PhD Candidate Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Cross-disciplinary Assessment for Learning
Høgskolen i Østfold
- Frist 15.3.2025
- Ansettelsesform Engasjement
PhD Candidate Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Cross-disciplinary Assessment for Learning
At the Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages, Department of Pedagogy, ICT, and Learning, there is a temporary position available for three (3) years as a PhD candidate affiliated with the academic environment ICT and learning. The doctoral position is part of the research initiative “The Digital Society" at Østfold University College.
The PhD position will be part of the research project "Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Cross-disciplinary Assessment for Learning (AI-EXCAfL)," which is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR).
Project description
The project focuses on developing an artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology for formative and summative assessment (FAS), which can analyse written texts and provide individually tailored feedback. The project will investigate how students use AI technology in the writing process and how teachers organise and facilitate assessment for learning (AfL) with AI to enhance students' learning. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between education researchers, IT developers, teachers, and students. It consists of five work packages and employs mixed methods with design-based interventions to develop the AI technology and examine AfL practices with AI in upper secondary schools in Norway. More information about the AI-EXCAfL project will be given at the information meeting for applicants on 14th January 2025 (see below).
The AI-EXCAfL project is led by Østfold University College, with Norwegian partners at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Akademiet, and Bit for Bit AS. The main supervisor will be employed at Østfold University College. The candidate employed for the position will be required to apply for admission to the PhD programme in Digitalisation and Society at Østfold University College.
All applicants are encouraged to contact Professor Irina Engeness for further information about the PhD position. The information meeting for applicants to the PhD position will take place on January 14th, 2025, from 13:00 to 14:00. Please sign up for the meeting using the following link: https://nettskjema.no/a/476591 (https://nettskjema.no/a/476591)
Your main responsibilities in the position are to
• plan and execute the PhD project within the stipulated timeframe and in collaboration with the project team and your supervisors.
• be responsible for recruiting and following up with participants in the project.
• conduct the planned studies.
• communicate the results of the project in scientific journals.
About Research fellowship
The candidate will be employed at Østfold University College. The candidate is expected to apply and be accepted in our Doctoral Programme “Digitalisation and Society". Read more on our website: Digitalisation and Society (https://www.hiof.no/english/research/phd-programme/)
Estimated starting date: 1st of September 2025
The candidate is expected to:
- actively take part in inter- and multi-disciplinary research activities relevant to AI Hub hosted by Østfold University College.
- disseminate research results on the project through high-quality scientific publications.
Video: https://youtu.be/UDMirdRpu4w
Qualification requirements
The successful candidate is required to have
- completed a master's degree or equivalent (equivalent to 120 credits according to Norwegian standard definitions) within the fields of in pedagogy, education, teacher training, or other fields relevant for the position. Candidates that are close to completion may also be evaluated. Documentation of the completed master's degree must be submitted within three weeks after the application deadline.
- been awarded the grade B or better for the Master thesis - in terms of the Norwegian grading scale.
- very good oral and written communication skills in English. Proficiency in Norwegian is preferred but not essential. For international candidates (outside of EU/EEA area), approved TOEFL English proficiency test with min score 80 or IELTS test with min. score 6.
- ability and experience in working collaboratively on projects and taking responsibility for your own research goals.
In addition, you should have
- the ability to work systematically.
- relevant work experience.
Personal Attributes
- Ability to maintain good contact with the practice field.
- Ability to work both independently and collaboratively with other researchers.
- Capacity to work under pressure.
- Motivation for research in the relevant field.
- Ability to complete tasks and meet deadlines.
- Proficiency in Norwegian
Emphasis will be placed on the following
- previous academic achievements.
- relevant work experience.
- personal suitability.
- quality of project description
The candidate will need to apply for admission to the PhD programme Digitalisation and Society at Østfold University College. Employment is contingent upon admission within six months of the appointment.
The appointment will be made in accordance with government legislation and national guidelines for the employment of PhD students.
We offer
- a gross annual salary between NOK 532,200 - NOK 540 000,- with an annual automatic increase of 3% during the period. In addition to tax, an additional 2% will be deducted for the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
- an exciting job opportunity at Østfold University College.
- participation in a new interdisciplinary doctoral program and a research group where the project is located.
- beneficial pension arrangements with the Norwegian State Pension Fund.
- good employee welfare arrangements.
- working locations at Østfold University College, Halden (Norway).
- a vibrant AI community, see https://www.hiof.no/english/research/ai-hub/ (https://www.hiof.no/english/research/ai-hub/)
Submission of Application
Please submit your application electronically via our recruitment system Jobbnorge.no. All attached documentation must be in a Scandinavian language or in English.
Application must include the following:
- A project description of 8-10 pages relevant to the AI-EXCAfL project, including a progress plan.
