PhD Research Fellowship in Immunology

Department of Immunology and Transfusion medicine, Oslo University Hospital
PhD Research Fellowship in Immunology


A 3-year PhD fellowship is available at the Department of Immunology, Oslo University Hospital. The position will be located in the lab of Dr. Rasmus Iversen and will be available from August 2025. The research fellow will be enrolled in the PhD program of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, with the goal of successful completion of the PhD degree within the fellowship period.

The research group focuses on B cell biology - in particular in relation to autoimmune diseases. Recently, B cell depletion therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for several autoimmune disease. However, we do not fully understand the pathogenic role of B cells. To gain insight into disease mechanisms, we employ a combination of biochemical studies and high-throughput sequencing analyses of single cells isolated from patient samples. The work will be carried out in collaboration with other researchers and clinicians at Oslo University Hospital.

Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is crucial for solving our tasks in the best possible way. We want this diversity to be reflected among the applicants for our positions, and we encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of background, to apply!

Job description

The successful candidate will work on a project that aims to decipher the mechanisms of autoantibody formation in the autoimmune disease systemic sclerosis. This is a serious fibrotic disease for which there currently is no treatment. The project will explore the possible connection between immune responses against self- and non-self antigens and the basis for disease-driving interactions between T cells and B cells. Ultimately, our goal is to discover mechanisms that can be exploited for development of new therapies.


Key tasks will include

  • Isolation of disease-relevant antigen-specific B cells from patient blood samples.
  • Phenotypic characterization by single-cell RNA sequencing.
  • Generation of recombinant monoclonal antibodies.
  • Binding studies involving self- and non-self-antigens.
  • Writing of scientific papers and presentation of results at international conferences.


  • Master’s degree in molecular biology, bioinformatics or a related area.
  • Experience with relevant techniques (flow cytometry, cell cultures, immunoprecipitation, ELISA, sequencing) is considered an advantage.
  • Experience with analysing single-cell RNA sequencing data is considered an advantage.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English.

Personal skills

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with an outstanding potential and a strong background within a relevant research area. The candidate should be able to work independently as well as in a team and should actively contribute to both the design and conduction of research experiments.

The application must include

  • Application letter, including research interests and motivation for applying for this position.
  • CV summarizing education, positions held, details of academic work and other qualifying activities.
  • Copies of educational certificates and transcript of records.
  • Names and contact details of 2-3 referees, stating relation to candidate, e-mail and phone number.

The application letter and CV should be in English or in a Scandinavian language. In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be put on the documented academic qualifications as well as the motivation and personal suitability of the candidates. Interviews with the best qualified candidates will be arranged.

We offer

  •  A stimulating working environment.
  • Participation in a new, ambitious research group.
  • Salary depending on qualifications.
  • Opportunity to learn and master new techniques used in translational research and systems immunology.


Rasmus Iversen, Group leader,


Sognsvannsveien 20

0372 Oslo


Arbeidsgiver: Oslo universitetssykehus HF

Referansenr.: 4945539864

Stillingsprosent: 100%


Startdato: 01.08.2025

Søknadsfrist: 13.04.2025

Sognsvannsveien 20, 0372 Oslo
Forskning/Stipendiat/Postdoktor, Ingeniør, Annet
Sist endret
28. mars 2025 04:24