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Ta kontakt for et uforpliktende tilbud på din nye Nimbus C11 utstyrt etter dine behov "Our ambition has been to create a multifunctional contemporary Commuter that feels natural to use for several activities such as fishing, swimming, socializing or vacation. It should be just as useful for social contexts in the sun as for transport in rain and cold. Normally we protect against the weather and wind, but the C11's saloon can easily be opened in sunny weather and let in the sun to let everyone on board take in and enjoy the light. If there is too much sun, you simply fold out the sun protection or start the air conditioning."
Quick facts
Speed characteristics +40 knots, cruising speed 20-40 knots
Air lubricated twin stepped hull design with low planning threshold
Built for speed, exceptional seaworthiness and handling
Walk-around design
Spacious salon with large light inlets
Sofas in salon with three functional modes (transport, dinette, u-sofa)
Extra wide side doors and sliding glass door in aft.
2 x electric glass roof hatches
Extra-large aft stowage 2500 l
Cargo hatch on fore deck with access to fore cabin
Sun shade on fore deck and aft deck
Double bed in forward cabin
Mid cabin with double bed
Separate head with shower
Sunbed and divan on foredeck*
Diesel generator and air conditioning*
Humphree active stabilization*
Gyroscopic stabilization*
Joystick steering*
Roof racks*
*optional equipment
Velkommen til Nimbus Group Øst AS sitt flotte utstillingslokale på Gressvik i Fredrikstad! Nimbus Group Øst AS er heleid av Nimbus Group og er forhandler av: Nimbus, Flipper, Paragon, Alukin og Axopar! Vi viser båten når det passer for deg! Ta kontakt med Julius Myhrer på 93020279 for visning eller et uforpliktende tilbud-! Vi hjelper deg på veien til å realisere båtdrømmen! Vi tar forbehold om feil i annonsen !
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