.12.2019 kl. 18:01 |