Yamaha TF3 digitalmikser
Til salgs31 889 kr
Endelig har Yamaha laget en digitalmikser til en suverent pris med mange av de samme funksjonene og brukergrensesnittet fra sine andre prisbelønnede digitalmiksere. I første omgang kommer det 3 modeller TF1, TF 3 og TF 5 med henhodsvis 16, 24 og 32 mik.preamper. Ta gjerne kontakt om du ønsker utfyllende informasjon eller demo.
Ample input capacity and hands-on control in a compact console that can handle a wide range of applications.
25 motor faders (24 channels + 1 master)
48 input mixing channels (40 mono + 2 stereo + 2 return)
20 Aux (8 mono + 6 stereo) + Stereo + Sub buses
8 DCA groups with Roll-out
24 analog XLR/TRS combo mic/line inputs + 2 analog RCA pin stereo line inputs
16 analog XLR outputs
34 x 34 digital record/playback channels via USB 2.0 + 2 x 2 via a USB storage device
1 expansion slot for NY64-D audio interface card
Yamaha has always made it a mission to stay in touch with the needs of sound engineers worldwide. The outcome is evident in the success of the recent CL and QL series digital mixing consoles, and the flagship RIVAGE PM10. The key to success has always been in supporting the user’s creativity. Creativity is most effective when unrestricted, and now Yamaha has created a new digital mixing console that gives the user's intuition even freer rein. TouchFlow Operation? introduced in the TF series consoles allows the user to respond to the music and artists on stage with unprecedented speed and freedom, taking live sound reinforcement to a new level of refinement. With the TouchFlow Operation interface optimized for touch panel control, experienced engineers as well as newcomers to the field will find it easier than ever to achieve the ideal mix. Recallable D-PRE? preamplifiers support sound quality that will satisfy the most discerning professional ears, while advanced live recording features and seamless operation with high-performance I/O racks give these compact digital mixers capabilities that make them outstanding choices for a wide range of applications. Experience the intuitive control and creative freedom that a truly evolved digital console can provide.
Ample input capacity and hands-on control in a compact console that can handle a wide range of applications.
25 motor faders (24 channels + 1 master)
48 input mixing channels (40 mono + 2 stereo + 2 return)
20 Aux (8 mono + 6 stereo) + Stereo + Sub buses
8 DCA groups with Roll-out
24 analog XLR/TRS combo mic/line inputs + 2 analog RCA pin stereo line inputs
16 analog XLR outputs
34 x 34 digital record/playback channels via USB 2.0 + 2 x 2 via a USB storage device
1 expansion slot for NY64-D audio interface card
Yamaha has always made it a mission to stay in touch with the needs of sound engineers worldwide. The outcome is evident in the success of the recent CL and QL series digital mixing consoles, and the flagship RIVAGE PM10. The key to success has always been in supporting the user’s creativity. Creativity is most effective when unrestricted, and now Yamaha has created a new digital mixing console that gives the user's intuition even freer rein. TouchFlow Operation? introduced in the TF series consoles allows the user to respond to the music and artists on stage with unprecedented speed and freedom, taking live sound reinforcement to a new level of refinement. With the TouchFlow Operation interface optimized for touch panel control, experienced engineers as well as newcomers to the field will find it easier than ever to achieve the ideal mix. Recallable D-PRE? preamplifiers support sound quality that will satisfy the most discerning professional ears, while advanced live recording features and seamless operation with high-performance I/O racks give these compact digital mixers capabilities that make them outstanding choices for a wide range of applications. Experience the intuitive control and creative freedom that a truly evolved digital console can provide.
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FINN-kode | 97054988 |
Sist endret | 28.9.2017 kl. 11:47 |