Research Fellow or Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medicine
Oslo universitetssykehus HF
- Frist 07.02.2025
- Ansettelsesform Engasjement
Research Fellow or Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medicine
About the Position
A position as a postdoctoral research fellow or research fellow is available at the Department of Orthopaedics, Section of Children’s Orthopaedics and Reconstructive Surgery, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Norway.
Preferred Start Date: April 1, 2025.
Employment Duration: Two years.
Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is crucial to solving our tasks in the best possible way. We want this diversity to be reflected among the applicants for our positions, and encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of background, to apply.
Job Description/Project Overview
- The research project is part of the ERN BOND - European Reference Network for Rare Bone Diseases (, funded by the European Union under the EU4Health Program 2021–2027. ERN BOND aims to enhance medical care for patients with rare bone diseases
- The successful candidate will be responsible for tasks assigned to Oslo University Hospital by ERN BOND. This includes conducting a survey on clinical decision-making among ERN BOND and EPOS (European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society) members and performing 2–3 literature reviews on the natural history and long-term risks of certain rare bone diseases. The survey and literature reviews are expected to result in publications in relevant peer-reviewed international journals
- The candidate will collaborate with Work Package 7 (WP7) leaders, Joachim Horn and Lena Lande Wekre. Joachim Horn is the Head of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery and an Associate Professor at the University of Oslo. Lena Lande Wekre is a senior consultant with the Skeletal Dysplasia team at the TRS National Resource Center for Rare Bone Disorders, Sunnås Rehabilitation Hospital, Norway
- The candidate will also join the Pediatric Orthopaedic Research Group at OUS and work in collaboration with TRS Sunnås and other European centers. The ERN BOND coordination center is located at IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli in Bologna, Italy
- Participation in regular online meetings and annual plenary meetings of ERN BOND is expected
Qualification Requirements
- A degree equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree in Medicine, Bioinformatics, Epidemiology, Nursing, Physiotherapy, or a related field
- Doctoral dissertation submission by the application deadline. Candidates with an approved doctoral thesis and public defense are eligible for appointment
- A completed Ph.D. is not mandatory for research fellow positions but candidates should have published several peer-reviewed papers
- Proficiency in written and spoken English
Personal Attributes
We seek a talented, enthusiastic, and determined individual who can work independently and within an interdisciplinary team. The ideal candidate is positive, organized, and an effective communicator. Personal suitability for the position will be highly valued.What We Offer
- Salary based on qualifications
- Attractive welfare and pension benefits
- A professional working environment at OUS and TRS Sunnås, with collaborations across Europe
- Oslo’s family-friendly surroundings, offering rich cultural and outdoor activities
Application Requirements
The application must include:
- A cover letter (statement of motivation, summary of scientific work, and research interests)
- A CV (education, positions, administrative experience, and other qualifications)
- Copies of educational certificates
- A complete list of publications
Note: Applications and attachments should be submitted through our electronic recruitment system. Foreign applicants should include an explanation of their university’s grading system. All documents must be in English (or a Scandinavian language). Applications will be evaluated based on documented academic qualifications, motivation, and personal suitability. Interviews will be arranged for the most qualified candidates.
Extension Policy: If the appointee secures funding for a full-time research stay abroad during the fellowship, the employment period will be extended accordingly, up to a maximum of 12 additional months (maximum total employment: three years).
Oslo University Hospital values diversity in the workplace and encourages applications from candidates of all backgrounds.
Contact Information
For inquiries about the position, please contact:
Joachim Horn | Email: jhorn at; joachhor at
Om arbeidsgiveren
Sammen med pasienten utvikler vi morgendagens behandling
Oslo universitetssykehus med våre 25 000 medarbeidere skal være en lærende og skapende organisasjon med evne til å tenke nytt. Vi skal ha en ledende rolle i utvikling av forskning og innovasjon, samt utvikling av morgendagens helsetjeneste, medisinsk behandling og presisjonsmedisin. Hos oss finner du noen av landets ledende eksperter innen sine fagfelt, og her blir du en del av Norges største helsefaglige arbeidsplass. Et inkluderende arbeidsmiljø preget av åpenhet og respekt er svært viktig for oss. Uansett hva du jobber med vil du få muligheten til å utvikle deg og benytte din kompetanse på et sted hvor det virkelig teller.
- Sektor: Offentlig
- Sted: Sognsvannsveien 20, 0372 Oslo
- Bransje: Helse og omsorg
- Stillingsfunksjon: Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor
- Arbeidsspråk: Norsk, Engelsk
OUS, Postdoc, Researcher, Medicine
- FINN-kode 388339074
- Sist endret