Larsen 4.3 dermosalg valnøtt
Til salgs9 599 kr
Vi har denne i demo i butikken!
Fra produsenten:
Larsen 4 is still, after more than ten years on the market, the first relation with floor standing ortho acoustic speakers for many people. You get a warm tonality, a big sound spectrum from 28 Hz bass to what your ears can take from this 2 way system with a very small footprint.
With a pair of Larsen 4, you have no need for a separate subwoofer or an exactly calculated sweet spot. Like all other Larsen ortho acoustic speakers they are very easy to furnish. You just put them discreetly close to the wall and they fill the room with your favorite music from your favorite source.
Let the upgraded version Larsen 4.3 (2021) be your first step into the ortho acoustic world. We are sure you will find all the advantages with a pair of Larsen in your living room.
Larsen version 4.3
Larsen version 4.3 was introduced in March 2021, after gone through an internal makeover. Two new drivers from the Danish company SB Acoustics and a new crossover brought the speaker to a new level. SB Acoustics have succeeded to improve their drivers in a way that agrees well with Larsen’s ortho acoustic philosophy and wishes.
What will you get with Larsen 4.3?
“A real audience-friendly bass and a much better discant is what we achieved”, says John Larsen.
“The new Larsen 4.3 has the same deep bass response, but noticeable lower distortion in the midrange and high frequency range. This manifests in an airier soundstage, not harsh at all, where you more easily can distinguish and follow details, as well as the core of the general presentation of the musical performance”, says Stefan Björklund, our Technical Advisor.
100 W
87 db
4 ohm
Bass driver
174 mm
230 mm
735 mm
260 mm
11,5 kg
Fra produsenten:
Larsen 4 is still, after more than ten years on the market, the first relation with floor standing ortho acoustic speakers for many people. You get a warm tonality, a big sound spectrum from 28 Hz bass to what your ears can take from this 2 way system with a very small footprint.
With a pair of Larsen 4, you have no need for a separate subwoofer or an exactly calculated sweet spot. Like all other Larsen ortho acoustic speakers they are very easy to furnish. You just put them discreetly close to the wall and they fill the room with your favorite music from your favorite source.
Let the upgraded version Larsen 4.3 (2021) be your first step into the ortho acoustic world. We are sure you will find all the advantages with a pair of Larsen in your living room.
Larsen version 4.3
Larsen version 4.3 was introduced in March 2021, after gone through an internal makeover. Two new drivers from the Danish company SB Acoustics and a new crossover brought the speaker to a new level. SB Acoustics have succeeded to improve their drivers in a way that agrees well with Larsen’s ortho acoustic philosophy and wishes.
What will you get with Larsen 4.3?
“A real audience-friendly bass and a much better discant is what we achieved”, says John Larsen.
“The new Larsen 4.3 has the same deep bass response, but noticeable lower distortion in the midrange and high frequency range. This manifests in an airier soundstage, not harsh at all, where you more easily can distinguish and follow details, as well as the core of the general presentation of the musical performance”, says Stefan Björklund, our Technical Advisor.
100 W
87 db
4 ohm
Bass driver
174 mm
230 mm
735 mm
260 mm
11,5 kg
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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Moet Audio holder til like utenfor Stavanger sentrum, Lagårdsveien 77. Selskapet er en importør og distributør kvalitets Hi-Fi, og fører blant annet kjente merker som Kudos, Leema Audio, Diptygue Audio, Black Rhodium, Revival Audio, Silent Pound, Audio Hungary etc
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Moet Audio holder til like utenfor Stavanger sentrum, Lagårdsveien 77. Selskapet er en importør og distributør kvalitets Hi-Fi, og fører blant annet kjente merker som Kudos, Leema Audio, Diptygue Audio, Black Rhodium, Revival Audio, Silent Pound, Audio Hungary etc
Vi har et bredt sortiment av produkter, slik at "alle" kan finne noe de liker, uavhengig prisklasse. Alle våre produkter er anerkjente for ytelse og kvalitet, noe som bekreftes i tester og utmerkelser fra nasjonal og internasjonal fagpresse. Du finner våre annonser på og kan følge oss på Facebook.
Vi har demo produkter tilgjengelig som kan lånes hjem for test. Ta kontakt for et godt tilbud og en uforpliktende HiFi prat!
Vi kan tilby god service og oppfølging, kvalitet i leveransene, samt gode priser. Hos oss har kunden en garanti for at evnt reklamasjoner blir behandlet på en effektiv måte.
FINN-kode | 340214001 |
Sist endret | 18.6.2024 kl. 07:59 |