Postdoctoral Fellow on academic resilience in mathematics and science education (ARISE)

Universitetet i Oslo
Postdoctoral Fellow on academic resilience in mathematics and science education (ARISE)


Job description

Applicants are invited to apply for a three-year position as a Postdoctoral Fellow (SKO 1352) in educational equity to be based at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo. The intended starting date is 1 October 2024.

The postdoctoral fellowship is an important part of the ARISE project, “Rising to the challenge: Academic resilience in mathematics and science among disadvantaged students.” This project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council through the Researcher Project for Young Talents from 2024 to 2027 (Project leader: Nani Teig). The candidate is expected to develop a research project closely connected to the ARISE project and contribute to its significant mission.

For more information about the ARISE project, please visit the project website:

The main purpose of the fellowship is to qualify researchers for work in higher academic
positions within their disciplines.

More about the position

The primary objective of the ARISE project is to generate new knowledge and actionable recommendations for fostering academic resilience in mathematics and science. This focus is
especially relevant given the widening educational gap among different groups of students and the critical need to support those facing educational disadvantages.

To achieve this goal, the project employs a threefold approach: (1) Developing tools to identify the characteristics of academically resilient students, (2) Examining specific strategies they employ to navigate challenges and achieve success, and (3) Investigating factors that contribute to or hinder the development of academic resilience.

By pursuing these three interconnected lines of inquiry, the ARISE project strives to produce a comprehensive understanding of academic resilience and its underlying mechanisms. This knowledge will then be used to develop evidence-based recommendations and interventions aimed at fostering resilience in all students, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and inclusive educational landscape.

The data for this project are derived from five studies: one qualitative study specifically developed within the ARISE project and four quantitative studies from the international largescale assessments (PISA 2018 and 2022, as well as TIMSS 2019 and 2023). The data includes surveys, standardised tests, computer log files, interviews, and expert panel reviews.

The postdoctoral position is affiliated with the research group Large-scale Educational Assessment (LEA). This research group focuses on developing and validating large-scale assessments, addressing relevant questions in education based on large-scale assessment data, and disseminating the findings obtained from large-scale assessment data analysis to a broad audience.

Qualification requirements
  • Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree in relevant fields such as education, educational measurement, didactics, pedagogy, psychology (focus on educational or developmental psychology) or other related fields. Doctoral dissertation must be submitted for evaluation by the closing date. The appointment is dependent on the public defence of the doctoral thesis being approved.
  • Experience with analysing data from international large-scale assessments
  • Experience with quantitative analysis, such as multilevel modelling, structural equation modelling, and data mining methods.
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English.
The following qualifications will count in the assessment of the applicants:
  • Familiarity with the education systems in Nordic countries.
  • Knowledge about learning analytics and process data derived from educational assessments.
  • Capacity for independent academic work at a high level, preferably documented through publications in high-quality journals.
  • The project description that demonstrates the candidate’s mastery of idea development and scientific writing by outlining the specific research problems to be studied, justifying the choice of scientific theory and methodology, and proposing a plan for how the study will progress.
  • The applicant’s relevant experience, personal suitability and motivation for the position,
    including the ability to collaborate effectively and contribute to an academic
We offer
  • Salary NOK 584 500 – 657 300 per annum depending on qualifications in position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow (position code 1352).
  • A professionally stimulating working environment.
  • Mentoring and other professional support through the research group LEA.
  • Collaboration with researchers within Norway and internationally.
  • Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement, in addition to Oslo’s family-friendly environment with its rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities.
How to apply

The application must include

  • An application letter with a brief statement of the applicant’s qualifications, research interests, experience with international large-scale assessments and quantitative analysis, and motivation for the position.
  • A project description (4-6 pages, including references) describing how the applicant plans to contribute to the project, including specific research goals, target publications, theoretical and methodological approaches, and a progress plan. The project description should align with ARISE’s overall objectives and showcase the applicant’s relevant experience.
  • CV summarising the applicant’s education, positions, research experience, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, and other qualifying activities.
  • Copy of PhD Diploma or documentation of thesis submission. Applicants who have not yet defended their PhD dissertation must include an advisor’s letter confirming specific expectations about when the degree will be received.
  • Copies of educational certificates (academic transcripts only).
  • Up to three publications or academic works that the applicant wishes to be considered (can include preprints).
  • A complete list of publications.
  • List of reference persons: 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail, and
    phone number)

Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

The application with attachments must be delivered to our electronic recruiting system. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their university’s grading system. Please note that all documents should be in English (or a Scandinavian language).

In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the documented academic qualifications, the project description (whenever this is required in the call for applicants), the quality of the project, and the candidate’s motivation and personal suitability. Interviews with the best-qualified candidates will be arranged.

It is expected that the successful candidate will be able to complete the project during the period of employment.

Formal regulations

Please see the guidelines and regulations for appointments to Postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Oslo.

No one can be appointed for more than one Postdoctoral Fellow period at the University of Oslo.

The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results, etc.

According to the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.

Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.

Moltke Moes vei 35, 0851 Oslo
Undervisning og pedagogikk, Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor, Annet
Sist endret
25. juni 2024 06:18