
Postdoctoral fellow on puberty and education

Centre for Fertility and Health, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, FHI
Postdoctoral fellow on puberty and education


We offer a 3-year position as a postdoctoral fellow in the project “Pubertal Timing and Inequalities in Education”, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

The position will be established at the Centre for Fertility and Health, a Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway and hosted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The scientific goal of the Centre for Fertility and Health is to advance the understanding how changes in patterns of fertility and family structure influence child and adult health. The Centre was established in 2017 and has around 50 employees and extensive collaborations with national and international partners. As a Centre of Excellence, we have a special responsibility to facilitate career development for early-career research talents and to promote gender balance in research.

The project aims to provide new knowledge on how variation in pubertal timing affects school performance during adolescence and inequalities in education later in life, and to assess policies that could mitigate adverse consequences of such relationships. To this end, we will use data from Norway and Denmark that combine cohort studies with extensive register data in both countries. The postdoctoral fellow is expected to work closely with both epidemiologists and social scientists at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and with our project partners at Aarhus University, NORCE and the Institute for Social Research.

As a postdoctoral fellow at the centre, you will be part of an interdisciplinary and international team. The centre has a strong academic and social environment and employs several postdoctoral and doctoral fellows. The successful candidate will be part of a broad research environment at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The postdoctoral fellow will be encouraged to shape their research and to develop own research ideas, within the topics of the project and the centre.


  • Contribute to the project and analyse research data
  • Write and publish scientific papers
  • Academic and popular dissemination of results
  • Contribute to the development of research at the centre and the institute (contributions to funding applications, other research papers and projects)
  • Collaborate with a larger network of researchers
  • Qualify for positions in top academic roles


  • PhD in social science, educational science or health sciences with good results
  • Interdisciplinary educational background, preferably within at least two of three relevant fields (social science, educational science, and health sciences)
  • Publications in multiple disciplines or interdisciplinary journals
  • Good knowledge of register data and health surveys
  • Knowledge of the Norwegian educational system and educational data
  • Excellent oral and written skills in English and preferably in a Scandinavian language
  • Experience with organizing and analysing large and complex datasets
  • Experience with relevant statistical software such as R or STATA
  • Thematically relevant research or practical experience is an advantage

Personlige egenskaper

  • You are innovative, result-oriented and enterprising
  • You are interested in topics relevant to the project and the centre (puberty, adolescence, education, fertility, and family)
  • Personal suitability and good interpersonal and cooperation skills are of great importance
  • You must be flexible and have the ability to work independently, efficiently and targeted as well as contribute to an inclusive work environment

Vi tilbyr

  • An interesting job with varied tasks in an active and pleasant research environment
  • The opportunity to work with world-class research data
  • Professional development, development of own research and inclusion in the professional environments at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • A workplace that has great social responsibility and that plays an important role for the health and wellbeing of the population
  • 3-year temporary position as postdoctoral fellow with salary by agreement, within the state's regulations
  • Pension scheme in the Government Pension Fund
  • Flexible working hours and good welfare schemes, such as exercise during working hours Start date in autumn 2024; the exact date will be decided together with the candidate


Siri Eldevik Håberg, Senterleder, + 47 934 26 990,

Martin Flatø, Forsker/Prosjektleder, +47 976 65 326,


Myrens verksted 2

0473 OSLO


Arbeidsgiver: Folkehelseinstituttet FHI

Referansenr.: 4832682594

Stillingsprosent: 100%


Søknadsfrist: 21.08.2024

Myrens verksted 2, 0473 Oslo
Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor, Annet, Undervisning og pedagogikk
Sist endret
08. aug. 2024 05:48