Beta Three TW18Ba aktiv 18" subwoofer - maks lydtrykk 130dB!
Til salgs18 995 kr
Heftig 18" subwoofer i Thunder serien til Beta Three. Her får du en fyldig dypbass med muligheter for ekstremt høyt lydtrykk. Den er fin å stacke om du vil bygge tårn med flere subwoofere og toppkasser. Thunder serien overrasker de fleste med kvalitet i forhold til pris. TW18Ba passer perfekt sammen med TW10a, TW12a og TW215a. Kan ellers kombineres med andre toppkasser fra andre fabrikat.
Info fra produsent:
18" Active Subwoofer
TW118Ba is a brand new design subwoofer in TW family. It adopts one 18" LF woofer, built-in crossover and single channel amplifier. 4" voice coil with round copper wire and Aluminium bobbin delivery 500W power, symmetrical magnet circuit design reduce the impar HD effectively and enhance the LF sound quality.
Cabinet is made of 18mm birch plywood with advanced environmental protection Polyurethane-based painting which is very rigid. The cabinet strength reach to 4500N. The 35mm flange can be used to support full range speaker.
Q235 grille is coated by powder to provide strong ultra-Weatherability, can be used outdoors for 5 years. The backside foam of grille can prevent the rain.
TW118Ba is a protection free design, which reduce the interfere and enhance the sound quality.
TW118Ba can be used with MU series together to meet the application in conference room, multifunctional hall, small auditorium, church, living performance, etc.
- Single 18" active phase inverted subwoofer.
- Built-in 500W/4ohm power amplifier with high-cut.
- One input and one output.
- 500W woofer with 4" voice coil.
- Built-in crossover make the sound very natural.
- Powder coated grille can be used for 5 years outdoors, backside foam of grille prevent the rain.
- Advanced paint materials and the painting technology make the surface very rigid.
- The sound is very clean, powerful and stretchy.
Godt alternativ til D&B, Meyer sound, EAW, Adamson, Martin Audio, JBL, Nexo, Mackie, RCF, HK Audio, EV, m.flere.
Info fra produsent:
18" Active Subwoofer
TW118Ba is a brand new design subwoofer in TW family. It adopts one 18" LF woofer, built-in crossover and single channel amplifier. 4" voice coil with round copper wire and Aluminium bobbin delivery 500W power, symmetrical magnet circuit design reduce the impar HD effectively and enhance the LF sound quality.
Cabinet is made of 18mm birch plywood with advanced environmental protection Polyurethane-based painting which is very rigid. The cabinet strength reach to 4500N. The 35mm flange can be used to support full range speaker.
Q235 grille is coated by powder to provide strong ultra-Weatherability, can be used outdoors for 5 years. The backside foam of grille can prevent the rain.
TW118Ba is a protection free design, which reduce the interfere and enhance the sound quality.
TW118Ba can be used with MU series together to meet the application in conference room, multifunctional hall, small auditorium, church, living performance, etc.
- Single 18" active phase inverted subwoofer.
- Built-in 500W/4ohm power amplifier with high-cut.
- One input and one output.
- 500W woofer with 4" voice coil.
- Built-in crossover make the sound very natural.
- Powder coated grille can be used for 5 years outdoors, backside foam of grille prevent the rain.
- Advanced paint materials and the painting technology make the surface very rigid.
- The sound is very clean, powerful and stretchy.
Godt alternativ til D&B, Meyer sound, EAW, Adamson, Martin Audio, JBL, Nexo, Mackie, RCF, HK Audio, EV, m.flere.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
- Tilstand
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Generell info
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Mandag - Fredag kl.10.00 - 17.00
Lørdag kl.10.00 - 15.00
FINN-kode | 248895756 |
Sist endret | 30.10.2024 kl. 10:43 |