LYSAKER/JAR - LONG-SHORT TERM RENT- EXCELLENT SERVICE. Free room from 151124, for another room contract start can be up to 010225. Different room, prize, standard and location on the same property. Shear bathroom and kitchen with one another friendly person. Washing/drying machine available. Electrical/Water heating in floor. 1 min walk to bus station "Lillengveien" direction Oslo and Sandvika (innside ring 1) Possible with car parking, fiber internet, Possible to furnish room different according to tennant wishes, Sound window and sound wall in wood outside. sound door (hotel door) into room with locker. 8 min traffic free walk to Lysaker train station, 8 min walk to Lilleaker tram station, 8 min traffic free walk to bus station on Lilleaker, 14 min traffic free walk to Bjørnesletta T-bane station 8 min traffic free walk to Cc vest. Pls call landlord Kjetil 93021146 for a talk.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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