- A cover letter (maximum 2 pages) describing your qualifications, skills, and motivation for the position.
- A Curriculum Vitae (including an overview of education, employment, teaching experience, administrative experience, and other qualifying activities, as well as published and unpublished works).
- A publication list (if applicable).
- A brief description of your contributions if you have publications with multiple authors.
- A manuscript (article) derived from your master's thesis or your actual master's thesis if you have not yet published. If this is missing, a document explaining the reason must be included.
- Relevant references.
- An official transcript of records for higher education qualifications (e.g., bachelor's and master's degrees).
- Foreign applicants must attach an explanation of their university's grading system.
The project description must include (Link to the program's guidelines) (https://www.hiof.no/forskning/forskerutdanning/opptak/phd-research-proposal-guideline.html) :
- Title of the Project
- Problem statement and research questions
- Overview of the research field/state of the art
- Relevance to the AI-EXCAfL project
- Theoretical framework
- Methodology
- Possible risks for the PhD project
- Timetable
All attachments should be included electronically within the application deadline. Other documentation may be claimed at a later stage, e.g., proof of claimed English proficiency.
Documents to be sent as hard copies by post
Applicants with degrees from: Cameroon, Canada, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Nigeria, the Philippines and the USA must send their transcripts and diploma of master's and bachelor's education as hard copies directly from the relevant college/university, in addition to uploading them online. The hard copies must be received by us within 4 weeks after the application deadline expires.
To send hard copies to HiØ, please use the following address:
Høgskolen i Østfold
Postboks 700
Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
Admission and appointment
Admission to the doctoral programme Digitalisation and Society is a condition for appointment as a research fellow. The final plan for research training shall be approved and regulated by contract at the latest three months after the appointment is taken up.
The successful candidate will receive assistance in the application process to the PhD programme Digitalisation and Society at Østfold University College when starting in the position.
The appointment is to be made in accordance with the State Employees law, the act relating to Universities and Universities Colleges and the national guidelines for appointment as a PhD student, a postdoctoral fellow or a research assistant.
Contact persons
You are strongly encouraged to contact the main supervisor for a discussion about the position, relevant references and the project. For other information, please contact the Vice-Dean or the advisors:
- Main supervisor, Professor Irina Engeness, e-mail: irina.engeness@hiof.no
- Vice-Dean of Research: Øyvind Gjems Fjeldbu, e-mail: oyvind.g.fjeldbu@hiof.no
- Advisor for the PhD programme: Liv Simensen, +47 69 60 85 61, e-mail: liv.simensen@hiof.no
- HR Senior Advisor: Birgitte Nyborg, e-mail: birgitte.nyborg@hiof.no
Other information
The university college is committed to fostering a diverse and gender-balanced workforce. We seek employees with diverse skills, academic backgrounds, life experiences, and perspectives. If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, gaps in their CVs, or immigrant backgrounds, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these groups for an interview.
In accordance with the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act § 25, paragraph 2, information about the applicant may be disclosed even if the applicant has requested not to be included on the list of applicants.
If you disclose that you have an immigrant background, disability, or gaps in your CV, this information, in anonymized form, may be used for statistical purposes.
Om arbeidsgiveren
The core of the university’s activities is to provide and develop research-based knowledge for society - for the future - and to give students access to excellent socially relevant and profession-oriented studies. We have a broad portfolio of programs ranging from professional education to arts education, from bachelor’s to PhD level. The university has campuses in Fredrikstad and Halden.
The university’s academic environments are organized into three major faculties: the Faculty of Health, Welfare, and Organization; the Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages; and the Faculty of Information Technology, Engineering, and Economics. Additionally, we have the Norwegian Theatre Academy. Approximately 650 employees work at the university, and we have about 8,000 students.
Through education, research, and artistic development of national and international quality and relevance, and through our contribution to public discourse and knowledge dissemination, we create a better and more sustainable society. We aim to have international engagement while also strengthening our visibility and focus on the local community. Through interaction and dialogue with regional businesses and society, we take an active role as a societal developer. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about their field and who want to contribute to the development of Østfold University College, building an attractive, competent, and forward-thinking institution. The Digital Society is our largest priority area of research, where we explore the interaction between digitalisation and society from various theoretical perspectives and develop new responsible digital technology. Our other priority area of research is Language in Learning, which aims to enhance collaboration across language disciplines and create conditions for a diverse research and teaching environment. Become one of us!
- Sektor: Offentlig
- Sted: B R A veien 4, 1757 Halden
- Bransje: Barn, skole og undervisning, Forskning, utdanning og vitenskap, Offentlig administrasjon
- Stillingsfunksjon: AI / Maskinlæring, Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor, Undervisning og pedagogikk
- FINN-kode 387058208
- Sist endret