Bryggar / Brewer
Ægir Bryggeri AS
- Frist 20.03.2015
- Ansettelsesform Fast
Stilling ledig ved Ægir Bryggeri som Bryggar / Position available at Ægir Brewery for experienced brewer
- Engelsk- flytande munnleg
- Fleire års erfaring som heimebryggar eller som proffbryggar
- Bryggmeisterutdanning er ikkje naudsynt men er eit pluss
- Utdanning eller erfaring innan næringsmiddel, biologi og relaterte fag er eit pluss
- VIKTIG: er villig til å busetje deg i Flåm over ein lengre periode
Personlege kvalitetar:
Du er ein entusiastisk og sjølvstendig person og gode samarbeidsevner. Du trivast med ansvar og likar å jobbe i eit kreativt miljø der nye og innovative idear blir dyrka fram. Du set høge krav til kvalitet i alle ledd.
Brygging og behandling av øl på begge av Ægir sine anlegg i Flåm
Tapping av produkt på flaske og fat
Gjærhandsaming og og prøvetaking
Reingjering og vedlikehald av lokale og utstyr
Deltar i øl-festivaler ved behov
Andre opplysingar:
Søkarar til stillinga bør inneha førarkort klasse B. Truck- og
personløftersertifikat er eit pluss. Dei første 4 månadane er prøvetid.
KUN KVALIFISERTE SØKJARAR TAKK. Søknad (brev & CV) eller evt. spørsmål sendast til, innan 20. mars 2015.
- English- fluent
- Several years of experience as a homebrewer or professional brewer
- Master Brewer's education not necessary but is a plus
- Education or experience within food technology, biology and related subjects are a plus
- IMPORTANT: must be willing to move to Flåm for an extended period
Personal qualities:
You're an enthusiastic and independent person who can also work well on a team. You thrive on responsibility and like to work in an creative environment where new and innovative ideas are encouraged. You prioritize quality in all aspects of your work.
Work duties:
Brewing and processing of beer at both Ægir facilities in Flam
Bottling and kegging of product
Yeast handling and sample analysis
Cleaning and maintenance of facilities and equipment
Participate in beer festivals occasionally
Other information:
Applicant for this position should have a driving license in Class B or equivalent. Forklift and sissorlift certificates are also a plus. The first four months in the job are a probationary period.
ONLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES PLEASE. Send cover letter and CV or any questions to: by March 20th, 2015.
Om arbeidsgiveren
Ægir Brewery is among the first craft breweries in Norway and was established in 2007. Ægir has experienced great success and has become one of Norway's leading producers of specialty beers. Our products are available throughout Norway at en ever-increasing number of bars, resaurants, and stores. We believe that people should be able to choose between many varieties of beer as they would with wine, and we therefore offer a large and diverse portfolio of products. The brewery has developed many exciting beers that have gained attention in the media as well as having received both Norwegian and international awards. Ægir consists of both a pub brewery and a completely modern production brewery and distillery. We are growing rapidly and are in need of more talented co-workers, currently our team consists of both women and men from several countries.
- Sektor: Privat
- Sted: 5742 Flåm
- Bransje: Matvareproduksjon og -industri
- Stillingsfunksjon: Produksjon
Brygger, Brewer, Ølbrygger, Øl, Beer
- FINN-kode 56108027
- Sist endret