PhD Research Fellow in “Hydrogen and ammonia safety for maritime and industrial use”

Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
PhD Research Fellow in “Hydrogen and ammonia safety for maritime and industrial use”


About the position

The faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences, and Maritime Sciences has a vacancy for a Ph.D. Research Fellow position in “Dispersion characterization of Hydrogen and Ammonia releases.”

The position is organized under the Department of Process, Energy, and Environmental Technology and reports to the Head of the Department. The Ph.D. research Fellow will be working in the research group for Process Safety, Combustion, and Explosions. The place of employment is Porsgrunn.

The employment period will be three years of full-time with a premise for employment that the Ph.D. Research Fellow will be enrolled in USN's PhD-program in Technology or Process, Energy and Automation Engineering within three months of accession.

About the PhD-project

The Ph.D.-project is part of the Norwegian Centre for Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME) HYDROGENi ( The centre will enroll 35 Ph.D’s and Post-docs. working on different topics related to hydrogen and ammonia for maritime and industrial use. At USN today, there is one Ph.D. student working within the center.

This Ph.D. project's research activity will be experimental and theoretical studies on the safety of hydrogen and ammonia systems. The focus is on the dispersion characteristics of unintended hydrogen and ammonia releases. The toxic and explosion hazards that hydrogen and ammonia release pose are vital to understand for a safe implementation of these technologies.

The student will have access to a well-equipped laboratory, including concentration sensors, high-speed video cameras with frame rates up to 5,000,000 per second, as well as theoretical tools for modeling and simulations of jet releases and gas dispersion. The position is in the research group Process Safety, Combustion and Explosion located on Campus Porsgrunn, which is in close proximity to the industry.


Applicants to the Ph.D. position must have a Master's degree (120 ECTS) or equivalent higher education qualifications in mechanical engineering, physics, energy technology or process technology, and civil engineering. The candidate should have some academic knowledge of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. The MSc. degree must be accomplished within the summer of 2024.

It is a requirement that the successful applicant is granted admission to the university’s doctoral program in Process, Energy and Automation Engineering or Technology. According to the formal Ph.D. regulations, an average grade B or better from the Master's degree, in addition to a grade B or better of the final master thesis, is required.

In addition to formal qualifications, the emphasis is on motivation for research, working independently and focused, working in a team, good communication skills, good command of the English language, and good computer programming skills.

The candidate may have to apply for a Norwegian security clearance during the project period.

We offer
  • A stimulating and active research environment.
  • Good opportunities to develop your career and your academic skills
  • Access to well-equipped laboratory facilities.
  • Access to a large international research network.
  • Access to a unique industry network.
  • A good social environment and partner in a unique research team
  • Attractive welfare benefits in the State Pension Plan
  • Opportunity for physical activities within working hours
  • A location offering many opportunities for outdoor activities nearby; Skagerrak coast with its clear, blue sea and mountain plateau of Hardangervidda


PhD Research Fellow (code 1017): NOK 532 200 a year. Further promotion will be based on the time served in the position. In special cases, employment in code 1378 be considered.

A statutory contribution to the state pension plan will be deducted from the employee’s salary.

Other information

The Academic Appointments Board for Ph.D. Research Fellowships is responsible for the appointment. An expert assessment of applicants will be carried out.The candidates deemed best qualified will be invited to an interview.

The person appointed must comply with the laws, regulations, and agreements that apply at any given time to the post. Please note that an approved work permit is a prerequisite for employment.

According to its human resources policy, the University of South-Eastern Norway targets a balanced gender composition. Women are, therefore, particularly encouraged to apply.

Pursuant to section 25, 2nd paragraph of the Freedom of Information Act, information on the applicant may be disclosed even if the applicant has requested not to be included on the list of applicants. Applicants will be notified if such requests are not allowed.

Contact information

For more information about the position, please contact:
Professor Mathias Henriksen,, Phone +47 35 57 52 14

Professor Lars Erik Øi, Head of Department of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology, Phone: +47 35 57 51 41

For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact:
Senior Personnel Consultant Amna Zafar,

How to apply

The University of South-Eastern Norway makes use of online application management. Applicants to the post must register their application and CV with enclosures online via the Jobbnorge recruitment portal by clicking on the link on the right-hand side – “Søk stillingen” (Apply for the post).

The following documents shall be attached to the online application:

  • Transcripts and diplomas of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (120 ECTS)
  • Other relevant certificates (if applicable, must be specified)
  • A one page project description or motivation letter
  • Documentation of english proficiency
  • Any scientific publications and a list of these
  • Three references (contact information)

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and interview are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to USN. The research area includes technologies referred to in the Ministry's export control regulations. For your information export license or security clearances may therefore be required.

If your higher education is from a university outside of Norway, we require it to be recognized by the Norwegian Directorate of Higher Education and Skills. You must apply for the recognition before the application deadline for this position expires. Add a receipt on your application or recognition when applying. The recognition must be sent to us and is a requirement for being hired.

Please note that all documents must be in a Scandinavian language or in English. Any translations must be certified.

The application will be assessed on the basis of the attached documentation as requested above. Each applicant is responsible for ensuring that the required documentation has been uploaded with the application deadline.

The University has been awarded a Charter & Code certificate by the European Commission, and is entitled to use the HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) logo. The University is also a member of the EURAXESS network, which contributes to good working conditions for mobile researchers.

Kjølnes Ring 56, 3918 Porsgrunn
Ingeniør, Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor, Annet
Sist endret
21. juni 2024 11:35