Associate Professors of Human Geography

Universitetet i Oslo
Associate Professors of Human Geography


Job description

One to three (1-3) permanent positions are available at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography as Associate Professor in Human Geography. Applicants who are qualified for full professorship can be promoted after a formal review process once they have taken up their position. 

The successful candidate is expected to initiate and lead research, supervise, participate in teaching and assessment at all levels (BA, MA and PhD), and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the department. Permanent staff are expected to divide their time evenly between assigned teaching and administration, and independent research.

The department is ranked as the premier academic research institutions in human geography in Norway, conducting top international research while offering high quality education for students. The department has worked systematically to incorporate sustainability issues across its teaching and research portfolio in recent years.

More about the position

The department seeks new colleagues with clear research visions, good educational and administrative skills and the ability to establish and lead research projects. The successful candidates have a strong research profile and track record of publications in acknowledged publication channels and are expected to strengthen both research and education in the human geography discipline at the department. 

Research at the department is broadly orientated. The department currently has strong research activities in the fields of urban studies, sustainable transformations, social inequality, migration, integration and diversity, cultural and political participation, population dynamics, and work, organisations and politics. Human geographers at the department work across a range of subdisciplines, including economic, environmental, political, development and urban geography.  The call is not thematically limited to these topics, but preference may be given to candidates with a potential to contribute to the ongoing academic dialogue at the department. The department is particularly interested in recruiting at least one candidate with the ability to strengthen the department’s research and teaching in the field of urban and regional geography, including planning.

Candidates must have teaching qualifications that are compatible with the department's teaching profile and must be able to teach human geographical theory and/or methods at all levels. 

Applicants who do not have basic pedagogical competencies must acquire such within the first two years of employment. The working language and primary language of instruction at the bachelor level is Norwegian, while the master and PhD programmes are taught in English. Non-Norwegian/non-Scandinavian speaking appointees will be required to complete organized language training leading up to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level B2/”Bergenstest” within two years. Appointees are expected to acquire sufficient knowledge of a Scandinavian language to be able to participate actively in all aspects of departmental life within three years. Pedagogical training and Norwegian level B2 are also requirements for promotion to full professorship.

Language training will be provided by the University.

Residence in the greater Oslo area is required.

Qualification requirements and assessment criteria

Pursuant to applicable regulations, applicants will be evaluated based on their documented academic qualifications as well as qualifications in teaching, management and administration.

  • Candidates must have a PhD degree in human geography or equivalent, and a demonstrated ability to contribute to the continued development of human geography as a discipline at the department through research activities, publications and education.
  • Emphasis will be placed on research and international publications from the last five years as well as the candidate’s future research potential. In the assessment of publications, originality, quality and scope will be emphasized.
  • Teaching abilities are an important factor in the evaluation of candidates. Relevant pedagogical and other experience should be well documented in a teaching portfolio that addresses students’ learning, development over time, a research-based approach to teaching and learning, and a collegial approach and practice (SoTL).
  • Demonstrated ability to contribute to the academic community as well as society at large through research leadership, administrative responsibilities, editorial work, communication and outreach.
  • For one of the positions, teaching competence in urban and regional geography is required.

The full range of these criteria will be explicitly applied in the evaluation of candidates.

Interviews will be part of the appointment process, along with a trial lecture.

The final hiring decision is the responsibility of the Faculty Board’s appointments committee and will be based on an evaluation of the overall qualifications of the shortlisted candidates as well as the department’s needs.

We offer
  • Salary NOK 720 100 to NOK 870 900, depending on competencies, in the position of Associate Professor (position code 1011)
  • A professionally stimulating working environment.
  • Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement, in addition to Oslo’s family-friendly environment with its rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities.

How to apply

The application must include:

  • An application letter. The letter should include a short description of the applicant’s academic profile, how the applicant sees their academic orientation fitting in with or expanding the core areas of the department’s research and how the applicant wishes to contribute to the development of research and teaching in human geography at the department.
  • CV (complete list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, project acquisition and coordination experience, and other qualifying activities).
  • A complete list of publications.
  • A teaching portfolio based on the principles behind Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).
  • PhD Diploma.
  • Academic texts are not to be submitted at the time of application.

Application with attachments must be submitted via our online recruitment system. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language.

The appointment process
  • An internal screening committee will review all applications and forward a recommendation to a selection board. Applicants selected by the screening committee will be invited to submit a portfolio of up to seven publications from the last five years (a monograph will count as three publications) that are particularly relevant for the position.
  • The selection board, consisting of both UiO-affiliated and external members, will assess candidates using the full range of criteria listed above and in accordance with the formal regulations for appointment to Professor and Associate Professor positions at UiO. The selection board is free to assess more applicants than the screening committee identifies.
  • Applicants short-listed by the selection board will be invited to an interview and to hold a trial lecture. 

Formal regulations

Please refer to the Rules for Appointments to Professorships and Associate Professorships at the University of Oslo, the Guide for Applicants and Members of the Assessment Committee and Rules for practicing the requirement for basic pedagogical competence at the University of Oslo.

Guide for applicants for Professor and Associate professor positions - University of Oslo (

Pursuant to section 25(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public, even if the applicant has requested not to appear on the list of applicants.

The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.

Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.

  • Professor David Jordhus-Lier
  • Head of Administration, Inger-Lise Schwab

Antall stillinger
Boks 1072 Blindern, 0316 Oslo
Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor, Undervisning og pedagogikk, Rådgivning
Sist endret
23. sep. 2024 05:59