Senior Scientist
- Frist 31.3.2023
Senior Scientist - Earth Observations at NILU
About the position
The Climate and Environmental Research Institute NILU is seeking an experienced scientist who wants to shape the future of Earth Observations research at NILU. As a remote sensing expert, you will be joining the Atmosphere and Climate Research (ATMOS) department.
ATMOS' research focuses on regional and global scale observations of atmospheric composition and the use of these observations in combination with models to understand the processes that drive temporal and spatial variability and trends affecting climate, ecosystems, hazards, and health. The Earth Observations research focus on aerosols (e.g., biomass burning, dust, volcanic ash) and trace gases (e.g., greenhouse gases, ozone/UV and reactive gases).
NILU in engaged in Cal/Val activities related to Sentinel-5, EarthCARE. Furthermore, ATMOS leads the development of the ESA Atmospheric Validation Data Center (EVDC). Our major clients are the European Space Agency (ESA), the Norwegian Space Agency, EU/Copernicus, Norwegian Research Council, European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the Norwegian Civil Aviation Agency.
We expect the successful candidate to contribute to strengthen our research capabilities and the ATMOS project portfolio. The candidate will engage in ongoing remote sensing projects as well as target new projects from competitive funding opportunities.
Duties of the position
- Develop a strong research portfolio.
- Participate and take lead in ongoing EO projects.
- Writing scientific publications and technical reports.
- Acquisition of projects related to ongoing and future EO missions.
- Liaison with collaborators in Norwegian, European, and global researchers, networks and frameworks, and funding agencies.
- Contribute to position NILU in the Atmospheric Earth Observations and Cal/Val community.
We are looking for an experienced and motivated candidate with a strong background in remote sensing. The candidate must be able to work independently as well as being a team player working in an international team with a multi-disciplinary set of backgrounds, where sharing of resources and work is important.
The right candidate has:
- Higher university degree in atmospheric remote sensing, meteorology, or equivalent
- 4+ years working experience in atmospheric research
- A deep understanding of remote sensing
- Experience with development of retrieval algorithms and processing of satellite data
- Knowledge in radiative transfer modelling
- Experience with Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val)
- Good scientific writing skills
- Project acquisition skills
- Knowledge of programming
We offer
At NILU, we work for our common future. Our research contributes to the fight against climate change and to secure a healthy environment and a sustainably society. This means that work is more than just work: what we do each day makes a difference.
We offer flexible working hours, work-from-home agreements, subsidised fitness training, and excellent pension and insurance schemes. Salary is competitive. The position is permanent.
During a working day at NILU, you will encounter:
- An international and interdisciplinary environment with pleasant colleagues from all over the world
- Great creativity and generous sharing of knowledge
- Broad experience and excellent opportunities for professional development
- A global network of partners
Most of our approximately 170 employees work at the main office in Kjeller, a short train ride from Oslo. We also have an office in Tromsø just a few minutes walk from the town centre.
Questions about the position
For questions about the position please contact manager Kjetil Tørseth, email: or phone +47 90 14 65 63.
Om arbeidsgiveren
NILUs største styrke ligger i våre fremragende ansatte. De bidrar til at NILU har en ledende posisjon både nasjonalt og internasjonalt - og et trivelig arbeidsmiljø.
Vi forsker fra pol til pol - fra Zeppelin på Svalbard til Trollhaugen i Antarktis. Forskningen vår bidrar til økt kunnskap om klimaendringer, atmosfærens sammensetning, luftkvalitet, miljøgifter og det grønne skiftet - samt om hvordan alt dette påvirker helse og miljø. Hvert år utfører NILU hundrevis av små og store forskningsoppdrag for både offentlige og private kunder, i Norge og internasjonalt.
NILU er en uavhengig forskningsstiftelse uten eiere som skal ta ut utbytte.
I stedet går alt overskudd tilbake til drift og utvikling av samfunnsnyttige forskningstjenester. Vi legger dessuten stor vekt på åpen forskning, åpen publisering og åpen kildekode - fordi kunnskap er til for å deles.
På NILU er alle medarbeidere likeverdige, uavhengig av kjønn, alder, funksjonsnivå, trosbekjennelse/livssyn, språk, kulturelle forskjeller og seksuell legning. Vi respekterer og verdsetter individuelle egenskaper, og aksepterer ikke noen form for diskriminering.
- Sted: Instituttveien 18, 2007 Kjeller
- Bransje: Forskning, utdanning og vitenskap
- Stillingsfunksjon: Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor
- FINN-kode 292356847
- Sist endret