Betongarbeider/ Concrete workers/ Betoniarz
Jobzone Sortland
- Frist snarest / urgently
Betongarbeider/ Concrete workers/ Betoniarz
If you have good experiance of assembly of formwork, reinforcment, installation of steel structures and concreting, take a look at this.
We are now looking for experienced concrete workers to one of Norway's most beautiful regions. We have many jobs available in the future in Lofoten, Vesterålen, Harstad and Narvik area.
Skills- Education from building school as a concrete worker/ or documented experience as a carpenter.
- Experiance of assembly of formwork, reinforcment, installation of steel structures and concreting.
- Can read and understand tecnical drawings.
- Has documented experiance within constructions and/or rehabilitation.
- Has driving licence (minimum B)
- Indipentdent, but also a good team player.
We need workers who are:
- Reliable
- Service- minded
- Dutiful
- Enthusiastic
- You must speak and understand English
- As an employee in Jobzone, you will get a permanent postion with us and carry out assignment for our customers.
- Competitive pay terms
- Course and training
- A good workplace and close follw-up from a partner in Jobzone
- 12% holiday pay
Does this sound interesting to you? Contact us and apply already today! Only relevant candidates with application/CV in Norwegian/English will be contacted.
Om arbeidsgiveren
Jobzone er det største norskeide bemanningsselskapet. Vi betjener de fleste bransjer og et bredt spekter av yrkesområder innen privat og offentlig sektor. Jobzone har en visjon om å være den beste arbeidsgiver i bemanningsbransjen. Det innebærer nærhet og tett oppfølging av våre ansatte i oppdrag hos våre kunder. Derfor har vi 40 lokale kontorer rundt om i Norge som ivaretar vår viktige rolle som arbeidsgiver og rekrutteringspartner.
- Antall stillinger: 6
- Sted: Kirkåsveien 3, 8402 Sortland
- Bransje: Bygg og anlegg
- Stillingsfunksjon: Betongarbeider, Forskalingssnekker
Betongarbeid, Forskalingsnekker, Jernbinding, Muring
- FINN-kode 155087819
- Sist endret