Tilbud: Orbea Keram 30. Str og L. Elektrisk MTB. Bosch motor.
Til salgs26 990 kr
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Vi tilbyr delbetaling via Klarna eller Svea Finans.
Keram er en svært allsidig og praktisk terrengsykkel. Den egner seg like godt til bruk i byen som på turer i Marka. Dette er din nye "alt mulig" sykkel. Vi kan montere bagasjebrett, lys og annet tilbehør du måtte ønske eller ha behov for på sykkelen.
- Prisgunstig utstyrsoppsett med god rekkevidde.
- eMTB designet for en komfortabel sittestilling.
- Bosch sin motor er enkel i bruk, markedets beste kvalitet og garanterer en god sykkelopplevelse.
- Hydrauslike skivebremser.
- 29er hjulstørrelse.
- Rekkevidde 75km (*ved normalt bruk. Du kan kalkulere din rekkevidde via Bosch sin online kalkulatur.)
Thanks to its specially developed geometry, the Keram offers a more comfortable seating position than sporty bikes. A position in which you always have full control over your bike and everything in view - for a high feeling of safety. Whether you're old or young, experienced or not: you'll love the Keram because it's so easy to ride - and because it's simply fun. At the same time, the innovative engine and electronics provide more freedom and power than ever before.
: Hide-out technology
Integrated battery with perfect fit on the frame: good protection and elegant appearance.
: Access to the battery without tools
User-friendly charging connector with rubber protection and Abus Plus lock.
: Sport geometry
Regardless of its size, the Keram is always easy to climb and safe to ride without compromising performance, thanks to its steeply inclined frame. The variety of Keram riders is very large, but this problem is solved by this idea.
: Integrated systems
The Keram electrical systems are slim and elegantly hidden in the frame. From the integrated battery to cable routing, the design offers unique integration thanks to the individual design of the end plugs.
: Integrated stand
The Keram can optionally be supplied with a sturdy stand that is elegantly screwed to the frame.
Vi tilbyr delbetaling via Klarna eller Svea Finans.
Keram er en svært allsidig og praktisk terrengsykkel. Den egner seg like godt til bruk i byen som på turer i Marka. Dette er din nye "alt mulig" sykkel. Vi kan montere bagasjebrett, lys og annet tilbehør du måtte ønske eller ha behov for på sykkelen.
- Prisgunstig utstyrsoppsett med god rekkevidde.
- eMTB designet for en komfortabel sittestilling.
- Bosch sin motor er enkel i bruk, markedets beste kvalitet og garanterer en god sykkelopplevelse.
- Hydrauslike skivebremser.
- 29er hjulstørrelse.
- Rekkevidde 75km (*ved normalt bruk. Du kan kalkulere din rekkevidde via Bosch sin online kalkulatur.)
Thanks to its specially developed geometry, the Keram offers a more comfortable seating position than sporty bikes. A position in which you always have full control over your bike and everything in view - for a high feeling of safety. Whether you're old or young, experienced or not: you'll love the Keram because it's so easy to ride - and because it's simply fun. At the same time, the innovative engine and electronics provide more freedom and power than ever before.
: Hide-out technology
Integrated battery with perfect fit on the frame: good protection and elegant appearance.
: Access to the battery without tools
User-friendly charging connector with rubber protection and Abus Plus lock.
: Sport geometry
Regardless of its size, the Keram is always easy to climb and safe to ride without compromising performance, thanks to its steeply inclined frame. The variety of Keram riders is very large, but this problem is solved by this idea.
: Integrated systems
The Keram electrical systems are slim and elegantly hidden in the frame. From the integrated battery to cable routing, the design offers unique integration thanks to the individual design of the end plugs.
: Integrated stand
The Keram can optionally be supplied with a sturdy stand that is elegantly screwed to the frame.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
- Sykkeltype
- Elektriske
- Tilstand
- Ny
Generell info
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FINN-kode | 210524145 |
Sist endret | 1.4.2022 kl. 16:45 |