Digitale Tech Lunsjer (September og November 2021)
Sjekk ut de ferskeste tech lunsjene vi har arrangert!
SEPTEMBER: Fra skolebenken til arbeidslivet - Nyutdannede deler sine første erfaringer med arbeidslivet.
FINN.no inviterte til en tech lunch for studenter hvor man fikk treffe en nyutdannet som ble ansatt inn i graduate-programmet vårt i 2020. I tillegg kjørte vi en paneldebatt hvor nyutdannede fra det siste året delte sine erfaringer og tips og triks. Vi avsluttet det hele med en Q&A i slido.
Se det på youTube her:
NOVEMBER: Getting stuff done
How do you get people to do things? In this talk, you'll learn how to identify decision makers, predicting blockers, leveraging your position and insight, working with the structure you're in, and knowing what you really really want. Believe in your project, have a clear strategic goal, and adapt your tactics along the way!
Se det på Youtube her:
NOVEMBER: Car subscription - How a small team in FINN built a new marketplace from scratch
Through which process are ideas for completely new products formed in FINN, and how do we develop these ideas to production-scale applications? In this talk we will tell you why we think car subscription will be the next big thing and share our journey of the application from a proof of concept to a scalable platform built on FINN's micro frontend architecture. Link til youtube her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x-knYrJHs8