Postdoctoral fellow in hydrogen technology
Høgskulen på Vestlandet
- Frist 12.02.2025
- Ansettelsesform Engasjement
Postdoctoral fellow in hydrogen technology
At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), there is a 100% temporary position available as a postdoctoral fellow in hydrogen technology at the Faculty of Technology, Environmental and Social Sciences
About the position:
At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Faculty of Technology, Environmental and Social Sciences, there is a fixed-term position available as a postdoctoral fellow in hydrogen technology, with a duration of 3 years. It is a prerequisite that the person appointed has a workplace at the Department of Mechanical and Maritime Studies, Bergen campus, during the appointment period.
The postdoctoral position is a recruitment position that shall contribute to an active research environment at HVL.
Desirable start date is 01.05.2025, or by agreement.
The postdoctoral position is linked to FME HyValue- Hydrogen Value Chain Research, which is a research center for environmentally friendly energy. HyValue (https://hyvalue.no/) works to map the role of hydrogen and hydrogen-based energy carriers in a green transition, and further to support their implementation in society. HVL has a central role in HyValue.
The postdoctoral position is part of work package 1 (WP1) Novel production methods, in HyValue. The position will contribute to WP1.6 Offshore production of hydrogen, where a feasibility study shall be conducted of offshore production of hydrogen from offshore wind power. Overall, it is desirable to shed light on whether electrolysis and storage as well as transport of hydrogen offshore, can be adapted to an offshore environment, and thus be a technically feasible and economic supplement to the transmission of electricity over long distances.
Relevant research areas are variability in power generation and how this affects different aspects of hydrogen production, e.g. optimization of electrolyzer size and electrolyzer degradation, for different electrolyzer technologies. Large costs are associated with investments in wind farms and electrolyzer technology, including platforms for equipment, and it is desirable to analyze parameters that can contribute to cost reduction. Another factor that is crucial for the feasibility of offshore hydrogen production is the storage and transport of the produced energy carriers, whether it is pure hydrogen or various hydrogen carriers.
The candidate is expected to be able to propose and apply relevant methods to illuminate various techno-economic aspects. The work shall build on known studies, but also use available data. One or more case studies should be defined.
The specification of research questions and case studies will be done in collaboration with HyValue partners. A reference group of industry partners will be established, which will provide advice and function as a discussion forum for the postdoctoral fellow's work.
The candidate will be part of the research group HVL Hydrogen team. The research group has many ongoing projects, both in research and education within hydrogen technology. Much of the group's research activity is directed towards the work in FME HyValue. The candidate is expected to participate and contribute actively to the research group's activities.
Project manager and main advisor is Associate Professor Velaug Myrseth Oltedal. The position is funded through FME HyValue, the Research Council of Norway.
Qualification requirements:
• The person hired must have a PhD in a field of technology or science relevant to the advertised position. The PhD thesis must be submitted for assessment within the application deadline, and the PhD degree must be approved for defense no later than four weeks after the application deadline.
• Applicants must have good written and oral English skills
• Good ICT skills.
Desired qualifications:
• Relevant professional experience and knowledge within hydrogen and electrolysis technology will count positively when ranking candidates
• Experience with techno-economic analyses is an advantage
• Experience with modeling of hydrogen energy systems counts positively
• Experience with working in externally funded projects is an advantage.
Personal qualities:
• Good collaboration and communication skills
• Strong professional commitment
• Ability to work independently, take initiative and be flexible
• Ability to work efficiently and systematically
• Ability to be innovative
• Good implementation skills.
Applicants must submit a preliminary project description of maximum one page that describes how the applicant envisions the implementation of the postdoctoral project, including the choice of topic, research questions, methods and plan for implementation of the project. The preliminary project description will be used in assessing the candidate's qualifications and will not be the final project description. The final project description will be developed together with the project manager and the industry reference group.
Application procedure:
Applications will be evaluated by an expert panel of three members.
Applicants are asked to submit their application and CV online. Please use the link “Apply for this job" (“Søk stillingen").
The following documentation should be uploaded as an attachment to the online application:
- cover letter (statement of motivation, summarizing scientific work and research interest)
- a copy of the PhD thesis
- copies of educational certificates, academic transcript of records
- Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number).
Applicants will be evaluated against their prospective starting date, capacity for dissemination, their ability to collaborate, as well as their potential for establishing relevant national and international research contacts. Short-listed candidates might be required to give a research presentation, in addition to an interview. If the documents submitted are not in English or in a Scandinavian language, the applicants must submit the corresponding certified translations.
Applicants with a degree from a country other than Norway, need to attach a certified translation of the diploma and transcripts of grades to English or a Scandinavian language, in addition to the original documents, if the original is not in any of these languages. It is required that the applicant encloses a recognition document showing that their degree is equivalent to a Norwegian bachelor's degree, master's degree, or PhD. You can read more about applying for recognition of foreign higher education here. (https://hkdir.no/en/foreign-education/education-from-outside-of-norway/recognition-of-foreign-higher-education-bachelor-master-and-phd)
The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) offers an automatic recognition document for certain degrees from selected countries. If the applicant's degree is covered by the automatic recognition, it will be sufficient to attach this document. Read more about automatic recognition here. (https://hkdir.no/en/foreign-education/education-from-outside-of-norway/recognition-of-foreign-higher-education-bachelor-master-and-phd/automatic-recognition-a-quicker-alternative)
As the HK-dir application process may take some time it is recommended to apply to HK-dir as soon as possible. If you have not received a recognition document from HK- dir within the application deadline, please enclose documentation from HK-dir showing that they have received your application.
Applicants should note that the evaluation will be based on the documentation submitted electronically via Jobbnorge within the submission deadline. The applicants are responsible for ensuring that all the documentation is submitted before the closing date. It is of utmost importance that all publications to be considered in the evaluation are uploaded as an attachment with the application, since these are sent electronically to the expert panel. Applications cannot be sent by e-mail or to individuals at the college.
- Good occupational pension, insurance and loan schemes from The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
- Exciting academic environment with the possibility of competence enhancement and development
- Opportunities for training within the working hours
Initial salaries will be offered at code 1352 - postdoctor in the Civil Service pay grade table scale.
There is a compulsory 2% deduction to the pension fund (see http://www.spk.no (http://www.spk.no )for more information). The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
General information:
The appointment will be made in accordance with the regulations for State employees Law in Norway ("Lov om statens ansatte)". Organizational changes and changes in the duties and responsibilities associated with the position must be expected.
State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and gender composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds.
Information about the applicant may be made public even though the applicant has requested not to be named in the list of applicants. The applicant will be notified if his/her request is not respected.
Short-listed applicants will be called in for an interview.
Employed on condition that you are granted a work and residence permit (must be considered individually).
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences is subjected to the regulation for export control system. The regulation will be applied in the processing of the applications.
Inclusion, challenging norms, collaboration
Read more at: https://www.hvl.no/ (https://www.hvl.no/)
Om arbeidsgiveren
With about 17,000 students, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest higher education institutions in Norway. A broad range of academic programmes are offered at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels, spread out on five campuses Førde, Sogndal, Bergen, Stord og Haugesund.
Our ambition is to build stronger and more solid academic and research environments that will interact nationally and internationally. The aim is to become a recognized actor on the international higher education arena. Increased international cooperation and engagement in externally funded projects will work towards this goal.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Maritime Studies has 88 employees. More than 70% of the academic staff within the engineering section of the department are qualified at doctoral level, of which 7 are professors. The department has about 850 students and educates at both bachelor and master level. There are 7 educational programmes offered at bachelor level (Mechanical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Energy Technology, Ocean Technology, Sustainable Industrial Engineering and Circular Economy, Maritime Management and Nautical Science) and 3 at master's level (Sustainable Energy Technology, Maritime Operations, and, in cooperation with the University of Bergen, Ocean Technology). R&D work in energy, materials, ocean marine technology is conducted at the department. The department has modern laboratories with, amongst other things, the MarinLab facility on campus Bergen for testing boats and offshore structures. The department’s Centre for Safety at Sea is located on campus Haugesund. Great emphasis is placed on developing the content of our study programmes in close collaboration with the public and private business community, and other stakeholders, which are employers of our engineers.
- Sektor: Offentlig
- Sted: Inndalsveien 28, 5063 Bergen
- Bransje: Forskning, utdanning og vitenskap, Offentlig administrasjon
- Stillingsfunksjon: Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor
- FINN-kode 391104957
- Sist endret